What is Wonder Woman's last name?

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Description : What are the colors in wonder woman's outfit?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Who is Wonder Woman's father?

Last Answer : Zeus

Description : What is Wonder Woman's identity?

Last Answer : Diana Prince

Description : What is Wonder Woman's weakness?

Last Answer : Wonder Woman is weak to piecing weapons, yet highly resistant to blunt force. It takes an enraged Superman's punches to break her bones, while a bullet from a gun can pierce her skin as it would any ... . However, its possible she just isn't as resistant to energy weapons as she is to blunt force.

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Last Answer : Going to a fair. My family was against it because it was too expensive and there might be a chance that the fair was poorly organized. Even I myself doubted it as I've been to many bad fairs before. ... And I was inexperienced as I found so many new things from the fair I had never known before.

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Last Answer : Of course they are lesbos you silly willy. By the way, what shade is naive? tan? Green?

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Last Answer : It seems ridiculous on the face of it. Why should that matter? I think the Olympics are fast becoming irrelevant – at least in my mind.

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Last Answer : They weren't allowed to cut women's hair? That's kind of stupid. I don't see any difference between men's hair and women's hair. I wouldn't exactly call it sexist, I'm not sure that that ... gender discrimating. That's kind of messed up, honestly. How can you not be qualified to cut women's hair?

Description : Is this a man's coat or a woman's?

Last Answer : I can’t see the picture. Website comes up, picture is blank

Description : Are a woman's frozen eggs less viable than if those eggs are fertilized and preserved as embryos?

Last Answer : answer:Good question. I was interested enough to go and have a look at this and it seems that fertilised eggs - embryos - are much easier to freeze/thaw than unfertilised eggs. It's to do with the ... this was happening now, this method could be offered. And, given the facts of this case, should be

Description : How do you feel about the controversy over a woman's image on the ten dollar bill?

Last Answer : answer:Fighting over which one is just wasting time. As long as it's a $5, $10, or $20 I'm fine with it. Not because of who is on it now, but because those bills are used a lot. Why just ... bet the majority of people don't even know who is on what bill except for maybe Washington on the $1 bill.

Description : WTF? A woman's will states that she wants her very alive, healthy dog to be killed and cremated so its ashes can be buried with her.

Last Answer : answer:Nothing to discuss. There are wackos everywhere. Some more dangerous than others. People are weird.

Description : Men: if you look at a woman's ass do you always know what type of underwear she has on?

Last Answer : answer:Nomenclature question - what is Spanx? Never heard of it. I'm male. I do not go out of my way to look, nor do I tend to notice what sort of underwear a woman has. About the only way I ever ... I notice if women are braless or not-- that's a whole different story. I'm fairly good at that :-)

Description : Women, how would you feel if a man walked into a woman's restroom because he identified as a woman?

Last Answer : It doesn’t concern me. I think they are safer going into the women’s toilets than the men’s to be honest.

Description : Is it just me, or do you have no desire to see a pregnant woman's tummy exposed?

Last Answer : Sigh. Why does every women I know who gets pregnant act like they just invented it? I get that it’s a life-changing event for you, but those 3.5 billion other women on the planet having babies are probably pretty impressed with themselves, too.

Description : Mexico doctors remove woman's 130-pound tumor: how can a tumor get so large without killing the patient already?

Last Answer : 1. It is Mexico, which is pretty much a third world country. 2. She did not leave her house for years. 3. It is a general societal trait to not pay heed to others unless being specifically told ... year, and nobody bats an eye. But one 2nd rate actor kills himself, and everybody loses their minds.

Description : How do you determine a woman's age?

Last Answer : answer:It really depends on the individual woman. Women who never use make up do not age nearly as badly as women who do. And remember Jake LaMotta’s wife? She did a Playboy pictorial in her late 50s and man oh man she did not look anywhere near 50. She looked younger. And her body…!!!!

Description : Can a man's penis size be compared the same way as a woman's breast size?

Last Answer : I think I know what you're asking. But you might have over thought it and tried to use numbers and science haha. In the same way some men go, Oh my goodness look at those tits. You're asking if ... with dudes. I'm an attractive guy, but I don't look for the biggest and fattest tits out there. I

Description : If you wear a woman's size L glove and have some extra right-handed ones, how about matching them with my collection of left-handed ones?

Last Answer : It’s a big mystery of life. Missing gloves, missing socks…there’s probably a Stephen King story about this.

Description : Does a woman's cervix open before or after LH surge?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Would a woman's health be affected after many years? (Details inside)

Last Answer : The only type of people I can think of that heavily make themselves up is actresses. So how many actresses that you have heard of, especially those that started out as child actresses, have the type of cancers you are talking about?

Description : What grosses people more, the fact of breastfeeding going past the age of diapers or the fact the kid that can stand has his mouth at a woman’s nipple?

Last Answer : Past the age of diapers for me. If the kid can verbalize the request, seems oddly sexual to me.

Description : Question about a woman's behavior at a party...

Last Answer : Perhaps the woman in question was under the influence of a drug.

Description : Is it the baby who decides it is time to come out or the womans body?

Last Answer : Wikipedia lists some factors.

Description : Is this woman's suicide any different than the average suicide? (Details inside.)

Last Answer : answer:It is easier to understand for outsiders why her life has become unbearable. Psychological suffering may be just as bad or worse even, but is harder to understand for people. Psychological suffering is ... the victim. and wow - what a heart breaking story. Sad from whatever view you take.

