When do you think we will have Quantum Computers?

1 Answer

Answer :

We already have them. They just aren’t quite practical yet.

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Description : Einstein's Spooky Action is bottled. Will it lead to quantum entanglement computers?

Last Answer : We already have quantum computers.Sure they can only do some basic mathematical operations, but they do exist.

Description : Desktop and Personal computers are also known as_______ (A) Super Computer (B) Quantum Computer (C) Mainframe Computer (D) Micro Computer

Last Answer : (D) Micro Computer

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Last Answer : (A) Super Computers

Description : Do you think we could have a nationwide electrical grid that depends on highly conductive quantum nanowire?

Last Answer : I don’t know much about conductive quantum nanowire, but I have read Pattington Bear.

Description : Will we have hybrid photonics, quantum, and classical computer processors?

Last Answer : Quantum computers already exist, albeit on a very limited scale.

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Last Answer : I can’t view the video from where I am. What is the gist of the video?

Description : Do you think quantum mechanics accurately represents the workings of the universe?

Last Answer : I think it’s really great!

Description : What do you think about the Quantum Revolution?

Last Answer : answer:I think about it a little. I don't think of it as a revolution. I suppose it might seem like magic to some, but I just think about as manipulating the odds in your favor. There ... Certain things I have wished for have happened despite all my efforts to sabotage myself. That's pretty weird.

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Last Answer : How do you explain randomly generated numbers in place of dice then?

Description : What is quantum computing?

Last Answer : Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform certain types of computations much faster than classical computers, and has potential applications in cryptography, optimization, and simulation.

Description : What is quantum computing?

Last Answer : Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum mechanics, the laws governing the behavior of subatomic particles, to perform calculations and solve problems that are difficult or impossible for classical computers.

Description : What is quantum computing?

Last Answer : Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations and solve problems that are difficult or impossible for classical computers.

Description : What is quantum computing?

Last Answer : Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations and solve problems that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers.

Description : What is quantum mechanics?

Last Answer : Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level, often characterized by the phenomena of wave-particle duality and uncertainty.

Description : What is quantum computing?

Last Answer : Quantum computing is the use of quantum-mechanical phenomena (such as superposition and entanglement) to perform computations, with potential applications in cryptography, chemistry, and materials science.

Description : What did Einstein mean when he said the word "giddy" from the phrase about quantum physics?

Last Answer : He was delighted with how beautifully it all worked together.

Description : Could quantum entanglement be used in electric energy production?

Last Answer : The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that it is impossible. You always get less energy out of a system than you put into it and you can’t get energy for nothing.

Description : Would Quantum Slipstream and the Borg Transwarp Drive be affected by an Omega Particle explosion?

Last Answer : Both transwarp and quantum slipstream drives operate on the same basic principles as conventional warp drives, and neither bypasses the need to travel through subspace. So presumably they would both be affected ... . The same should also be true for a Xindi energy portal (aka subspace vortex).

Description : Do quantum strings vibrate in one direction?

Last Answer : String theory has been left to the annuls of ‘things that didn’t pan out’ in quantum theory.

Description : What are upbeat, touching fantasy TV series like Early Edition and Quantum Leap (80s/90s welcomed)?

Last Answer : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sliders

Description : Which came first, the Quantum Singularity or the Supernova?

Last Answer : While a supernova can produce a black hole, which contains a singularity, a quantum singularity is merely a hypothesis at best. See this for an discussion about a quantum singularity.

Description : How would one write programs for a quantum computer?

Last Answer : answer:Quantum algorithms do exist, which are the closest thing we have to quantum programs. In order for a complete quantum program to exist, we would have to have a large-scale quantum ... person, but they are both examples of things which quantum computers do faster than normal computers.

Description : Is the singularity at the centre of a black hole subject to quantum effects and would they influence the event horizon?

Last Answer : answer:I don't see how we could know given current methods of measurement. We can't see inside the event horizon because that's the point beyond which light cannot escape. So the event ... speed. Density of mass approaches infinity. Our laws explode in our paces when fed conditions like these.

Description : Let us start 2014 with some more outrage: NSA is working on a quantum computer to crack any encryption. How long until you will physically disconnect from the web?

Last Answer : answer:I have nothing to hide. . . I have worked in high clearance areas. @ragingloli is there something you don’t want to tell us?

Description : Is this an "quantum mechanic" example?

Last Answer : Cute. He probably just has poor scheduling and management skills if he’s such a good mechanic.

Description : Can you help build a collection of fascinating links explaining quantum mechanics in terms the average person can grasp?

Last Answer : answer:Everything has a for dummies page. It's all Greek to me, but they tried! http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/quantum-physics-for-dummies-cheat-sheet.html They also have ... fried and I went another way with this http://i624.photobucket.com/albums/tt329/dww25921/GEDC0121_zpsd199cb24.jpg

Description : A question for fluther's astro and quantum physicists: Is there a way to extract usable energy from quantum vacuum fluctuations?

Last Answer : Great question. One theory of the origin of dark energy is that it’s from quantum fluctuations of zero point energy. I’ll check my sources though and get back to you.

Description : Were all quarks, leptons and gluons quantum entangled by the Big Bang? If so, what decoupled them?

Last Answer : Ah, at last one of your questions I can answer Spontaneous combustion

Description : How do quantum entangled particles achieve spooky action at a distance?

