What causes leaves to wilt and curl on a formerly healthy false spirea plant?

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Last Answer : too much rain this year. try after the sun goes down 1 teasp baking soda 1/2 liquid hand soap & 1 qt water and spray your plants ....................repeat when it rains.

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Last Answer : Sounds like some bug is trying to make a nest.....so use clean scizzors and cut the leave off and bag it...wipe the scizzors off.......put that into the trash can......mix up 1 teasp of ... of leaves.....tomorrow is you see anything crawling use a plastic glove to take it off and bag & trash it.

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Last Answer : I suggest using a spray bottle to keep your plants leaves moist throughout the way; they dry faster than the base and soil. As for leaves gowing brown, snap those off as soon as you notice, you ... a diseased plant. However, try the spray bottle first to keep things nice and green. Hope this helps!

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Last Answer : I go into the garden with a small plastic bags & clippers and cut off those leave and trash them. After the sun goes down & the plants are cooled off mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray. They don't like soapy water. Happy summer.

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Last Answer : after the sun goes down, mix 1 tablespoon liquid soap & 1 qt water and spray...spray again when it rains.

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Last Answer : after the sun goes down and the tree cools off, mix 2 tablespoons of dawn & 1 qt water and spray it good on & under the leaves.........in the fall start the dorment oil..........again in the spring up to closed bud stage........once the bud is open, I only spray the trunk. Happy Summer.