‘ISNA’ is the news agency of:
(a) Iran
(b) Iraq
(c) India
(d) None of these

1 Answer

Answer :

(a) Iran

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Last Answer : There's really no way to be sure. The problem is that one thing led to another to another. We supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war. (1980-1988). Iraq was our friend. Until Saddam ... blood and treasure. The situation in Iraq is a testament of terrible American leadership from Reagan on forward.

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Last Answer : The Administration last year announced the supplying of combat advisors and personnel to support the development of Iraqi response to ISIS. This is not unknown or unreported. While it is sad to lose a serviceman in combat, it is not a surprise that US troops are in harm’s way.

Description : Believe what you want, but I believe the arms race during the Reagan administration was aimed to financially cripple Russia and it worked, my question are the conflicts in Iraq and the middle east, true aim to financially cripple the U.S?

Last Answer : answer:@SQUEEKY2 - with all respect, I disagree. If you're correct about the mideast conflicts trying to bankrupt the US, then: - who or what country is behind it? - this wouldn't be a ... US (2007-2013) was simple greed on the part of big banks and financial institutions. We screwed ourselves.

Description : What prevents the USA and the British from entering a full blown war in Iraq (again) against ISIS?

Last Answer : answer:The people. We remember what happened last time, and would severely punish any government that dragged us back into that mess in the same capacity as we were in. That said, there are boots ... for another protracted war. We struggle to accept that this war is by its very nature unwinnable.

Description : What makes Obama and Cameron (and for that matter, most of the West) think that ISIS in Iraq/Syria can be defeated?

Last Answer : I don’t think they believe groups like isis can be erased from the planet. They are like cockroaches, you can’t ever get rid of them all but you can make life very hard for them. You can at least eliminate them from your home.

Description : Do you support the bombing of ISIS targets in Iraq?

Last Answer : It depends. How much “collateral damage” are these bombings going to cause.

Description : Will the USA ask for UN (united nations) support before doing anything in Iraq?

Last Answer : Hopefully. Ideally we will just STFU and let them sort it out. We tried for a decade and that didn’t work. No reason to believe that we can fix things with another decade. Cheney is a fucking idiot that has been wrong about everything.

Description : It’s WAR! It’s WAR! When the civil war is finally declared in Iraq will the US jump back in for round three?

Last Answer : Dream on. The Iraq war certainly didn’t stimulate the US economy, unless you are only looking at Halliburton and its affiliates. There’s a reason Bush left those costs off the books while he was in office.

Description : If Iraq descends into civil war or some extremist government takes control can we finally say ”Mission accomplished”?

Last Answer : Didn’t we say “mission accomplished” like, ten years ago?

Description : Do you see that Mayor Rob Ford's latest is like Iraq attacking Kuwait?

Last Answer : That’s… more than a little hyperbolic. But yeah, he continues to be a train wreck.

Description : How much did the war in Iraq contribute to the US deficit today?

Last Answer : The numbers are all over the map. I have heard $1.6 Trillion. But, arguably a lot of that went to employ people (soldiers, defense contractors, defense industries, hospital workers, etc. ) who ... again you get arguments from both sides. I'm sure others will come up with better/different numbers.

Description : Why was the US military occupation of Japan and Germany peaceful compared to Iraq and Afghanistan?

Last Answer : If you’re just going off pictures…....There are many pictures out there of soldiers having a good time with the locals of the cities they inhabited while in the Middle East. Conversely, there are also pictures of horrors from both wars.

Description : Iraq war: success or failure?

Last Answer : Ask the families of those killed and wounded.

Description : What future do you see for Iraq?

Last Answer : I don’t think any mid-ranking State Dept. official can provide an intelligent answer to your question, much less folks who are not privy to intelligence reports.

Description : Has the United States gained anything from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Last Answer : I know I have missed and worried about my sister when she has gone on two tours of duty. I don't feel that my family has not gained a thing except worry that she will be killed. She just got home ... 't think the US has gained a thing out of all this mess except a very poor excuse for a president.