Do you say, "where are you?" or, "where are you at?"?

1 Answer

Answer :

“Where are you.”

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Last Answer : Well, it sounded OK to me but I guess folks could argue that it was redundant.

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Last Answer : I’ve been dinged for it now & then. The gods must be forgiven for confusing omnipotence with perfection. We must not be allowed to forget who’s boss.

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Last Answer : There are relative pronouns and there are also possessive pronouns.

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Last Answer : One needs the beginning of the statement or even the whole article to understand that part.

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Last Answer : That's a a good question, and one that confuses new comers to North America (I don't know if it's all English speaking or just in North America) who are thinking Yes, you're right, I don't ... guess an English teacher would say No is correct, but I've never read or heard about what is correct.

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Last Answer : ”...the number of…” would be most accurate. ” ”...the amount of people…” could be seen as one, a couple, a few, some, a hoard, many, quite a few, a bunch, scads, a multitude, an indeterminate amount, etc.

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Last Answer : (Lack of (good)) education, coupled with the fact that they, phonetically, practically sound the same?

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Last Answer : Examples, not sure how to explain well and my brain is fried. Brother or sisterhood is used: I felt a strong sense of sisterhood with Angela, even though we'd only worked together a ... . Friendship: Our entire friendship was based on her needing something and I provided it. Destructively symbiotic.

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Last Answer : I refer to people by their job title UNTIL I learn their name & I then call them by their name because they are often MORE than just their job title & I consider them a friend!!!