What is the difference between a monsoon and a hurricane?

1 Answer

Answer :

There is much difference between a hurricane and a monsoon. The primary difference is that a hurricane is a storm whereas a monsoon is a seasonal wind. Furthermore, monsoons are cyclic. Hurricanes are non-cyclic.

Related questions

Description : What is the difference between a monsoon and a hurricane?

Last Answer : There is much difference between a hurricane and a monsoon. The primary difference is that a hurricane is a storm whereas a monsoon is a seasonal wind. Furthermore, monsoons are cyclic. Hurricanes are non-cyclic.

Description : What is the difference between a cyclone & a hurricane?

Last Answer : Nothing, they call them different things in different places. Typhoons, hurricanes, cyclones are all the same type of storm.

Description : What is the difference between cyclone , typhoon and hurricane ?

Last Answer : : Normally a low pressure in a corner achieves a speed of 72 km per hour , then it is considered as a regional storm and it is named. But if it reaches a speed of 119 km (64 miles) ... are called cyclones in the Bay of Bengal , typhoons in the Pacific Ocean and hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Last Answer : I don’t know

Description : What is the difference between winter and summer monsoon?

Last Answer : I don’t know

Description : Monsoon is caused by (a) Temperature changes (b) Seasonal reversal of winds (c) Humidity difference (d) Pressure differences

Last Answer : Ans: (d)

Description : What is a hurricane?

Last Answer : A hurricane is a large, rotating storm system with strong winds and heavy rain that forms over warm ocean waters and can cause significant damage to coastal areas.

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Last Answer : I don’t think anyone would want to get impaled in a tree.

Description : Are you going to be impacted by Hurricane Ida?

Last Answer : I'm not affected. It will eventually affect my husband in Nashville, but by then it's just a bad messy long lasting rain storm with wind. I do know a few people along the coast there. One in AL, one ... own condos on the beach in AL, but they aren't there now. Maybe AL will get some wind and rain.

Description : Storm prep again, ugh. What is your system for hurricane prep?

Last Answer : I’m implementing my usual pre-storm technique of crossing my fingers and hoping that power isn’t gone for too long and we don’t have any tree or structure damage.

Description : Are any of the properties of liquid water responsible for the nature and tremendous power of hurricane like storms?

Last Answer : Water has a higher specific heat capacity. 4.19 units. Holds more heat. Cut and paste Heat capacity or thermal capacity is a measurable physical quantity equal to the ratio of the heat ... concentrated on breaking the hydrogen bonds, the water molecule itself heats up after the bonds are broken.

Description : Despite Trump taking credit for the “unsung success” for the job he did in Puerto Rico after the hurricane hit them in 2017, do you think he will be of any help after Florence hits the Carolinas?

Last Answer : Yes, we can. Trump will roll out every resource possible for NC and SC. North Carolina and South Carolina are red states - long history of voting republican, and filled with senators and congressmen ... . Puerto Rico's population was largely black and brown, and have a history of voting democratic.

Description : Do we have any jellies in the path of Hurricane Florence?

Last Answer : Yupper Doodles, Forecast is for Hurricane 1 or 2. We are about 120 miles inland from the coast. The wind forecast is 74 MPH to about 100 MPH. This is not going to be a parade with pretty hats. I don’t ear pretty hats. Rainfall up to 3 and half feet.

Description : If your power is out for a month or two (hurricane, for example), do you still get a bill from the power company?

Last Answer : I've had cable and power company outages, they issued a credit for days that I didn't get cable and phone. The electric company charges for power used, no power to house ===> QED no bill ... days. The cable company was real generous with duration of outage, 20 hours and received 2 days of credit.

Description : Can any jellies affected by Hurricane Maria check in here when safe?

Last Answer : What, another? Again? Come on! :(

Description : Would you like to read live updates of Hurricane Irma as it passes through the Tampa Bay area?

Last Answer : Thanks for letting us know you’re all okay. Please keep us posted.

Description : How do I persuade my relatives to seek shelter from Hurricane Irma?

Last Answer : You might call the authorities and have them forceably remove them.

Description : Is Disney World in danger from Hurricane Irma?

Last Answer : ALL of Florida is in danger. My mom lives on the west coast of the state and she’s in danger. Orlando isn’t in danger of storm surge, but heavy rains and strong winds are going to pay Mickey a visit.

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Last Answer : It might just be absorbed by the hurricane and make it even stronger.

Description : Our Fluther friends in Florida, what are you doing to prepare for hurricane Irma?

Last Answer : Stay safe Florida friends!

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Last Answer : Irma looks catastrophic. The price in property damage could be in the hundreds of billions. Might be cheaper to nuke the storm, and deal with those consequences…

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Last Answer : On the one hand, revenge is a dish best served wet and windy, and it is just texans, but on the other hand, one should demonstrate that one is better than reptards.

