is the sycamore tree immune to verticulum wilt

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Last Answer : I did read that they do shed some bark but I think the moles problem should be addressed. They might be making matters worse by trying to make nests in the base. You might want to start treating the lawn with hot sauce ... then have 6 babies at a time............they don't like hot sauce........

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Last Answer : It may have been hit by lightning. It does not sound good for that tree. Bugs can enter and cause more problems.

Description : why dose my sycamore tree have a hole in its trunk at the bottom

Last Answer : I would use neem spray first make sure nothing is in the hole.................then use tree repair Spectracide..for trees.........shake the can good and spray the have to let it dry before you spray again. Not knowing how deep the whole is, you might need to do it again.

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Last Answer : Zacchaeus was a tax collector of the city Jericho and learned that Jesus the prophet was passing through the city. Since Zacchaeus was "short in stature," he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up into a sycamore ... in a complaint that Jesus "has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner."

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Last Answer : answer:That’s like 40 miles as the crow flies. More than week long hike. The entire area is beautiful. Hope you have done other long hikes.

Description : is there a use for all those sycamore balls that fall and trip me

Last Answer : They are dangerous, get someone to rake them up or take the tree down.

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Last Answer : NOw that it is spring time spray with dorment oil.

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Last Answer : answer:It can be a very dry environment in the fridge. You need humidity-some anyway-to keep the vegies looking good. This is why supermarkets are always spraying the lettuce and whatnot. Some fridges have a ... last longer. Or you can mist them a bit yourself. Best to eat them as soon as possible.

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Last Answer : Cut them to the ground, make sure to cover up the stem, and you will be fine.

Description : What plant will wilt quickly for a science experiment?

Last Answer : Basil works very well. If you're lucky, you may be able to find some potted basil in the garden store or grocery store (we actually have a store that sells live basil in little soil pods). I know it will wilt very quickly and come back when watered.

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Last Answer : Is it too sunny or hot? I have vincas enough to share, but it is a shade plant, and once the roots take hold in a cool shady spot, they even then, creep into the sun and do well.

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Last Answer : sounds like a fungus....I would contact professionally tree company

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Description : what is tomaato'to wilt?

Last Answer : Tomato plants need watered atleast once a day. If you have more than just 2 plants and they are the only ones wilting. They may be planted to close or get more sun the the others.If the water ... : remember always water the ground in hot weather, the water on the leaves cause the sun to burn them.

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Last Answer : too much rain this year. try after the sun goes down 1 teasp baking soda 1/2 liquid hand soap & 1 qt water and spray your plants ....................repeat when it rains.

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Last Answer : the plant is fine and healthy looking in the morning but by 2pm it is starting to wilt. then I mist it and give it shade and it is ok in the morning and then the whole thing starts again