What is gene editing?

1 Answer

Answer :

Gene editing is the process of making precise changes to the DNA sequence of an organism, using techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9, and has the potential to revolutionize medicine, agriculture, and other fields.

Related questions

Description : What is gene editing?

Last Answer : Gene editing is a technique used to modify an organism's DNA, by removing, adding, or changing specific nucleotide sequences, using molecular tools such as CRISPR-Cas9, with the goal of correcting genetic disorders or enhancing desirable traits.

Description : How does the gene editing tool work?

Last Answer : Scientists have had the knowledge and ability to edit genomes for many years, but CRISPR technology has brought major improvements to the speed, cost, accuracy, and efficiency of genome editing. The history ... tens of thousands of dollars can now be completed at a small fraction of time and price.

Description : What are pros and cons of Gene editing?

Last Answer : Progress in this field has been so rapid that the discussion about potential ethical, societal, and safety issues is scrambling to catch up. The technique can cause big deletions or ... and enhancement, and how to enforce it, considering differing attitudes toward conditions such as deafness.

Description : What is your set-up for shooting video and editing?

Last Answer : I use several GoPro cameras, remote controls, a gimbal, a rotating camera mount for shooting. iMovie for editing.

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Last Answer : Last time I did such research for myself, I chose a Benq RL2460H, which I am still very happy with. It is/was very popular with gamers, used for gaming conventions, etc, and has both a good ... GL2460HM for £137.67 which seems to be very similar . At least it's a starting point for comparison.

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Last Answer : Which aliens? What question? Whose truth?

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Last Answer : answer:Took me a moment to catch the segregation line. That's funny. There used to be a job called copy editor. My dad was one when I was about 6. The reporters sent their stories to ... also wrote the headlines. That intermediate step has been eliminated at most news outlets. It's too expensive.

Description : What photo editing program do I need to cut-copy-paste from one image to another?

Last Answer : You can do that with Paint. I used to do it all the time.

Description : What is the best/cheapest photo editing software?

Last Answer : I suppose it depends on what you're trying to do with your photos. If you are looking for free Photoshop alternatives, Paint.NET is fine for the basics. Many people like gimp as well. And ... the simple photo cropping and adjustments available in Picasa, as well as online with your Google+ photos.

Description : What are useful online references for editing and editors?

Last Answer : AP Stylebook Chicago Manual of Style Strunk & White

Description : Does anyone know of a free movie editing software program?

Last Answer : windows movie maker is old but still works for basic stuff and is pretty simple.

Description : Do you know of a video editing application that is as good for video as Audacity is for audio?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know too many video editing applications, but I've heard it said the kdenlive is OK, and that Blender, although primarily 3D modeling software, has pretty good video editing capabilities. ... fully expect it to also be able to do #1. And it also has some video editing capabilities.

Description : Online Video Editing or Program?

Last Answer : It would seem you are screwed.

Description : What are the best video production/editing forums?

Last Answer : How about the StackExchange one?

Description : Studio drapes/curtain seams in post editing?

Last Answer : answer:This isn't my field of knowledge, but can you visit the supplier's place of business and make a sample video? Or just make a sample with any seamed fabric and test the results? Also ... d be enough distance between (vertical?) seams that you could position the subject where there's no break.

Description : Google Chrome issue: Editing functions disappear?

Last Answer : Disable all of your extensions and try. The red flag here is that gmail isn’t working for you. Once you have confirmed that it works fine, enable one extension at a time until you find the problem.

Description : Could anyone give me some advice on law school personal statement writing and editing?

Last Answer : answer:Tell why you chose to study in the UK, what you got from it (a deeper appreciation of your home country) and why you are continuing your studies in the U.S. Talk abut what you pln to do when you graduate. Speak of your interests outside of school and any specialties you want to practice in.

Description : What is this type of photograph editing called?

Last Answer : answer:It looks like the kind of thing my son has done with layering in PhotoShop. From what he tells me, it sounds like a person with PhotoShop skills can do just about anything with a picture.

Description : What is the best sound editing software for Macintosh?

Last Answer : Logic Pro.

Description : Photo Editing: Adobe Light Room or Photoshop?

Last Answer : answer:I know and teach them both. For your needs as described, I'd go with LightRoom. It's a good solid digital darkroom with nicely organized tools and presets. The learning curve isn't too bad. If ... I've been using it for over fifteen years. But truthfully, it's a convoluted beast of a program.

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Last Answer : Did you ask MilkyWay or Auggie directly? There might be a reason you haven’t thought of… :-/

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Last Answer : I’ve used Simple File Joiner for that sort of thing before. It doesn’t work with all formats, but IIRC, it does work with MP3.

Description : What is your editing process?

Last Answer : answer:I really do need to be more diligent about editing my Fluther answers; I find way too many stupid errors after the editing window has closed. It takes me so damned long to crank out an answer that ... taken the trouble to ask for my perspective, than I'm willing to show them how to get there.

