I just got a message from my Dad, his doctor told him that he has to have surgery because he has hardening of the arteries in his legs. Medical jellies, what can you tell me about this?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Heard about this I think, so here are some claims I cannot back up with references. Something to do with cholesterol, bad bloodflow causes the arteries to petrify and become insanely dangerous, things need to be removed obviously. I think my dad might have had hardening arteries in his leg after they did a bypass with some of his leg arteries. If so that would be where I know it from. Wiki confirms most of this.

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Last Answer : Alhamdulillah. There is no objection if the spouses agree or agree to use any particular contraceptive for a specified period ; They have this right. Although we do not generally consider birth ... like eye treatment or ear treatment or dental treatment will probably be justified. God knows best.

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Last Answer : That’s exactly what bruising is, broken capillaries. Age, thinning skin can cause more bruising. Excessive exposure to the sun makes them worse. I bruise more easily now that Im older. If you have no known underlying medical probs, you’ll be fine. The body will absorb the leaked blood.

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Last Answer : Find another doctor you like who will accept you as a patient. Try him out several times; if it is a good match; write a short, courteous and specific letter to your former Doc. He probably won’t give a rat’s ass, but you never know.

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Last Answer : well he’ll prob just read this when he gets in on his account and then we’ll see

Description : I have been away from my kitty for 5 days (my Dad was looking after him). I have him now and he meows quite a bit (usually doesn't); did he miss me?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t worry about it @Jude. I’ve had quite a lot of cats in the past, quiet and playful ones by nature. All of them used to meaow and cuddle/rub against me whenever I used to get back from school. Have you noticed any other behaviour apart from the miaowing?

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Last Answer : It sounds like a full blood work up. “what is my doctor looking for?” You don’t have answer (what they’re looking for) before the tests