Description : Men, do you know or suspect you have gotten career or financial gain due to a woman's attraction for you?

Last Answer : No. No, I don’t.

Description : What causes a woman's rearend to "sag" as she grows older?

Last Answer : Gravity.

Description : What is that item of clothing/accessory called that is two clips on the end of an elastic piece, which is clipped to the back of a woman's shirt to make it tighter?

Last Answer : answer:It is called a cinch. http://acostumejewelryshop.com/cinch-dress-garment-clips-c-59.html

Description : Is it better ettiquite for a man's name or woman's name to go first?

Last Answer : answer:This is, at least what emilypost.com says about the business of addressing correspondence, including couples, including the order of names, where it states the following: NOTE: Traditionally, a man's ... of the couple outranks' the other-the one with the higher rank is always listed first.

Description : How does one wrap one's head around the murder of a woman's own children, or murder/suicide with one's own children.

Last Answer : I think some people can become so depressed or so distraught that they can't think straight or rationally. To an un-rational and extremely upset person, killing themselves and taking along their loved ones ... be alone or won't have to suffer any more or be left grief stricken is completely logical.

Description : What are your thoughts on this woman's lifestyle?

Last Answer : I couldn’t personally manage that, but if it works for her (and worked for her husband), who am I to judge? Nobody is harmed. There’s nothing wrong with being a loner, either.

Description : Can antibiotics affect a woman's monthly cycle?

Last Answer : Yes it can, and should be listed in the contraindications and side effects of your prescribed medication.

Description : Why is a woman’s fertility cycle essentially the same as that of the moon?

Last Answer : What do you mean by it being essentially the same as the moon? Are you talking about it lining up with the phases of the moon (as in woman starting their cycle with the new moon)? If that's the ... day cycle. Have you seen anything that says a woman's cycle is essentially the same as the moon cycle?

Description : What was the matter with this old woman's hands?

Last Answer : I sounds like what we used to call dropsy, or Edema

Description : Is a woman's "veil" considered a mask?

Last Answer : Yeah, I don't know. But now that you mention it. I wonder. Do they ever take family photos at home without the veil? If they do than I don't understand why they wouldn't take a photo for driver ... veils but that was before 9-ll. I can't say I remember seeing any wear veils more recently in public.

Description : Is a woman's intuition real or just a guess?

Last Answer : It is the same as instinct, at least to some degree, I believe. I always trust my gut, and anytime a situation has come up where it is described as woman's intuition it was really just a ... , I just think it is used to describe the reaction to circumstances that affect women more often than men.

Description : Post pregnancy stomach; Isn't there a scientific name for a woman's belly post pregnancy?

Last Answer : Stupid flabby belly-itis? lol. I actually have never heard that it had a specific name. All I can think of is postpartum. Oh, maybe pregnancy pooch? http://www.babycenter.com/0_your-post-baby-belly-why-its-changed-and-how-to-tone-it_1152349.bc

Description : Would wearing a touch of woman's perfume give you an edge in a job interview?

Last Answer : Best not to wear perfume for an interview. It is generally discouraged in the workplace today.

Description : 12th century(or 1100's) Scottish womans dress?

Last Answer : Google SCA. Society for Chronological Anachronisms. You should find a contact that will be only too happy to point you on the right direction.

Description : Is yard work/gardening a womans job?

Last Answer : answer:Both my husband and I work in the yard. Why would it be just a man’s job? In fact, I do most of the yard work since I stay at home and my husband brings home a paycheck.

Description : Have you ever called your wife or g/f by some other womans name? what happened?

Last Answer : That’s bad. I think you should do it again next. Just for fun.

Description : Has anyone used woman's rogaine and did it work?

Last Answer : No, but I know when my mother lost her hair from chemo they gave her a shampoo called Wen that grows and thickens hair. I think it’s pricey but she said it worked well. You can check it out here.

Description : Men: Would you prefer that your woman's legs were hairy?

Last Answer : Hellz no!!!!

Description : Besides the obvious, what are some physical changes to a woman's body after she has children (like 4 years later)

Last Answer : From what I’ve seen around, not much. It depends on how she takes care of herself—if she hasn’t gained weight (past six months), no changes.

Description : Why do a pregnant womans nipples darken in color?

Last Answer : It’s just hormonal changes. Some women’s nipples whiten or blanch during pregnancy.

Description : What factors can delay a woman's cycle?

Last Answer : Almost anything. Stress, major and minor health issues, etc.

Description : How much of a woman's beauty relies on her hair?

Last Answer : I’d say a decent amount of it. Most women who are though of as beautiful would be mediocre without their hair.

Description : What part of a woman's anatomy do you find the most appealing?

Last Answer : Their lips; I don’t know exactly why but it just pulls me towards them…haha

Description : Is there any correlation between getting dry socket after dental surgery, and a woman's hormonal cycle?

Last Answer : I called my Oral Surgeon and asked him and he said that he has never heard of that being a issue. I would consider him a very good doctor.

Description : What's the best online site to buy a woman's designer dress?

Last Answer : answer:The good news is that there are are a number of ways to wear a couture gown and still be green. If you are looking for a specific designer, you can buy a once worn gown from ... See this answer with links along with more wedding Q+A and images at http://thegreenbrideguide.blogspot.com/