If you can have any animal as your pet, what would it be?

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Last Answer : A crow.

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Last Answer : I think so.

Description : Have you, or anyone you know, ever adopted an animal that's not considered an every day pet?

Last Answer : My neighbors have a cow, and they take it in walks… Like, on a leash. Does that count? Also, there’s this one guy that lives in my town who keeps three Moose as pets.

Description : Which strange animal would you like to keep as a pet?

Last Answer : I want a dragon. Think how handy that would be camping. If I have to stick to reality a porcupine. I offered my hand out to one this fall and he pulled himself up and studied me, like he was just curious. He held on very lightly and just looked. If he chomped me that was my fault.

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Last Answer : A baby hippo or a baby giraffe!!!!!!!!11

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Last Answer : Kitty-Max will go to the letter box and fetch your newspaper , then walk to his litter box and shit on it.

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Last Answer : My lovely Border Collie dog, they are mans best friend after all.

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Last Answer : Perhaps the bird had been hand-raised by humans.

Description : Are you an animal/pet person?

Last Answer : I like dogs. I have one; his name is Frank, and he is a cross between a Rottweiler and some kind of hound. I don’t like cats. I think they are impersonal and cold animals. I love having pets, except cats.

Description : What is the best animal for a class pet?

Last Answer : It would have to be something that can accept living in a cage. Rats are smart. Could your class enjoy a white rat or are rats too unappealing? A friend who taught at a girl's school used to bring his ... . A red-eared slider turtle, a common pet, can live 40 years or more if they receive good care.

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Last Answer : answer:I think you are so right. People charge you $75 to pet their dogs???? ruff

Description : If tomorrow you'll reborn into animal/pet form,what kind of animal and who should own you?.

Last Answer : I want to be reborn as a small, fluffy white puppy into a household that will spoil and pamper me. :-) No, sirree, I’m not describing my own dog at all. No way.

Description : How much does your pet/animal companion mean to you?

Last Answer : I do not nor will I ever have kids. I am past that point in my life. I have a 6-year-old yellow lab who has turned out to be a dog. Great disposition and personality. She is a lot of ... how much joy and happiness she brings to us. And the rest of our family enjoys and welcomes her as theirs.

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Last Answer : It’s not just you. :(

Description : My animal lover daughter is allergic to cats :( - any suggestions for an affectionate diurnal pet?

Last Answer : If you're willing to spend a whole bunch of money, there are hypoallergenic cats. http://www.allerca.com/. Alternately, some small dogs, like the bichon frise are hypoallergenic because they have hair instead of fur.

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Last Answer : Snake

Description : To this point, what animal was your favorite pet?

Last Answer : My turtle. He was very low maintenence and was absolutely crazy. He would fall over backwards while looking at himself in my mirror. He loved broccoli. I could feed him before school and know he'd ... cleaning it out was very easy. He could run around the bathtub while I cleaned his aquarium too.

Description : content:

Last Answer : There is no inventor of animals as pets. It happened spontaneously thousands of years ago when both some animals and humans found that working together would be beneficial to both of them. As some ... during this interaction, they and their humans formed a close bond which developed over the years.

Description : content:

Last Answer : That's easy. Cats and dogs top my list. Then fish, birds, horses, rodents such as rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs.Many people keep exotic animals as pets. Exotics are usually animals ... The most important point when choosing a pet is whether you can commit to its lifetime of proper care.

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Last Answer : In a time of economic unrest, many are going back to school andmaking a goal of working for passion rather than pay. For petlovers, the idea of attaching tail wags and ... .Experience that centers around communications and office workcan easily transition into administrative work at an animal