Any personal amazing rescue stories?

1 Answer

Answer :

I got to take a ride in a medevac helicopter once. Too bad I was doped out; I don’t remember much except fighting w/ a bunch of nurses.

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Last Answer : I am sure there are some that will say this is the exception that proves the rule.

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Last Answer : answer:Least: Batman, because he has no inherent powers, if he runs out of duracel for his gadgets im screwed. Most: superman, for the opposite reason.

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Last Answer : Quint would be the best.I would go with that stranger ;) Bubble Boy would be the worst,I suppose.

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Last Answer : Have you tried looking at UN reports? Or investigating some of the NGOs? They all do reports and whatnot outlining problems they face. I'm sure there must be a gazillion reports about Aceh Tsunami recovery ... maybe Aceh NGOs or Aceh recovery and see what turns up. Let me know if this is helpful.

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Last Answer : I don’t know but I want to be a K-9 police officer so I’m sure you can reaserch that!! Have fun!!

Description : What do you think it costs to rescue a fallen or lost mountain climber?

Last Answer : Interesting question. My first thought was the 2009 climbers that were lost on Mt. Hood, Oregon. I couldn't find the specifics for the costs of that search, but a similar search in on Mt. Hood ... instances. Again, it all boils down to the details, and should be assessed for each individual case.

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Last Answer : Have you already checked with your local organizations? Did you put your name on any waiting lists? I don’t know if PetFinder works for your locale or not.

Description : Annoying people who 'rescue' dogs.

Last Answer : Uh But when you ask them outright what breed it is, how could they possibly know since they rescued it? If you hadn't asked what breed it is, I seriously doubt they would have come up to you and said ... I think it's more of the fact that it makes them feel good to know that they helped an animal.

Description : Are you a Rescue?

Last Answer : I appreciate this question because it let’s me know I’m not alone.

Description : Any Rescue Me fans out there? You will be now.

Last Answer : great tv series

Description : What is the best breed of dog to get for small children (7, 3 and a baby) also is it better to rescue an older dog?

Last Answer : A mal , I have an Alaskan Malamute and it is very loyal and loves children + you can train the Alpha mal to pull sleds in the winter. :)

Description : Does anyone know if it's possible to adopt/rescue a purebred dog?

Last Answer : Greyhounds are frequently rescued.

Description : Would you like to help MY animal rescue organization this time?

Last Answer : It is blocked at the office, but I’ll definitely send a vote your way this evening!

Description : Is it cruel to change the known name of a dog you adopt/rescue?

Last Answer : No. They don't know the concept of name . Animals learn like the Pavlovian model says they learn i.e., when a bell was rung, the animal salivated because food soon followed. That bell could be ... . They look at their name as any other COMMAND and, as you know, dogs can learn MANY commands.

Description : Would you like to help my animal rescue group again? :)

Last Answer : This site is blocked at my workplace but I’ll be sure to vote tonight at home. Good luck!

Description : More info on Obama's Rescue plan for the Middle Class?

Last Answer : Check out this from the BBC—

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Last Answer : i squish them if they’re in my house. I leave them alone in their house.

Description : Is it really illegal for a firefighter to rescue someones sleeping in the buff?

Last Answer : answer:I can comfortably say “no” without doing any research. And if by some stretch of the imagination it is, I can assure you whatever obscure law this is traced back to is utterly and completely ignored by firefighters. They’re not going to leave you there to die because you’re naked.

Description : Will you take 15 seconds to help my animal rescue group?

Last Answer : answer:‘The ‘Independent Animal Rescue Inc.’ shelter has now 142 votes’ Good luck.

Description : Now what? Will the government come to the rescue of Wall street (and I suppose the rest of us) or not?

Last Answer : Some form of emergency aid seems likely. While I deplore the need, I think there must be something in place before a new Administration gets in. If needed, it is devoutly to be hoped that it could be revamped then.