Which best describes the term holocaust?

1 Answer

Answer :

organized mass murder -apex

Related questions

Description : Which best describes the term holocaust?

Last Answer : organized mass murder -apex

Description : which of the following terms describes the mistreatment of jews that occured in europe in the centuries leading up the holocaust?

Last Answer : Anti-Semitism

Description : What does the term Holocaust refers to what?

Last Answer : The genocide of Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and 6 million Jewish people. Jews refer to the Holocaust as "Shoah"._____________There are, however, two competing definitions. When used by ... by about 30 million was the core of the Holocaust, though it included some other groups.

Description : Did you learn about the Holocaust in K-12 school?

Last Answer : I learned about it from books, and television programming.

Description : What is your explanation for this conundrum about White Supremacists, Nazis and Holocaust Deniers?

Last Answer : Untreated mental illness. I think this explains a lot of things including conspiracy theorists, flat earthers, and more. Locking people in institutions and experimenting on and abusing them clearly wasn't ... it too. We simply do not have successful enough tools to help certain mentally ill people.

Description : Do you think 9/11 needs to be remembered like the Holocaust?

Last Answer : I associate “never forget” with the holocaust, but I don’t see 911 as just as important as the holocaust. For each event I remember all the things you mentioned. Remember 911? Absolutely. But applying “never forget” to 911? No.

Description : What were your children taught about the Holocaust in school, and do you believe 6 million Jewish people were killed?

Last Answer : But yeah, those non-believers are also very present in the following numbers: __Almost half (45 percent) of Americans were unable to name a single concentration camp, and the number was even worse for ... ). Two-thirds (66 percent) of millennials were unable to explain what Auschwitz was.__ ...

Description : Were you satisfied with Trump’s statement for Holocaust Rememberence Day?

Last Answer : I am glad that he mentioned the Jews this time.

Description : Let's say a young adult today, early 40's, has never heard of the Holocaust: What do you think their reaction would be to movies like Schindler's List?

Last Answer : I think trying to educate people is wonderful, but if I thought the person was going to be a closed-minded ignoramus about it, I wouldn't bother. That's just my opinion. Others may feel it's worth while ... She must really live in a bubble if she's in her 40's and has never heard of the Holocaust.

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Last Answer : Which holocaust? There have been several.

Description : When you hear "never forget" regarding the Holocaust, what does that mean to you?

Last Answer : For me it is fairly redundant. I am married to a Jewish lady and the holocaust is raw front and center in her family having lost loved ones so long ago. Sadly there are a vast majority of ... need to honor these anniversaries to remind us that we shall do everything and anything to avoid a repeat.

Description : Should Nuclear Terrorism denial be a crime, just like Holocaust denial?

Last Answer : answer:Holocaust denial is not a crime here in the U.S., and it should most definitely not be. Same goes for the nuclear terrorism stuff. But of course I’ll join you in contemplation of the horror of the annihiliation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Description : Is it possible to 'honour' the 3rd Reich without glorifying the Holocaust?

Last Answer : Well, they had a really great wardrobe department. The uniforms were so avant-garde.

Description : What did people do in the Ghettos during the holocaust?

Last Answer : answer:The classic ghetto was the Warsaw ghetto . Type that in your search engine; There are hundreds of documents for you to read. Start by finding an accurate definition of ghetto. ... camps together. They were two separate social structures with two different purposes, at least superficially.

Description : Have you visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC?

Last Answer : I think it’s to help you get emotionally invested. Why do you think it’s insensitive? To whom?

Description : Where can I find information on Holocaust conspiracy theory?

Last Answer : If you look up “Holocaust Denial” on a search engine you will be inundated with links.

Description : Do you believe the holocaust happened?

Last Answer : I’ve seen the tattoos on some of my Jewish clients and looked into their eyes when they noticed I saw it.

Description : Joan Rivers Holocaust Joke: All in good fun or crossing the line?

Last Answer : Geez, it’s not anti semitic, who is upset? Germans?

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t think so. Was it the Beatle’s fault the Manson Family killed Sharon Tate and the LaBianca family?

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. It’s not worthwhile to compare atrocities and rank them. Study them, understand them, keep further ones from happening, sure. But “Oppression Olympics” aren’t useful.

Description : Holocaust Denial: Rhetoric or Actual Belief?

Last Answer : I don't understand any of the conspiracy therorists. Like, Elvis is still alive, we didn't really go to the moon, the government had President Kenndy shot, we blew up the trade center ... psychiatrists say is true - people just want to believe that they know something that no one else knows.

Description : Today we remember Pearl Harbor,the Holocaust, the beginning of World War Two, but why do some hold this generation accountable?

Last Answer : Based upon car sales I’d say that Japanese / German prejudice is a thing of the past. I just came from a Bar Mitzvah celebration this weekend in Westchester County. There were so many BMWs in the parking lot it looked like an Oktoberfest Celebration.

