What is wrong with Hooters?

1 Answer

Answer :

Would you wear itty-bitty shorts and work at a place called “Weiners”?

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Description : Have you ever experienced a situation where a store or restaurant gave you the wrong change (shorted you) and what did you do about it?

Last Answer : answer:If they “decided to stick” with the original, despite my insistence that I gave them $40, I’d demand the manager and have them count the drawer. I have absolutely no patience for shysters, and $10 is not “no big deal” to me.

Description : If a guy forced Hooters, Tilted Kilt, or similar restaurant to hire him, would that set up a de facto ”gay section”?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure that there is a legal way that those restaurants are protected in case a guy tried to pull a stunt like that.

Description : How old do you have to be to work at Hooters in Florida?

Last Answer : http://www.hooters.com/hootersgirl/careers.html

Description : How old do you have to be to work at Hooters and Bone Daddy etc?

Last Answer : http://www.hooters.com/Hourly.aspx Please apply in person at the location you are interested in working at for the following positions: * Hooters Girl (females only need apply for position of ... depending on local alcohol service laws. They hire plenty of men. Just not for waitstaff positions.

Description : umber of hooters to be sounded, when accident takes place out station, but main line is clear: (a) 02 long (b) 03 long* (c) 03 long 01 short* (d) none of thes

Last Answer : (b) 03 long*

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Last Answer : I would absolutely tell why, as nicely as I could, that my government paycheck (which is probably not extravagant to begin with) will be going to the holiday celebrations with my loved ones, not to see the people I see every day at that job.

Description : Has this happend to anyone before?

Last Answer : Well…no. I avoid going to resturaunts that are on the verge of closing. That’s rude.

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Last Answer : Guess you mean coffee when you say drinks?

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Last Answer : No I never make that mistake. Eating undercooked beef can have “cooties” like various species of tapeworms and harmful bacteria. Personally I like to eat my parasites well done. HA!

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Last Answer : I would have to know more about the context. If a customer asked if the steak was good and she said, I don't know because I'm vegan , I would think that was appropriate to say. ... that it would upset me particularly in either case, but the second and third examples seem a little unnecessary.

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Description : I don’t want to bake bread for my employer.

Last Answer : Why not work a deal to get a commission on the sales? Or, ask for a pay raise.

Description : Do Asian's have difficulty using Western cutlery like Americans do with chopsticks?

Last Answer : I have no problem using knife and fork and spoon. They are actually easier to use than chopsticks. I was able to use fork and spoon at 5, but it took me 3 more years before I could use chopsticks properly.

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Last Answer : I’m not going to change anything I do because of those right wing lunatics. If I die, I die, but I am not going to let a bunch of terrorists screw up my life.

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Last Answer : Mexican.

Description : Do any fast food restaurants still serve Coke and Pepsi at the same store?

Last Answer : Never seen it. I believe that the soft drink maker gets a deal with the whole chain (at the corporate level) and that all the stores have to follow whatever corporate says. The only place i have seen ... Pepsi and Coke. Like the QT chain in the southern US or the Sheets chain in the mid-Atlantic.

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Last Answer : You may be arrested for defrauding a shopkeeper, or you may end up washing dishes. I’d bet the police would be called… a person not acquainted with kitchen duties on a large, heavy duty scale would be a hindrance.

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Last Answer : Ah – if only the world were run according to Dutch, she would be so much happier!

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Last Answer : I looked up two of them in my county's tax assessor's digest. One of them had internal square footage of 10,000 sf, while the other had about 8600 sf. I am assuming that this included both kitchen and ... if I had to make a general guess, I would say between 9000-1000 sf based on this small sample.

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Last Answer : I am one of those people who don’t like change. But at least it is similar to what it was.

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Last Answer : RedDeerGuy1 Your question reminded me of one of my first days working as a car hop at a local drive in. On my tray were two large chocolate milkshakes. The wind was blowing hard and the milkshakes tipped over toward me on the tray and filling up the coin pockets of the belt I was wearing.

Description : Do you have any good restaurants in your town that you would recommend to out of town guests?

Last Answer : Tony Roma’s in Red Deer, Alberta. I like the veggies (broccoli and cauliflower) as side dishes. The ribs are good too.

Description : What is your experience with self-serve kiosks?

Last Answer : Grocery stores in my area started using them about fifteen years ago. At first they balked a lot. Attendant needed. Attendant needed. I would put my stuff back in the car and go to the next machine ... I use them. Whatever line looks shortest looks good to me, whether it's a scanner or a person.

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Last Answer : I’m sorry, but I’m always a little confused on how you went to college if you never got your high school diploma. As to the question: no.

Description : Are you familiar with a restaurant called Sugar Factory?

Last Answer : Never heard of it but just looked up a menu. Looks like the usual fare, not soul food or particularly Southern. There is one in NYC too. It’s a puzzlement.

Description : How do you handle the bill when you're out with a group of people?

Last Answer : An equitable way to handle this would be to take the alcohol off the total bill, have the people that drank pay for their drinks and the food could be split among everyone. Here are some good answers from where you asked a similar question in 2014.

Description : Any of my SF Jelly friends have suggestions as to a casual restaurant for a group dinner?

