1 Answer

Answer :

The name of the official news agency of Afghanistan is 'Bakhtar News Agency'.

Related questions

Description : What is the official name of Afghanistan ?

Last Answer : The official name of Afghanistan is Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

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Last Answer : Reuters, the world's largest international news agency

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Description : What was life like in 1979 when The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan?

Last Answer : It happened within a few weeks of the newly formed Islamic republic of Iran seizing hostages from the U.S. embassy in Tehran, so one of those times when the world was starting to turn ugly.

Description : Can you help enlighten me about terrorism threats to the US from Afghanistan?

Last Answer : War mongering hype/false news/ scare tactic. Makes it sound like a flotilla of C-5 aircraft loaded with jeeps and trucks ready to drop onto Missouri and parade into Kansas City Most of the articles ... ISIS and the Taliban don't necessarily get along well in the sandbox, to use a kindergarten image.

Description : Did anyone seriously think that the US 20-year adventure in Afghanistan was going to end in any other way?

Last Answer : I was just starting to ask a similar question. I am conflicted. I think we should never have gone in there and we definitely shouldn't have stayed 20 years. We seem to have accomplished ... this on either the Democrats or the Republicans, they were all complicit in the prosecution of this war.

Description : What are your thoughts on US backing out from Syria and Afghanistan?

Last Answer : I support a well-thought-out withdrawal from both countries. One that is clearly planned for as many contingencies as possible, and with coordination by the Pentagon.

Description : Why USA hasn't been able to achieve complete victory in Afghanistan yet?

Last Answer : Russia invaded Afghanistan years ago and failed. Afghanistan is not organized well enough to be conquered properly. I think everything is spread out in that country in such a was as to have Trump calling it a s-hole ... die. I'm not an expert I just have cable news. I'm hoping that CNN is accurate.

Description : During the Soviet War in Afghanistan, why did the refugee surge into Iran not have a destabilizing effect like it did in Pakistan?

Last Answer : Simple answer. Iran is an authoritarian government, a theocracy that is run by a bunch of mullahs. As such, they could (and possibly did) quash any dissent by mobilizing the Revolutionary Guards. For ... government, that at least to a degree, believes in a democracy and open society of some sort.

Description : Why do tourists go to Afghanistan?

Last Answer : Ancient ruins?

Description : General down! Isn’t the attack in Afghanistan a reminder that in war, you are never 100% safe on the battlefield?

Last Answer : answer:This was a security breach; he was not the only one killed. Generals have to go where the facilities are; he wasn't out on patrol. It wasn't about deciding to send young men out to risk their lives ... , and war is very dangerous. It was time for us to get the hell out of there 5 years ago.

Description : Do you think we should withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and leave training forces there?

Last Answer : answer:George Bush was an idiot and had no idea what he was doing. So he let Cheney tell him what to do, and Cheney was worse than an idiot-he was an ideological idiot. They live in the ... not with an invasion. Drones and CIA raids should be sufficient to keep the terrorist activity to a minimum.

Description : Why was the US military occupation of Japan and Germany peaceful compared to Iraq and Afghanistan?

Last Answer : If you’re just going off pictures…....There are many pictures out there of soldiers having a good time with the locals of the cities they inhabited while in the Middle East. Conversely, there are also pictures of horrors from both wars.

Description : Has the United States gained anything from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Last Answer : I know I have missed and worried about my sister when she has gone on two tours of duty. I don't feel that my family has not gained a thing except worry that she will be killed. She just got home ... 't think the US has gained a thing out of all this mess except a very poor excuse for a president.

Description : Do you know of a documentary about money in (Afghanistan? Iraq?) going to palaces instead of schools?

Last Answer : Where do you live? That might help narrow down the search.

Description : Are there any key documents made regarding Afghanistan?

Last Answer : Homework?

Description : Is Afghanistan bankrupting America?