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Last Answer : answer:You could ask him, couldn’t you? I’m pretty sure everyone I’ve contacted on youtube has responded to my questions.

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Last Answer : answer:It looks like WallpaperStyle is the setting. Determines how the desktop bitmap is displayed on the desktop if the bitmap is not tiled 0 Center the bitmap on the desktop. 2 Stretch the ... vertically and horizontally to fit the desktop. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc978626.aspx

Description : In editing HD video using a laptop, what are the minimum specifications needed?

Last Answer : answer:What is your graphics card? You can do it on that, but even on a 2.4 GHZ dual core the video will take a long time to render and decode when you’re done. Most video editing rigs are a little beefier than that.

Description : How would I do this in a video editing program, and which one do I need?

Last Answer : Is it for display on a Web page, or on some other media? What media?

Description : If your question (asked late at night) was then pushed to editing for something like four hours (because one does have to sleep), is it okay to repost it so that it is not now buried in older questions?

Last Answer : Ask Auggie.

Description : What editing suite do you use to work with RAW files?

Last Answer : Nikon has some free software that works very sweetly with my hubby’s mac.

Description : Problem with editing?

Last Answer : Hi cooblue. If you have a question about the editing process, the better option is to use the Contact button to ask the moderation team directly. But for the sake of the newer ... for spelling errors, lack of capitalization, and grammar errors will help avoid the editing process altogether.

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Last Answer : We dedicate ourselves to serving you with carefully crafted fare made from the freshest ingredients. The vast majority of our ingredients are either organic, pesticide free, sustainably sourced, cruelty free, local ... and fat, and we work only with extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, and butter.

Description : Is there any sort of browser plugin or something like that that makes editing Wikipedia easier?

Last Answer : There’s a Wikipedia toolbar.

Description : I'm a little confused. Has the "this question has been sent back for editing" message been replaced with a "this discussion is closed" message?

Last Answer : Those are two different situations. This discussion is closed means that the question is, for one reason or another, not coming back. Maybe the user deleted it, maybe the mod rejected it, ... editing means that it is somewhere in the process between being sent to editing and being accepted.

Description : I asked a question, why can't I find it after editing?

Last Answer : It will show back up once a mod reviews and approves the editing. How long that takes just depends on if there are any mods online at the time.

Description : Questions for editing, why edit if they will never post anyhow?

Last Answer : I have had that happen to me. Good question.

Description : How am I getting new Lurve on a question that's out for editing?

Last Answer : Me thinks a mod likes your Q,

Description : Where can I download a free idvd editing program?

Last Answer : iDVD software should be already included on your Mac. If you have photos in iPhoto, you can send them to iDVD for them to be burned. Alternatively, you can launch iDVD and select photos from a file to be displayed on the DVD menu.

Description : Know of a good photo editing software program?

Last Answer : answer:I edit all my photos in gimp. Its free and open sourced too :) Gimp looks and feels a lot like photoshop but I tend to like it a bit more honestly.

Description : Does anyone work (or know someone that works) in the writing/editing/communications field? Could you tell me some things about your daily work?

Last Answer : I'm a Web developer and do some content writing plus lots of work counseling clients in how to state their value proposition, how to generate calls to action that really work and so forth. I am ... how to do thos things and would always want to generate the art or photogrpahy for my writing myself.

Description : Is there a website for video editing software in general?

Last Answer : Try this

Description : What's a cheap video editing software that can do all of this?

Last Answer : Windows? Mac? Linux?

Description : Anybody know of any free & fun photo editing sites? :)

Last Answer : http://aviary.com

Description : Which photo editing software is the easiest to use?

Last Answer : Don’t immediately rule out free alternatives.

Description : Need a somewhat simple movie editing program for PC?

Last Answer : Have you tried the updated Movie Maker? Upside is that it’s free, I don’t personally know how good it is or not but your other options like Sony’s Vegas Pro or Adobe Premier aren’t exactly cheap.

Description : What video editing software do you like the best?

Last Answer : For ease of use, I love iMove and may upgrade.

Description : I need help finding a photo editing program that has a spotlight feature. Please?

Last Answer : picasa 2 (would probably be okay) ,media impression.

Description : Why have two of my "questions that need editing" disappeared after I edited them?

Last Answer : I see things haven’t changed much! I’ve had a question modded and then I changed the wording but I never saw it again. I just figured it was a garbage Q and the mods didn’t have time to fix it.

Description : Do you have an instruction for capturing, editing, saving, and sending a screenshot using Word, not Paint. The one that starts with "Ctrl" +Print Screen,....Word? Mainly capturing and sending?

Last Answer : You just hit the print screen key, and then open word and paste it there.

Description : Editing songs on IPod Touch?

Last Answer : Are you using Windows or Mac?

Description : What video editing software is capable of turning videos 90º in the direction the editor wishes it?

Last Answer : answer:Just about any I would think. Windows Movie Maker can. See this link It’s free but I’m not sure if it will work on OSX if you have a Mac, but I’m pretty sure Macs have a free video editor that should accomplish this.