Last Answer : answer:How it works your guess is as good as mine. But to suppose that it does work is profound on many levels. To hypothesize, the Superdense coding made possible through entanglement may indeed ... s almost like redefining the word cloning in order to put forth an embryonic stem cell agenda.

Description : Would you let a quantum mechanic work on your car?

Last Answer : I tried that once, but he told me that my battery was both dead and alive. So I told him that I payed him in an alternate universe.

Description : Have you heard about the Quantum Microscope for living Biology?

Last Answer : answer:I hadn't heard about it, but it sounds interesting. I'm trying to work through a more descriptive article about it now. But I'm not up on my electron states so I'm having to intuit a ... and then you need to decide whether you want to change things and by how much. Pretty cool, though.

Description : Does Quantum Physics and the mystery it suggest about the possible Universes point to a God?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Is the outcome of every possible action predetermined and quantum mechanics as me know them are an unfinished theory? Einstein thought so.

Last Answer : answer:Well, that's called determinism, and I know many people who believe in it. The idea is that if you have all the data in the universe and were able to analyze it, you could predict ... t subscribe to that. I feel that there is pure randomness that is out there that is not predictable.

Description : The physical and quantum physical study of matter reveals much about our observable world, what does the observable world's structure reveal about worlds and dimensions that lay beyond our telescopes?

Last Answer : answer:I think I see what you're getting at. Let me see. By looking at the smaller pieces of our own perceivable world, can we or can we not intuit, decipher, or decode an element, ingredient, or an ... a bite out of the big piece of pie with some hard scientific data, it all becomes a bit moot.

Description : If all the quarks, gluons, electrons, photons, gravitons and so on in existence came from a single-point event, are they all quantum entangled? (Strange Universe Series)

Last Answer : answer:This sounds more like eastern mysticism then science (I had to throw that one in there). I've responded to several of your other strange universe series questions and in some of my long posts I ... level of reality that seems to make up the majority of outer space, the i-ther/dark matter?

Description : What is the speed of action of quantum entanglement over distance? (Strange Universe series)

Last Answer : It’s instantaneous.

Description : Can the universe function without quantum mechanics?

Last Answer : It seems to me that the universe exists with what it exists with and we either discover its rules or we don’t. Or maybe I’m not understanding the question fully, which is entirely possible.

Description : What is the title of the recent biography of Paul Dirac, the quantum physicist?

Last Answer : answer:Is it this one? Oh, and welcome to ask-public!

Description : Can anyone explain to me in laymans terms the basic principles, implications, and conclusions of quantum mechanics?

Last Answer : answer:This is a very complex topic to discuss effectively here. I recommend you you consult a physics student with time and good communication skills to help you understand this fascinating theoretical ... also help you. You have also want to go here for more easy to understand information.

Description : Electrons orbiting an atomic nucleus exist in a quantum probabilistic location. Are the actual measurements of that location infinite?

Last Answer : answer:The strange behavior at the quantum level produces the rock that Dr. Johnson kicks when he refutes Bishop Berkeley. In a Woody Allen movie, a young, frightened Woody couldn’t do his homework, because the Universe was expanding. His mother’s “What is it your business?”

Description : Over what distance can quantum entanglement remain instantaneous?

Last Answer : The space in which entanglement remains instantaneous is limitless. All things are connected by the ether, zero point field, collective consciousness, or whatever you want to call it, it is there, it ... your imagination more, after all your thoughts are much more of the universe than you realize.

Description : Fate and destiny reconsidered - How sensitive are neurons in our brain to quantum effects?

Last Answer : This may be the wrong place to ask. Us jellies are smart but I don’t know many quantum physics professors here. Good question though.

Description : Might fractal geometry finally reconcile general relativity and quantum theory?

Last Answer : I believe that over the years, there have been more and more questions, and with that more and more answers. Even Fluther.com is helping with this. http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2009/12/new- ... a temporal dimension could been that we would be able to see it with the right pair of glasses.

Description : What theories are there to show there are not hidden variables in quantum mechanics?

Last Answer : Well, I would guess that mainstream Quantum Physics would be the theory that shows that there’s not hidden variables in QP, since Hidden Variable Theories tend to be theories that QP is fundamentally flawed. Is that what you’re asking?

Description : What causes a quantum state function to collapse?

Last Answer : I had always heard that the state function collapses when it becomes “entangled” with another system. This is similar to what you describe in 1) above.

Description : How smart are quantum physicists and are their theories of multi-universes able to be understood by the layman..like me?

Last Answer : they are so smart that they had/have no lives, no offense to anyone, but the only reason why their explanations are understood is because the only work they really did was proving the theories.

Description : How could a quantum computer actually physically work ?

Last Answer : Quantum computing is the concept of applying the rules of quantum physics on computing. Meaning, as far as I've learned, it's an attempt to expand the number of bits that a computer can ... like that ever sees the light, probably all the current rules of Digital Logic will become obsolete.

Description : Where can i find the best information on quantum physics?

Last Answer : What the Bleep Do We Know is an interesting film, and may be a good place to start.

Description : when did you realize the vastness of the quantum realms?

Last Answer : Day before yesterday.

Description : What is meant by quantum ? -Physics

Last Answer : Quantum is the Latin word for amount and, in modern understanding, means the smallest possible discrete unit of any physical property, such as energy or matter. ... He called the units quanta .