Last Answer : It isn't just Afghanistan it has been going on for years. Once the Federal Reserve was brought into America and the Gold standard was eliminated our country was heading for Bankruptcy and we will not ... fraud, waste and abuse in Government spending alone is so out of control we will not recover.

Description : Why is Kabul, Afghanistan 4 hours 30 minutes ahead of GMT?

Last Answer : They’re not alone. There are other time zones on the half hour; Newfoundland time for one. There are even some time zones that are on the quarter hour. The country of Nepal is one of those.

Description : How many schools have been built in Afghanistan since 2001?

Last Answer : http://afghanistan.usaid.gov/en/Page.FAQ.aspx

Description : US forces will be leaving Afghanistan in what year now?

Last Answer : When our dependency on oil is through. Id say in a 10–15 years, when a large amount of vehicles run on electricity/hydrogen, we will no longer care about the middle-east.

Description : "Afghans see change in U.S. command as a threat to safety" is the headline in the LA Times. Considering that why should we stay in Afghanistan?

Last Answer : The trillion dollars worth of lithium you just found there. Obviously.

Description : To win the war in Afghanistan will take how many more 100s of billions of dollars?

Last Answer : Eleventy one more dollars.

Description : What do you think will become of the mineral deposits in Afghanistan?

Last Answer : Nations with an extraction economy do not have a history of doing well. See the former Belgian Congo for one example.

Description : How do you feel about private contractors/mercenaries operating in iraq/afghanistan?

Last Answer : answer:I have no issues with a person trying to make an honest living anywhere in the world. What I do have issues with is some of the stories I've heard about BlackWater (think they changed their name). As I ... I can only go by what I've heard in the news. I could be mistaken. I certainly hope so.

Description : WHY would Iraq and Afghanistan send us relief money when Katrina hit?

Last Answer : We weren't at war with them. We had won the wars and new governments were elected, who asked us to stay there to provide security. Why wouldn't a government that wanted to be our ally, ... are suffering. Meanwhile they look like the good guy willing to help the suffering people of their enemy.

Description : Why are we in Afghanistan? Searching for the Boogie Man or guarding the opium?

Last Answer : I’ve been wondering that myself!!! I have absolutely no clue so I’m going to go with your opium theory.

Description : If I'll join the Air National Guard will they send me to Iraq/Afghanistan ?

Last Answer : Probably not until WW3 scheduled for 2012.

Description : Do navy recruits get sent to Iraq or Afghanistan?

Last Answer : Yes. Several friends have sons in the navy, and they’re done ground time in Afghanistan

Description : There's now talk of replacing Hamid Karzai (president of Afghanistan) with a pro-Western chief executive. Do you know what gives us the right to replace elected governments?

Last Answer : This is a great question, I hope someone can factually answer it. I was interested so I found this more legible and factual article which goes into the situation better at The Economist. Unfortunately I ... yours is (although our boots are far from clean) with regards to meddling in the Middle East.

Description : What impact did the wars in Tibet and Afghanistan have on the national movement? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The wars in Tibet and Afghanistan were expensive and they put pressure on the impoverished Indian economy. This created a strong reaction against them.

Description : Which is the chief industry of Afghanistan? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'Carpet making'

Description : What is the currency of 'Afghanistan' ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The currency of 'Afghanistan' is called Afghani

Description : Who followed the policy of ‘masterly inactivity’ towards Afghanistan? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which is the chief industry of Afghanistan? -General Knowledge

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Description : Which is the chief industry of Afghanistan? -General Knowledge

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Description : Which city is the capital of Afghanistan? -General Knowledge

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Description : Which city is the capital of Afghanistan? -General Knowledge

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Description : Which city is the capital of Afghanistan? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who is the author of the book My Enemy’s Enemy: India in Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion to the US Withdrawal ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Avinash Paliwal

Description : What is the national game of "Afghanistan" ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Buzkashi is the national game of "Afghanistan"

Description : When was the last general election held in Afghanistan ?

Last Answer : The last general election in Afghanistan was held in September 2019 .