When have you triumphed in your life?

1 Answer

Answer :

My sophomore year in high school accomplished something that turned my life around. I grew up in an elite town where most of the kids were children of college professions, doctors, lawyers, and business people. I lived in the projects. I went out for basketball my sophomore year that was heavy laden with seniors. There were 7 seniors on the team and 5 starters were back from the year before. I just wanted to make the junior varsity team. The first game of the season I started with 4 other seniors. To say the least, I was not their favorite guy. Long story short, made All Conference as a sophomore. That was really needed at this stage in my life. I cried like a baby. Got lots of awards, All State, 4 year fully paid scholarship to a major university, but nothing meant as much as that award my sophomore year. At the time, had alcoholic father and a mother that I hardly ever saw, and this award gave me a sense of accomplishment and good self esteem. At that stage of my life, could have gone down the wrong road, but this award was just unreal for a 15 year old boy.

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Last Answer : I don’t know where anyone ever asked my husband if he ever took Ritalin before he got his pilots license. He never did take it, but my son did. Then again, my husband got his license before our privacy rights were stripped away by the current administration.

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