Why on earth would you do something like that?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Being impulsive and stupid is something kids are great at. It’s normal for them to take risks because they think they’re invincible. Why do adults do these things? Hmm…an adrenaline rush? Stupidity? Both?

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Last Answer : A beg for forgiveness button…

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Last Answer : answer:Between the two questions, it appears this kid has a lot of odd quirks. To me, that would get really annoying, really fast. Maybe he thinks he's being cute, maybe he doesn't know what else ... a reason. I'd want to find out whether he has any brains behind the bizarrely vague joke comments.

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Last Answer : Yes, actually I have.

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Last Answer : yuk.

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Last Answer : Well I’m not going to pretend to know your parents or your relationship with them, but just be honest, forthright, and confident. It’s not as if you’ve done something horrible. Community college is nothing to be ashamed of.

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Last Answer : People are saying that they’re there for you if and when you need them. You can’t take advantage of those offers to get your house painted though. Best of luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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Last Answer : I would let her go to you with this info. I would be pissed if someone was like, You said some crazy shit last night. If you are friends you learn to share. Maybe sharing some stuff about you ... stuff from people. It took a long time and a newspaper article that all my friends saw to give up.

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Last Answer : I think about how I’m contributing to the relationship. When do I call the person? Do I care enough to try to change our relationship? Usually, I just stop answering the phone.

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Last Answer : It can go either way. If you are thinking of becoming more than friends, keep in mind that you tried before and it’s taken you this long to get your friendship back….are you prepared to risk loosing your friendship if it doesn’t work out?

Description : I was accused of saying something I never said - Should i reply ?

Last Answer : answer:money is just money, it can be replaced. In this situation, it just sounds way too shady. These people sound more like acquaintances then true friends. They are not worth your time.