Why do lead actors become Executive Producers on TV programs?

1 Answer

Answer :

Usually it’s so they have more control of the product of their art. It allows them to have more of a say about where the money goes in regards to the production.

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Last Answer : Benny Hill + (the British) House of Cards + So You Think You Can Dance

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Last Answer : No. I do not watch TV.

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Last Answer : Call_Me_Jay Look at acorn tv we subscribe to it for only $5 a month we love it has all sorts of over seas programs, and what's nice is a cop show they do you could ... is a link to it https://acorn.tv/sb/signup.html?utm_expid=.XMOOW_T2ScyFXvNmxYHDow.1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.ca%2F