What can I do to fix my Surface pro 3?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sounds like the battery is not charging, therefore a new battery is needed. You don’t need another charging cord. Three is enough.

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Last Answer : What you’re looking for in the BIOS is “boot sequence”. If you can get to that option, set the CD to boot first.

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Last Answer : What? On the Mac site, I see $1,200 for 8gb for all of the Macbook Pros, and $200 for 4gb for both of the 13 ones. Where are you seeing $1,000 for 4gb? Now, regarding the general ... to get the most net profit. Higher or lower prices would lead to an unsatisfactory profit for them in the end.

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Last Answer : Any laptop battery’s life will benefit from being fully discharged to fully charged, especially within the first few uses.