How does a parent convince a teenager that he is making horrible choices?

1 Answer

Answer :

A month in jail before being bailed out did a good job of straightening out my child.

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Last Answer : not always

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Last Answer : Occasionally Maybe once a month.

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Last Answer : Most restaurants have an ongoing issue with rodents, merely from the daily placement of food in dumpsters. So when I see those, I figure they are taking steps to address it.

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Last Answer : Most people would knock him off the bike and pound him. And not feel bad about it.

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Last Answer : I'm one of the last to not carry a cell phone so when I am out and about I chat up others or just go about my business or, if I am in a cafe or coffee place I might take some reading ... my local bakery/cafe and ask-public while enjoying a goodie once in awhile but I haven't done that forever now.

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Last Answer : It was called for. It hurt me and I lost a friend.

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Last Answer : I would probably let the management know that you noticed it, but ultimately he is their problem and they are probably more than aware. Sounds like he might be mentally ill. That doesn’t make him dangerous, but then again, your gut instinct is there for a reason. DON’T confront HIM!

Description : What would you say to a well intentioned person who lectures you about something you are eating or drinking?

Last Answer : I would like to know too.

Description : Do you feel an obligation to tip the hotel cleaning lady the same way you do a waitress or waiter in a restaurant? Why or why not?

Last Answer : I’m just going to go Mr. Pink on this.

Description : For ask-publicites over 50. Do you feel the older you get the more people feel they need to control your life?

Last Answer : answer:I'm hopeful that it's just you (and just a phase). I'm sometimes astonished at the level of deference I'm accorded simply because I appear to know what I'm doing, what I want, or that I'm ... er done' some other way and walk away with better attitudes. I'm rambling, and I'm not even drunk.

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Last Answer : I do. It’s automatic, for me.

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Last Answer : Could you have received the text accidentally? Maybe it was a misfire? But I have no idea what that would be called.