Last Answer : Don't go to Chinatown. It would be fun, but the food is mediocre. If you want really good Chinese food, go to either the Hong Kong Lounge 1 or Hong Kong Lounge 2 (they are different restaurants ... of North Park is sensational. Good burgers and beer at Monk's Kettle. This ought to get you started.

Description : Would you be annoyed by what the restaurant did?

Last Answer : I would have talked to the manager and not troubled the staff. She should have let you talk to the manager. I was trained not to defend the stores prices and to refer them to the manager, or the 1–888 number. She was wrong to try and negotiate with you. It’s the managers job.

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Last Answer : Off white quartz. Mild cleanser.

Description : Who is the rudest customer you have ever dealt with?

Last Answer : I was 20 and working at a small retail store. It was on Christmas eve and I had to close and lock up so everyone else could go home and be with their kids. I had already turned the lights off, ... so I stayed in the store for about another 15 minutes in case he was waiting for me to come out.

Description : How should one get a waiter's attention?

Last Answer : I thought your friend did the appropriate thing, the alternative would have been to what? Shout across the restaurant? And really, the reprimand while walking away is a bit snide and passive aggressive.

Description : White, or brown?

Last Answer : Yes. What ever you pouring. No difference to me.

Description : Do you still eat at Chipotle after their issues with food safety?

Last Answer : It really hasn't made any difference to me. I have eaten at a Chipotle exactly once. The food was fine, the service was fine but Freebirds is as good, if not better, less expensive and, at least for ... However, if I did eat there regularly, I would continue to do so if I had had no prior problems.

Description : Why would a restaurant insist a Groupon is only for eating at the restaurant, not takeout?

Last Answer : Because they’re counting on you ordering more.

Description : Is there anyone out there who doesn't want their salad chopped?

Last Answer : answer:I always eat with a knife and fork, unless the whole meal is finger-food (or, obviously, spoon-based) I'm very happy to eat my meal however the chef chooses to display it. If it's ... had to be thrown away anyway, coated in enough dressing and seasoning that you can't tell the difference.

Description : Do you know how to use chopsticks?

Last Answer : Yes. I’m way faster with a fork, and I couldn’t handle soup…but other than that, I’m good.

Description : Any recommendations for fun restaurants for kids in NYC?

Last Answer : Hi Jan. If you’ll be on the Upper West Side, this place is fun: http://goodenoughtoeat.com/

Description : What do restaurants mean by "All You Can Eat"?

Last Answer : answer:Generally, it means you can keep going back to the buffet as long as you keep eating all you take, and as long as it is continuous. If you stop eating, it means you are done. Buffet restaurants will ask you to ... you're just sitting there for a period of time eating v e r y s l o w l y . .

Description : Should I tip? (more info below)

Last Answer : answer:It depends on the delivery person. Is it someone obviously young and inexperienced, and apologetic? Or is it someone who is obviously been delivering pizzas for a while and has a shitty customer service attitude? And, from that, I would also weigh my decision on whether to eat it or not.

Description : When eating at home or in a Restaurant how important to you is food presentation?

Last Answer : about 0

Description : Boston Jellies: can you recommend a good place for dinner?

Last Answer : It’s about a mile from Beacon Hill, but the Union Oyster House is very good. Sorry, not too familiar with anything closer.

Description : What do you wish restaurants had that they almost never do?

Last Answer : Exotic and taboo meats, like dog.

Description : When eating at a nice restaurant, are you judgemental/appreciative of the bathroom?

Last Answer : If it’s a nice restaurant then I usually expect a nice bathroom. Even if it’s just a regular old restaurant I hope for a nice bathroom too. But as long as it’s CLEAN that’s all I really want. No toilet paper on the floor, dirty seats, you get the idea lol.

Description : Have you ever eaten at Panera Bread?

Last Answer : Not cheap. but I love good bread, and they have a nice menu.

Description : Would the world be a better place if we all ate together?

Last Answer : I would consider it.

Description : Why do people use the drive-thru at a drive-in restaurant when they have absolutely no idea what they are going to order?

Last Answer : It’s an oportunity to remake the drive thru. Putting a waiting area for people who can’t decide what to order.

Description : Was leaving no tip the right response?

Last Answer : answer:Here is what I did last Saturday in a similar situation: At a sushi bar before a movie, we ordered in plenty of time, received our miso soup and edamame promptly, and it wasn't too long ... slow the restaurant is would be okay by me, but they should have tipped her five or ten dollars.

Description : Should I tell the story on TripAdvisor as it happened, or should I clean it up because the owner of the restaurant rectified the situation?

Last Answer : I think you should be honest and describe the entire experience. Glossing over her rude manner could lead other patrons to except that kind of behavior. Some peeps won’t stand up for themselves without someone to lead the way.

Description : Congratulations! You've just won one free meal a day for life at one nation-wide fast food restaurant of your choosing. What restaurant will it be?

Last Answer : Are they any Indian food national chains?

Description : Has there ever been a restaurant that you avoid because their commercials were so awful?

Last Answer : Yes. Their is a radio commercial where the owner beats up his patrons because he is the boxing champ.