trim basil plants

1 Answer

Answer :

Pinch back the stems by 1/3 every time the plant looks like it is going to set flowers.  Once it sets flowers it will start to die back.  It's an annual so it will die completely at the end of the growing season.

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Last Answer : after the sun goes down and the plant cools off, make up a pt of water with a little dawn and wipe the leaves both sides.........

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Last Answer : parsley does well in a clay pot....the trick is to put one pot down and the one with the parsley up......the worms have not figured out how to get there. Basil should also be planted in full ... get seed pods....just cut them off and drop them down or save them for next year in a paper envelope.

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Last Answer : To dry fresh herbs, it is usually best to hang them up in order to dry them as quickly as possible. Just tie a bunch together at the stems with some twine and hang upside down in an area with ... with leaving them on the counter is that they won't get sufficient air flow, which may cause molding.

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Last Answer : You can have an exterminator come in and spray for fleas, while having Basil dipped elsewhere. Barring such extreme measures, I’m pretty sure that Frontline will take care of the problem over time, but you might have to suffer for longer that way. Poor kitty. Poor humans.

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Last Answer : answer:Make pesto Or dry it (but that kinda ruins the fun of fresh basil)

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Last Answer : I’m most familiar with people using lemon basil for grilled chicken. However, and yes this is from google (but it looks so good!), there’s this: Zucchini and Mushroom Pasta with Lemon Basil

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Last Answer : Because I’m not having a particularly original kind of day, marinara with lots of parmesan is what comes to my mind first. I’m hoping that someone else will have a better thought. That dish sounds yummy!

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Last Answer : Basil is an annual plant, so you need to let it go to seed, which means the seed pods will turn brown, open and scatter the seeds. Best way is after the pods turn brown, make a little sack w/ gauze ... and get the seeds. Sort of a pain, basil seeds aren't too expensive. But the pods must be brown.

Description : why does the pesto made from purple basil turn green?

Last Answer : oxidization? (like rust on yr pesto.)

Description : What is the difference between tulsi or holy basil and thai basil?

Last Answer : answer:Here’s more than you may want to know;

Description : How do I store fresh basil?

Last Answer : Put your fresh Basil in a paper bag and either splace it in the freezer or the refrigerator. Use paper and it will remain fresh for several days in the frig or several months in the freezer. -Birdy

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Last Answer : just wipe them off, let them dry on tray and put them together & tie & hang in kitchen. Use as needed.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : my basil has yellow leaves. there is a black mold like film under leaves. what can I do about it?

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Description : can I freeze herbs after a frost has damaged the leaves of the herb ie thyme and basil

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : My fresh basil leaves in the frigerator have dark spots on them. Is it too late to dry?

Last Answer : I think that could be mold or fungus.....I would toss them in the mulch pile. I would not use them, It could make you sick.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Sounds like mosquito larvae.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how to harvest sweet basil

Last Answer : when the plant is dry and about 2 ft tall, start to pick the leaves from the top down...if a flower comes just cut it can use it fresh, dry it or freeze it.

Description : How do I get rid of pest on my sweet basil ?

Last Answer : when the sun goes down mix 1 teasp of liquid dishwashing soap & 1 qt water and mix & spray.

Description : when do you pick fresh basil

Last Answer : anytime morning is better u can pick while medium height or taller

Description : Can you freeze fresh basil?

Last Answer : The best way to freeze basil is to put leaves in a food processor with a little water and blend to a corse paste. Spoon into ice cube trays and freeze. Place frozen cubes in a freezer bag ... your freezer could smell like basil. Try double bagging or some other air tight container like a mason jar.

Description : how do i harvest basil leaves

Last Answer : Basil is so easy! It is a very hearty plant once it is established. I cut my basil often to keep my plant in "hyper growth mode". I then either dry the leaves in a 200 degree oven ... snip it you will notice several new stems will grow from that one cut making your plant very bushy over time.

Description : how to freeze fresh basil.

