What's the most unusual breakfast you've had?

1 Answer

Answer :

Spaghetti while camping.

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Last Answer : left over pizza. pretty good stuff.

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Last Answer : Nothing. I would never consider buying one.

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Last Answer : Rattlesnake

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Last Answer : I never thought I’d cook with tofu. But my niece went vegetarian, so I learned to work with it. Let me see if I have the recipe.

Description : What is the most unusual food you've eaten?

Last Answer : I don’t know how weird this is, but I absolutely love foie gras. According to Wikipedia it is “the liver of a duck or a goose that has been specially fattened by gavage” It is delicious! I could it it all day!

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Last Answer : answer:Hamburgers. Totally taste.

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Last Answer : That’s a funky statue. I brought back a girl named Kotex. Does that count?

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Last Answer : answer:I once called some customer service rep, for what I do not remember. I had it on speaker phone and my wife was near by. When the rep finally got on the phone she had such a thick southern ... a southern accent or a heavy northern accent (dontcha know?) and I have no idea what they are saying.

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Last Answer : Probably not unusual for people in paradise California, but I saw a whale while driving along the Pacific Coast Highway. Not long after that, I saw a mountain lion while driving near Big Sur. Again, probably a common occurrence for people on the west coast. But quite the novelty for me.

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Last Answer : How could you do that to a fly? They deserve to be struck with better humor than the Sunday comics!

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Last Answer : You might enjoy the list of inventors killed by their own inventions.

Description : What is the weirdest/most unusual name you've ever heard?

Last Answer : Michael Hunt and Richard Head. I have actually met people with those names. WHY would you do that to someone?

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Last Answer : Craigslist.

Description : What is a cool, unusual name that you've heard of?

Last Answer : ChocolateReigns

Description : Tell me about a problem that you’ve solved in a unique or unusual way. What was the outcome? Were you happy or satisfied with it?

Last Answer : In this question the interviewer is basically looking for a real life example of how you used creativity to solve a problem.

Description : What's for breakfast?

Last Answer : answer:Orange juice Oatmeal with soymilk The rest of my day is usually a health and dietary nightmare, but at least I get off to a good start.

Description : What's your favourite breakfast?

Last Answer : Everything in a platter: Bacon, eggs, pancakes, potatoes etc.

Description : What's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

Last Answer : I eat oatmeal almost every day.I’d rather have chocolate cake ;)

Description : What's your favorite quick & easy morning breakfast?

Last Answer : That sounds delicious. I recently had fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apple and orange covered with natural yogurt. Yum! I should do that every morning. Normally, I have some special K :/

Description : What's your breakfast specialty?

Last Answer : Cap’n Crunch.actually I eat oatmeal with raisins every morning :)

Description : What's a good, healthy, non-perishable breakfast food that I can eat on the go?

Last Answer : Oatmeal is yummy - you can buy it in flavored packets if that makes it more appealing - and you just add hot water (or cold water and then microwave). If you have fresh fruit around you can add it as a ... some granola on top. Again, if you do have fresh fruit in the house you can add it too. Yum!

Description : What's the best breakfast to follow a Thanksgiving feast?

Last Answer : fruit and yogurt

Description : What's your unusual Thanksgiving food?

Last Answer : I don’t know if it is weird or not but we eat this marshmallow, pudding, cool whip concoction called “Pistachio Pudding”. Anyone else eat that?

Description : Do you go out for Sunday breakfast and brunches?

Last Answer : Saturday. Saturday we go for breakfast any where from 11 to 4 pm.

Description : How do I fix my Johnsonville original recipe breakfast sausages?

Last Answer : Expired after may 24th

Description : Did I just invent a new breakfast food flavor?

Last Answer : Eh, I prefer Bockwurst.

Description : How much does a good breakfast cost?

Last Answer : I can currently buy eggs for less than $0.50 a dozen and a pound of bacon for $3.60. So 2 eggs cost about $0.08 and four strips of bacon $0.90 total. If you don’t count cooking costs breakfast for less than a dollar.

Description : [Fluff time] What don’t you eat for breakfast?

