Did the Romans speak Latin, or another language?

1 Answer

Answer :

Dear Ora, they spoke latin

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Last Answer : I've taken three semesters of Latin in the last two years of school. I know what you're talking about, and it took me about a semester and a half before I started thinking in Latin , per sē. ... a more affordable option, watching a movie with Spanish audio) would be a way to speed up that process.

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Last Answer : Starfleet Standard Issue Universal Translator.

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Last Answer : Emperor Frederick II allegedly tried that. Reportedly the children died.

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Last Answer : Gibberish, I guess. Do you mean if I could choose another language? Italian. Or do you mean because of my heritage? German, Polish, Norwegian. You might want to clarify what you are looking for.

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Last Answer : answer:I almost got into a relationship with an attractive woman from Laos. The language barrier did not help in the long run although at first it did. For some reason, it was kind of cute and romantic when ... don't. In my case, it played a big part along with the long distance barrier that we had.

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Last Answer : answer:A fun way to teach your child two languages at one time is to have one parent speak the foreign language, and the other speak the country's language. Have the parents pretend like they cannot speak ... is ready. The child would then go to mom and speak to her in German that dinner is ready.

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Last Answer : I really would like to learn Romanian. I love the way it sounds.

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Last Answer : answer:It would probably be useful, but if you find that you can get on without it, that’s fine… Perhaps a leading question but… are you talking about a particular country?

Description : Anglo American, we speak the same language right?

Last Answer : Don’t tell an American woman that you are going to knock her up in the morning!

Description : To second-language speakers: How do you feel about people asking what language you speak?

Last Answer : I grew up in the States, but I speak Mandarin at home. I’m now studying abroad in China and I can pass off as a native. If people ask, I say I speak English, Chinese and a little French. But if people ask which language is my mother tongue, I answer English.

Description : If you speak a different language, can you learn Sign Language?

Last Answer : Sign-language is as different as spoken languages. Good luck :D

Description : What language did Adam & Eve speak?

Last Answer : Fictionese would be my guess.

Description : How would you feel if someone insisted in speaking a foreign language around you, even though you absolutely knew they could speak your language?

Last Answer : Happens all the time. Some people just feel more comfortable communicating in their own language. I never assume I am being talked about. And, I just expect people in other countries to speak their own language. Afterall, America is sooo tolerant of people speaking languages other than english.~

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Last Answer : no, everyone should learn german!

Description : If you speak a language besides English does it have different words for different types of love?

Last Answer : Yes, I am vietnamese there are 2 types of love. Thuong – is more of a family/close friends love Yeu – is more of a relationship love And i think its better if there are 2 types in the language so we can distinguish it better haha

Description : Do you speak a second (or third) language?

Last Answer : I used to speak Spanish, my mother speaks French and Spanish, my grandmother spoke I think 7, coulda been 9. I am now the only person in our entire extended family who is not at least bilingual. We moved to ... I could pick it up again if I wanted I'm sure, but eh, I'd rather learn Arabic. :)

Description : If you speak a different language, have you ever dreamt in that language?

Last Answer : Yes, I do dream in English a lot! (I’m a native Spanish speaker)

Description : In what language did the serpent speak to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

Last Answer : Him speak with forked tongue.

Description : If you could speak a new language tomorrow, which one would it be and why?

Last Answer : An Alien language(as in from another planet) So I could send them a text message and tell them to get me the hell off the planet. It sucks! lol

Description : What's a workaround someone who doesn't speak your language came up with to describe a word they didn't know?

Last Answer : Cobra chicken

Description : What's a workaround someone who doesn't speak your language came up with to describe a word they didn't know?

Last Answer : Pictionary