Description : Can anyone recommend a good autobiography (or two) by jewish authors that survived the Holocaust?

Last Answer : There’s Elie Wiesel’s Night.

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Last Answer : I’d like to believe I would.

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Last Answer : answer:Robots are still not that smart or dexterous compared to humans. Even tele-robotic (human-controlled) devices are limited in mobility. Not that those tracked robotic vehicles described in the ... , while motors, wiring, and structural elements should function fine unless they melt from heat.

Description : If Hitler had been assassinated, could the holocaust & world war II have been averted?

Last Answer : answer:I think there is every chance that things would have been changed. His generals thought his conduct of the war was wrong. I am not at all sure there would have been the will to see the Holocaust through.

Description : What is your opinion about using medical knowledge obtained in atrocities such as the WWII Holocaust?

Last Answer : answer:Of course we can't condone what happened, but knowledge is knowledge, no matter how come by. How many deaths could be prevented using the information they gained, and how many lost if we ... to reinvent the wheel by waiting for someone to discover the same information by more mundane means?

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Last Answer : This would be like making it illegal to believe in creationism, so even though those people just look like huge idiots, it’s still wrong to make it illegal for them.

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Last Answer : I feel like all world leaders, particularly those who do terrible things, need someone to be the front man for their operation. Humans (hopefully) don't want to be part of atrocities, but ... spoon-fed the pablum of an administration spokesperson or a News channel pundit is not actually helpful.

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Last Answer : we actually had quite the discussion about this here

Description : Is the Holocaust a hoax?

Last Answer : I would ask them why the Nazis left concentration camps all over central Europe if the Holocaust was a hoax. Seems like a waste to me.

Description : Im trying to limit my topic of the holocaust, which would you most like to hear about in a essay?

Last Answer : Perhaps you could list the specific areas which you are considering.

Description : How do you feel about anti-Holocaust Denial laws?

Last Answer : If it’s against the law, how will we identify the deniers?

Description : It is the International Holocaust Memorial day. What does it mean to you?

Last Answer : Nie wieder.

Description : If the Holocaust didn't happen, what did, exactly?

Last Answer : Let me tell you something about the Iowa Cynic. He’s a former wis.dmer that moved here. In all my discussions with him, he’s never actually denied the Holocaust. He just questions the 6 million number.

Description : In Europe and Canada, people are thrown in jail for questioning details of the Holocaust. Do you support this and why?

Last Answer : No, I don’t think there should be similar laws. Free speech, and all that. People who deny the Holocaust are saying more about themselves than the Holocaust.

Description : What is the name of the book that answers allegations by Holocaust deniers, and what is the author's name?

Last Answer : You might want to check out this Wikipedia article, it’s probably on there :)

Description : How is a good way to explain to someone the importance of learnig about the Holocaust?

Last Answer : Well, I'd say it'd be even more disrespectful if this would ever happen again, which might very well happen if we don't work to keep realizing the horrors of it all. Even reproductions ... claiming to be offended by someone watching and feeling for what they or their relatives had been through.

Description : I'm writing an essay on the holocaust and don't know what i should put for my thesis statement any suggestions?

Last Answer : What is the focus of your paper. A general overview? The thesis statement would be different if you were focusing on his art. Some details would be helpful.

Description : Holocaust help?

Last Answer : answer:Ok, let’s get started. First thing you need is a thesis statement. What is yours?

Description : How was the Holocaust practised in Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : Information of the Nazi’s atrocities on the Jews had opened up to the world after the defeat of Germany in World War II. The Jews wanted the world to remember the atrocities and sufferings ... lived on the memoirs, fiction, documentaries, poetry and museums in many parts of the world today.

Description : What was 'Holocaust'? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Holocaust (Shoah) is the term for the murder of around six million Jews by the Nazi regime and their collaborators during the Second World War. Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis sought to ... by the Nazis during the Second World War, such as Lithuania and the Ukraine, assisted the perpetrators.

Description : Which event was termed the 'Holocaust'? -History 9th

Last Answer : Holocaust this term was used during nazis in Germany Holocaust means the people who suffered during the reign of nazis they wrote their problems and they made different pots and articles in which they kept these notes. So that some one else could see then after wards.

Description : When is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, recognized by the UN observed? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : The holocaust was the Nazis’ mass murder of?

Last Answer : European Jews

Description : When did the holocaust begin?

Last Answer : 1941

Last Answer : holozygous Animals Three Type

Description : What Jewish men women and children were murdered in the Holocaust?

Last Answer : Countless men, women and children, including many races other than Jews, were murdered during the Holocaust.

Description : In what countries is it illegal to deny the holocaust?

Last Answer : Essentially in those coutnries that the Holocaust occoured.

Description : Did the US interfere in the holocaust?

Last Answer : Very much so, by coming into World War Two after the Japaneseattacked Pearl Harbor, and allying with Britain and her Commwealth,France, Poland, the USSR and other countries to defeat theNazis.