Last Answer : Grits

Description : What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Last Answer : I do not eat breakfast.

Description : On the weekend, do you have a special breakfast or is there a certain thing that you like to eat whether it's a work day or a weekend?

Last Answer : I do not eat breakfast.

Description : Is breakfast still the most important meal of the day? [Link]?

Last Answer : I hope not. I usually call the liquor I drank the night before my breakfast.

Description : New sandwich combinations using McDonalds breakfast components?

Last Answer : answer:McDouble with added lettuce, tomato, and Mac Sauce. Poor man’s Big Mac. Also, nuggets dipped in a side of Mac sauce doesn’t suck.

Description : What did you have for breakfast?

Last Answer : Two cups of coffee.

Description : Is this too much fiber for breakfast?

Last Answer : Nope, not too much. It’s not like it is 100% Bran Flakes. Your mix will move you, but not cause cramping.

Description : What do you think about having breakfast for dinner or supper?

Last Answer : Pancakes. Bring it.

Description : What else can I eat for breakfast besides eggs?

Last Answer : Yogurt Bananas Smoked fish with cream cheese on toast or one a them newfangled thin bagels Peanut butter on the same Shakes/smoothies (can add protein powder)

Description : What is your typical workday breakfast and what is your typical weekend breakfast?

Last Answer : answer:Workday (at work): – coffee – Uncle Sam’s cereal, slivered or sliced almonds, milk Weekend (at home): – coffee – omelette with veggies and cheese

Description : What does your (regular) breakfast consist of, what is your ideal fantasy breakfast - and what is a healthy breakfast, in your opinion?

Last Answer : answer:Hm, personally my stomach couldn't handle that right off the bat. The yogurts mixing with the acids of the citrus just wouldn't bode over for me, the banana is great but then the coffee being hot ... off we tend to eat out, its crazy. I think I should just stick to Grape Nuts and berries.

Description : Do you consider grilled cheese sandwiches a breakfast, lunch, or dinner food?

Last Answer : I’m afraid you’re right. I don’t see grilled sandwiches as dinner. I see it as a good breakfast sandwich while my 91 year old friend loves having it for lunch. And snack too but not dinner. @incendiary_dan 1 @hobbitsculture 0. : )

Description : What do you eat for breakfast so you can at least eat something for breakfast ?

Last Answer : answer:Just wondering, but is English a second language for you? If I have time, I need to have a large breakfast: eggs, potatoes, bacon, pancakes etc. If I don’t have time, I eat a bagel and yogurt.

Description : What is your favorite dry packaged breakfast cereal?

Last Answer : I love variety. I couldn’t do the same cereal every morning. My most frequent is Shredded Wheat.

Description : What do you eat for breakfast when you hate breakfast?

Last Answer : a low calorie protien shake. I mix it with a bottle of zero vitamin water and go.

Description : What is your preference in breakfast pastries?

Last Answer : I am not a breakfast pastry kind of person, for some reason. I always go for the plain cake doughnut if I’m going to have something like that for breakfast.

Description : What are some high calorie quick breakfast snacks?

Last Answer : The grocery store isn’t a good place to get any nutritious food unless you can get local fruits and veggies there. A good breakfast would be a protein shake with fruits and shredded walnuts made with soy milk.

Description : My girlfriend and I are about to make breakfast and she has two month old jarred salsa in the fridge; is it still good?

Last Answer : What’s the expiration date say?

Description : What should I make for breakfast on Christmas morning?

Last Answer : a trip to Denny’s.

Description : What are the best things to serve guests for breakfast?


Description : I am not a good cook. What are some great things to spice up your regular bacon and eggs breakfast?

Last Answer : Syrup!

Description : Why are eggs breakfast food?

Last Answer : only some cultures eat eggs for breakfast. not all do. probably they’re popular for breakfast because they’re high in protein and relatively quick to prepare in the morning. and they go well with bacon.

Description : Would eating breakfast before I exercise in the morning be more healthy, or vice versa?

Last Answer : I’m glad someone asked this…I’m interested to see what people say. I’ve been wondering the same thing. I’ve usually been eating a little something before I go to the Y and then I’m starved when I get done.