Are all US Republicans racist?

1 Answer

Answer :

No but all racists are republicans

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Last Answer : I think this is something that has been around since the beginning of politics so it isn’t a “modern” issue.

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Last Answer : As of Jan 7th 2021: Majority Party: Republican (51 seats) Minority Party: Democrat (46 seats) Other Parties: 2 Independents (both caucus with the Democrats) Total Seats: 99 Note: Both Senate seats in ... 3, 2021, resulting in a vacancy in that seat until the run-off election results are certified.

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Last Answer : Of course we were never told about it. It would have defeated the purpose of all of the “America is the greatest country in the world” propaganda we were all brought up on. And in my opinion that’s what it is. Propaganda.

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Last Answer : They’d accuse him of being chicken.

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Last Answer : This saying comes to mind. The Republicans say that government is the problem, and they prove that point every time they win an election.

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Last Answer : is a transcript of Trump's interview on the Howard Stern show. He talks about Bush and Kerry and the war record. I didn't ... was painted as a war hero. I think it was probably edited so I didn't include it here.

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Last Answer : Isn’t that always the way???

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Last Answer : There is no right or wrong answer since all I asked for was opinions, weather we agree or disagree, doesn’t matter I just want some opinions on this. THANKS!

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Last Answer : Haven’t heard that but I read that a few tea party type Norwegians have.

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Last Answer : D. They are selfish, greedy, hypocritical bags of shit.

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Last Answer : Outraged and calling my congressman now. Unbelievable!

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Last Answer : Yes. In the past Trump has espoused almost Democratic, liberal positions on social issues.

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Last Answer : answer:Stuck in the middle, of course. ~ In any case, it’s only Democratic voters who have gotten more liberal (or at least, they are identifying themselves as more liberal). The Democratic Party is just as center-right as it has ever been.

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Last Answer : answer:I’ll answer this way: Hillary is laughing, and picking out her inauguration dress. They beauty of this election process is that Clinton didn’t need to engage in any dirty tricks in order to beat the republicans. They did it to themselves.

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Last Answer : answer:It's impossible for us to predict the outcome of the party-nominating process at this time, but both Trump and Carson are making it clear that they may pursue independent runs. This will ... . I think changing demographics of our population will have more to say about their long-term stamina.

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Last Answer : I would have said exactly what she did and exactly what I have been saying, we have lost Americans and other lives and have indured destruction in many other terrorist attacks on Embassies. Where were the ... . They care when they see it as a tool to get rid of a political candidate. Disgusting.

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Last Answer : answer:I do see the divide between the two major parties when discussing important issues and this is a direct result of what is important to the voters on each side. As I have said before, as a ... in the article, that what was discussed in the debate was a product of what questions were asked.

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Last Answer : answer:I have no idea what’s in this particular bill, or why they didn’t vote on it. However, lots of times it isn’t the bill itself that’s the problem, it’s an extremely undesirable “extra” that was tacked on later. Could you provide a link?

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Last Answer : answer:How dare those lowly peasants! How outrageous that they should eat like the rest of us! They need to be put in their place-and their place, of course, is behind the grocery stores rummaging ... of many of those same Republican stockholding elitists-this is absolutely I'm at a loss for words.

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Last Answer : Well, since they didn’t, the question is moot at this point.

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Last Answer : Well, they used to be all for him. They demanded that President Obama bring him home and complained about how long it was taking. Then Obama actually did it, so it retroactively became the wrong thing to do. That’s politics these days.

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Last Answer : Either. Talking about either makes me want to bash my head against a ferrocrete wall.

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Last Answer : Using David Pokeman’s own words Is legal kinda jumped out at me.

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Last Answer : Distraction from their total lack of governance?

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Last Answer : answer:Those types of people are often well, not very imaginative. The KKKanadian conservatives once came up with Conservative Reform Alliance Party. Seriously. For that matter, ObamaCare was their ... basically the same system as RomneyCare. They disowned it when the other guys adopted it.

Description : With Republicans succeeding in making abortion impossible in many red states, will we see a spike in crime in 15 years or so?

Last Answer : With the rise of the internet and so much entertainment I don’t believe so. However, I think they’ll still have their “Honorable, Patriotic” crop of people to have when it comes to military recruiting.

Description : So what is your theory, as to why the republicans want to shut down the government?

Last Answer : Um… You know it’s Obama’s fault… Right? I mean, he refused to negotiate!

Description : Should Republicans critical of Clinton wisen up and stop setting her up to be elected President in case she runs?

Last Answer : No. And Gloriosky! if past performance re wising up is any guide, they won’t.

Description : Over two-thirds of Republicans believe in demonic possession. WTF?

Last Answer : answer: Maybe it's like believing in God-it doesn't actually change the way you behave in the real world? That's the key, isn't it? People can say they believe something, but if it doesn't ... as if their childhood pastor is leaning over their shoulder. So, I take the results with a pillar of salt.

Description : How come Republicans have the political power to quash the truth?

Last Answer : Because the Service works for Congress, and the House is controlled by the Republicans.

Description : Are Republicans pro-war?

Last Answer : Not any more than the Democrats.

Description : If Republicans are so worried about voter fraud, why do they not mention this? (See details)

Last Answer : If you ask me the answer is YEP they are truly enemies of free and fair elections. Why else work so hard to diminish all things education so as to keep a public that is stupid and uninformed and ... pockets and vice versa do you really believe there is such a thing as a free and fair election?

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Last Answer : No, they’ll rename it to something else, something that celebrates and reminds you of your obligation to work hard for low wages and no benefits.

Description : How were the Republicans able to block the Disclose Act, if a majority of the senators supported it?

Last Answer : According to this the result was 59–39-2, which is below the required 3/5th majority.

Description : Democrats and Republicans, what do you honestly love about each other?

Last Answer : I’m neither, but can at least be friends with Democrats. The Republicans I love are family members. I love that we can avoid talking politics while we are around each other. Does that count?

Description : Republicans: Can we agree to raise taxes enough to pay back the money spent on the wars?

Last Answer : How much would we have to raise and how would we raise taxes, @JLeslie?