What are your thoughts on tarot card fortune telling? are you a believer?

1 Answer

Answer :

No. Yes. You will believe what you want to. I predict that @Snarp will say… “I don’t believe anyone can predict the future” @kheredia will say… “Nope.. its just another way of making money.”

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Last Answer : answer:There’s a website right here. I’m going to tell you about fortune telling….. its fake. A fool and his money are quickly parted.

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Last Answer : I don't really believe in them, but my wife like to be read (although I don't think she really believes in them either). I'll tag along sometimes. It's a fun curiosity. That being said, I'm ... may be psychic to some degree. I just doubt it's Madame Helga who puts out a shingle on Main Street.

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Last Answer : answer:I've been reading tarot cards for about 16 years. I read for myself, for friends, and for strangers. I've been told by friends and strangers that my readings are accurate. If you are looking for ... and can accurately check.) I do not pretend to know how tarot works, but I know that it does.

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Last Answer : I eat my fortune cookies but do not believe they hold any magic powers. Infact, the last one I got said ” You are a lucky man.” I am a women and I have no desire to change that. haha

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Last Answer : I don’t even know what this means…