how do I take a baby magnolia from a mother tree to plant elsewhere in the yard without damaging mother and baby

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Last Answer : Might need to change to the next pot size..............and new vitamin did not say what zone or state. Usually people plant them in the ground. Check ... qt water and spray on & under leaves, remove brown leaves & discard in the trash. Bugs do not like soapy water.

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Description : Why are there brown leaves on my magnolia tree?

Last Answer : Sounds like they were hit by frost.

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Last Answer : The tree must be sweet, in the fall spring it with dormant oil.................also do a spring application. up to when the buds open..............all gardens need bees, butterflies to poluniate. So don't spray the buds when open spray the trunk.

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Last Answer : Prune out the dead and dying branchs now. This fall prune back any vertical and crossed branchs then fertilize the tree. did you have any ground work around the tree this year? Back hoe etc.

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Last Answer : Nick the bark a bit with your fingernail or a knife - not too deep or big - just enough to see under a little peel. if it is green then the tree is alive but dormant. If there is no ... was your winter - some Mag varieties are less hardy than others. It could also be a soil compatability issue.

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Last Answer : How old is the tree? The older the tree the more yellow leaves, it could be at the end of its life cycle.

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Description : Magnolia Tree?

Last Answer : form_title= Magnolia Tree form_header= Plant gorgeous magnolia trees in your home. Do you need to remove old trees?*= () Yes () No How many trees do you want to plant?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} What is the square footage of your yard?*= _ [50]

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