We all still have a lot to learn about things in this life, so why can't the average person admit that about their driving skills?

1 Answer

Answer :

I drive a golfball better than some people drive their vee-hick-erls. That’s okay though, so long as they stay the fuck away from me.

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Last Answer : Trust me, it's not awesome having a label slapped on you.

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Last Answer : .

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Last Answer : Look at the excerpt of this book: This Is Your Brain on Music. I want to read it but it looks like it can explain some things about why people like music.

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Last Answer : This is a quality question which has not had the response it deserves. BATTERIES ARE KILLING THE WORLD

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Last Answer : answer:Some researchers think this kind of behavior is based upon fear of failure. If you don't attempt something, you cannot fail, and can imagine with part of your mind that if only you ... behavioral therapy is very well suited to deal with this sort of issue in highly-directed brief counseling.