What do you hope to accomplish tomorrow?

1 Answer

Answer :

Saying that my February Vacation is over, Something productive in school!!!!!

Related questions

Description : What do you hope to accomplish today?

Last Answer : Oh, just reading about a hundred pages (maybe a little more, I’m just estimating) in two different languages in between 4 hours of class, eating, writing some stuff, and seeing my sweetie. I already did my 5 mile run today so I can check that one off.

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Last Answer : Secure a stable and good paying job.

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Last Answer : Finish and publish my book

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Can’t tell yet, my life isn’t over yet.

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Last Answer : answer:I would like to experience popular acclaim. Don’t worry. I’m not so deluded as to think it could actually happen.

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Last Answer : My main goal in life is to do something that warrants a Wikipedia article being written about me.

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Last Answer : I've climbed a few mountains. I've jumped (willingly) from an airplane. I've gone to some really cool places. I have children. I went to college. I have a good life, and been down some very rocky roads. ... rich and famous thing. Now, being a grown up, it's not as cool as it looked when I was 10.

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Last Answer : answer:Chocolate. And reading some good books – escape reading – to get my mind off of whatever the issue was.

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Last Answer : I'm not out. I probably never will be, but I don't feel like it causes me any conflicting emotions not to be. There are some people who know, but at this point I'm comfortable leaving it at ... who may not accept it, there are plenty who would be supportive and loving, and I take comfort in that.

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Last Answer : I’m ready. The nekked pancake party has been all planned out and will commence at 12:00 am sharp tomorrow morning.

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Last Answer : Well the wife & kids, my Mum, two brothers to name a few would probably feel a draught. Yeah I still have loads to do, loads.

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Last Answer : answer:Theoretically yes, but not a good idea. Flash, for all its security issues, is everywhere (except Apple machines). It is installed automatically with Firefox and CHrome. It just works ... and delivery mechanisms built into HTML5? Why not use some of the newer streaming protocols like M8?

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Last Answer : answer:Last year I finished my senior project, had my first summer job in my major field, and finished most of my college requirements (my spring semester will be a joke). I also fell in love. ... needed if I hope to feel comfortable in my future career endeavors. I backslid a bit on mental health.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, my first piece of advice is to get a machine, especially since you're clearly interested in cosplay and this isn't a one-time issue. Search Craigslist in your area. I found my friend a basic ... hand-sewing), but it's doable. IMO, it would be well-worth the $30 to get the machine.

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Last Answer : answer:Apparently a Deep Pulse Induction Detector will work at this depth. All of the rest are rated for 6–10”. I’d contact this place and ask them more detailed questions. EDIT: The blanket antennas look like they’d be along the lines of what you’d be interested in

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Last Answer : Learn some multivariable calculus and get my insides rearranged. Woo!

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not a Rails hacker by any means, but I have played with it a bit and am familiar with LAMP and Drupal. AFAIK Rails is a relatively new framework. It seems very popular with the kids, but ... what can the language do - it's more how hard is it to do $TASK with $LANGUAGE in $FRAMEWORK

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Last Answer : Yes! I just laugh. ;)

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Last Answer : I want to be able to be in a position in which I can make a real difference to what’s happening around the world….to make it a better place. Also, to be a good person and to be worthy of love. To accomplish love in it’s truest and most purest form.

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Last Answer : According to the Pennington Legend, a great, great, great grandfather of mine, invented the airplane. the Wright Brothers were first to fly his invented aircraft, but they did not invent it. i have a ... to verify its authenticity. wouldn't it be great(and profitable), if this tale could be proven?

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Last Answer : answer:http://www.httrack.com/ is a WIndows & LInux tool for that task. HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to ... , building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer.

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Last Answer : Grocery shopping. I hate it, week after week, year after year trying to keep it new and exciting. I did the math today and I have gone shopping for groceries 3,224 times since I married. Yawn

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Last Answer : I wanted to skydive, and I did.

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Last Answer : write down one thing every day that you are thankful for…

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Last Answer : some corrections there. *without bias *sociologists *accomplish

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Last Answer : I used it to advertise this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiqkrz83fos

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Last Answer : Change.

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Last Answer : No, but since my divorce I have felt rather lost. However instead of fighting it I’ve embraced it, and I rather like it! It’s has been rather wonderful to… just Be!

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Last Answer : Those breakfast corndogs with the pancake on the outside & sausage in the middle. Beast.

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Last Answer : Between Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk were pretty close to seeing it

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Last Answer : Find a girl