Should I let broccoli bloom?

1 Answer

Answer :

Do NOT let it bloom...........cut it on a slant under the veggie and you will get another one in a couple of weeks.  When you cut them put them in cold salted water to get any bugs out............ If you ever see them at the store with flowers........don't buy it's past the fresh point.

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Last Answer : ph should be 6.0-7.0 did you amend you soil with leaves, mulch, old horsemanure and some lime............if not you can still ring around it with a litttle lime & old ... that in ice cold water with salt to get out any hidden bugs..........more florets will come on your plant.

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Last Answer : Take the one with the flowers right now cut it on a slant under it...soak it in ice water & salt outside to get the hidden bugs out............the other one should also come off. They ... ....Keep watching as it will produce other florets. Once they start to form, you have to check them daily.

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Last Answer : They should get larger than that but if you see buds coming on them cut them off under the floret on a slant, you will get another one not as big but just as good. Be sure to soak them in salted ice cold water to get any critters out.

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Last Answer : dip them first in cold salt water to get any bugs out.............................then in a fresh pot of water boil it............just blanch it for 1 to 2 minutes each and then have a ... air out and mark date & freeze. I just used the last of it.......can't wait until garden is ready to pick.

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Last Answer : usually depending on the variety you will get off shoots but nothing of the same size as main head

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Last Answer : did you use fertilizer & lime & mulch mix.................if not you could side dress them and let the rain wash it in...............we still have some nice weather coming before fall comes in with a crash.

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Last Answer : after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap w 1 qt water and spray............................and you might need to repeat this again.....................also when it rains and dries again.

Description : When harvesting broccoli do I just cut it off at the top and will it produce more afterward?

Last Answer : Broccoli is ready when the flower like green part starts slightly to seperate into florets. Don't let the yellow flowers come on & changes the taste. Cut under the florets on an ANGLE and take ... like a turtle but fast and not on any bug or pest list anywhere. I looked for 2 days.

Description : how do I know broccoli is ready to pick

Last Answer : You will first notice the large floret....then when it starts to slightly move into seperated florets it is time.......they should be ready now..........don't wait for yellow ... This vinegar method withcold water can be used for store bought lettuce to prevent illness. must rinse several times

Description : when to pick broccoli

Last Answer : As soom as you think it looks good but before it flowers

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : when to pick broccoli

Last Answer : Pick the bunches that haven't flowered yet. By letting some flower you most likely will get more heads this year. Also the bees LOVE broccoloi flowers so you'll have more pollination in the garden.

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Description : what bug or worm is eating my broccoli plant?

Last Answer : Lets put it on the run.....after the sun goes down have a mix of 1 teasp liquid hand soap & 1 qt of water and mix & spray and repeat when needed....when the plants are ready to cut...don ... have chickens just tie a rope on it and hang it off the ground and those chickens will eat the whole thing.

Description : Are broccoli flowers edible?

Last Answer : shame to waste it........cut the flowers off, soak it in salted ice water first.

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Last Answer : cut flowets when they start to seperate...don't let yellow flowers start to bloom as broccoli changes it taste. Cut florets right under it on a SLANT. cut all that are ready. Use large metal bowl ... as they will go back. More florets will grow on the sides...not as big as the original ones.

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Last Answer : Is it the heat problem for why brocolli is not forming heads and is flowering instead?

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : when do i pick the broccoli

Last Answer : when you get a good size head. Don't wait to long as it warms up they will begin to flower and then they get bitter.