Last Answer : Something you might consider is freezing the basil in an ice tray. Here is a demo video that should help.

Description : Can fresh basil be frozen for later use?

Last Answer : Sure. I just finished that chore today. Clean, chop in food processer, drop by tablespponful in ice cube tray, cover with water and freeze. Drop a cube in any soup, stew or similar receipe. Thaw and drain first for dry receipes.

Description : I picked basil and stored in the refri. they are brown can I still use them

Last Answer : I would throw them away they actually dry green

Description : When should I harvest basil

Last Answer : I've been growing basil for about 6 years now. Like many herbs, it benefits from frequent harvesting. I typically pinch the top growth off after it has at least 4-6 sets of true leaves. ... plants to set blooms, leaving the flowers completely alone and pinch the flowers back on my other 4 plants.

Description : What is the proper way to harvest (pick) basil?

Last Answer : you can pick leaves from the top as soon as they are high enough to take.....or if it close to frost can cut the whole stem off and hang it upside down to dry in the kitchen

Description : how do I harvest basil

Last Answer : Just pinch the leaves off as you need them. Basil, like many herbs, benefits from frequent harvesting. It encourages the plant to bush out, which results in a fuller plant.

Description : grayish film on sweet basil leaves? is it mold? rest of herbs ok

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : When do I harvest and dry my basil leaves?

Last Answer : You can harvest basil leaves any time before it flowers.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how to harvest sweet basil

Last Answer : when the plant is dry & about 2 ft tall start picking from the can dry, freeze or use it fresh.

Description : how do i grow sweet basil

Last Answer : Sweet basil can be very testy at first. I find mine will not even grow in a pot. They like a lot of room in the soil to spread their roots. My garden professional told me basil likes to "live in ... you don't live "in hell" I would try to get a variety of herb that does better in your climate.

Description : how to grow basil

Last Answer : Hi Diane I have been growing basil for about a year now. I started buying plants in the produce dept. @ the grocery store. I would put them on my window cill until they get a little leggy, then I ... plant them in a small pot. This year I planto buy another plant & ut it outside. God luck!!!

Description : Can you grow cilantro and basil in the same pot outside

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what are the insects eating basil leaves

Last Answer : mix a teasp liquid soap & 1 qt water and spray when the sun passes over..............spray again if you see them starting...............spray again after it rains....

Description : how to harvest sweet basil

Last Answer : Just pinch the leaves off as you need them. Basil benefits from frequent harvesting, which results in a bushier plant.

Description : pale brownish spots on tomato, basil and clemantis....

Last Answer : Flowers, fruits (tomatoes) and herbs don't all like the same nutrients so the miraclegro my not have been the best for them. However it shouldn't be the cause of the problem. Try snipping off the borwn leaves and see if they perk up.

Description : why did my basil leaves turn black

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What are the health benefits of basil leaves ?

Last Answer : 1. Basil is very useful to reduce headaches and body aches. 2. The use of basil leaves is a blessing in disguise. 3. Basil leaves are used for all kinds of throat problems. 4. Basil ... juice of basil leaves on the affected area gives some relief from the pain and inflammation of insect bites.

Description : Who is the author of the story of a basil tree ?

Last Answer : Syed Waliullah.

Last Answer : Benefits of basil leaves: 1. Healing power Basil leaves have many medicinal properties. Basil leaves are nerve tonic and memory enhancer. It relieves colds and coughs from the respiratory tract. Tulsi has wound ... juice to relieve pain. 12. In case of diarrhea, crush the juice with 10 to 12 leaves

Description : How can it be saved for later?

Last Answer : Dry, can also be loaded into oil

Description : Is it possible to freeze fresh basil? Does it not darken or otherwise deteriorate? Should I chop it up if I can?

Last Answer : Don't cut the basil, but freeze it whole. It freezes as it freezes and shatters itself. When you chop it, it will not be used, it will be porridge. But be prepared for frozen basil to lose its scent. That's not it anymore. The best is fresh. Not even dried is good.