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Last Answer : Aren’t you going to need the Mexicans to do the actual rebuilding? No point building a wall yet.

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Last Answer : Did people named Katrina, Sandy, etc. get annoyed about Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, etc.?

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Last Answer : Nothing of note. Nice weather this week with a warming trend expected for the weekend with the high Sunday of about 78 degrees. Nice, cool fall here in southern Idaho.

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Last Answer : As long as I have power I’ll try and give updates for Charleston SC. The bad stuff should be Friday.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : Excellent question. I’d say let them squirm for a bit and hold up the aid, but we have people hurting. Let’s ram it through as fast as we can. Fucking politicians. We’ll deal with them later.

Description : Were you aware there is a benefit concert tonight for the Hurricane Sandy victims at 8:00PM Eastern DST?

Last Answer : Yes I heard it advertised quite a bit on some radio stations that I listen to. I plan on watching it and seeing what its about. Thanks for reminding me.

Description : Hurricane Damage question: Is _________ Still Standing?

Last Answer : Conference House is still there

Description : So do a lot of rats die in NYC during hurricane season or do they flee?

Last Answer : Haha…well…I don’t know, but I assume some die, yes, of course. I DO know that there are rat fanciers that raise and sell wild NYC rats bred with domestics as hybridized pets. I am sure the cities rat population will not be decimated. Rats breed like rats you know. lol

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Last Answer : Adirondackwannabe The coolest thing I saw was someone footing it. I was in Queens at about 10 AM and this guy was walking around the street wearing a white terry cloth bathrobe and bright red slippers with with giant ... sure though. I know this isn't what you were going for, but it's all I got!

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Last Answer : Sandy is approaching landfall in the Mid-Atlantic…those in the Caribbean should be out of danger now.

Description : Could this hurricane and blizzard affect election day?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, election day could be affected, especially if schools and churches are underwater and there is no electricity. I seriously doubt that there are ANY emergency plans.

Description : Puppies sick in hurricane - home remedies?

Last Answer : Keep them warm that is key. Also what are they eating? They will need alot of love and attention. They still long to see their mother, it's their instinct, so being around will help calm them down. ... ? Feed them prime time puppy food. Not like cheap 1$ canned foods. Anyhow, good luck! Poor things.

Description : What is Paul Simon's song "Hurricane Eye" about?

Last Answer : answer:Thanks for the Q and the link. Paul Simon never fails to delight and enthrall. I hadn’t heard this one before, or a lot of his new stuff, from the looks of it. I know where I’ll be on Grooveshark tonight. I think he’s just talking “to writers” in general.

Description : Did Hurricane Irene (or some other extreme event) get you into emergency preparedness?

Last Answer : Every spring I move all the crap away from the cellar door so we have free access to it. That’s about it.

Description : "Hurricane Irene Is God's Warning To Washington". Good joke? Bachman thinks it is. Is this the end of her Presidency run?

Last Answer : Fair is fair, Al Gore thinks it is too, just for different reasons.

Description : Will you share with us what you are experiencing right now regarding Hurricane Irene?

Last Answer : I'm in northern Delaware and there has been some significant, localized damage downstate. I've been posting my current circumstances on this thread but to be honest I don't know what the ... of dollars. Beach erosion damages both the environment and the tourist industry, which damages the economy.

Description : Should I be afraid of Hurricane Irene?

Last Answer : Flooding, trees down, roads closed, no power. I live not far from CT and I am somewhat nervous. Staying home, hopefully sleeping soon.

Description : Why is the media calling hurricane Irene "extremely deadly" when it's currently only a category 1 level?

Last Answer : We’ve gotten off pretty lightly, thankfully. But it’s still a big, slow moving storm, and the biggest risk seems to be flooding.

Description : The hurricane is coming: help with a leaky ceiling?

Last Answer : If you can determine the entry point of the leak,there is a product sold at Home Depot (sorry,I don’t remember the name) that you can spray directly on the leak.That will require you to go in the attic and then on the roof. Good luck

Description : Can I ask that all the jellies on the east coast stay safe and let us know you are safe after the hurricane hits?

Last Answer : Stay safe Jellies. We are thinking of you.

Description : Do you think the North East and NYC are going to really experience Hurricane Force winds and rain on Sunday?

Last Answer : I don’t think so. Although it can happen, it’s not likely. There’s too much distance in between for it to weaken. This happened two years ago and when it hit, it was no different that a frontal storm.

Description : Is the rain from a hurricane salty when it comes ashore?

Last Answer : All rainwater is fresh, since evaporation only affects water, not what’s in it. just thought of acid rain, so maybe not?

Description : Have two hurricanes ever joined together to form one hurricane?

Last Answer : GQ!!!!!!! I know Fabian and Isabel in 2003 were so close together that it probably seemed that they merged. But I think scientists say no, they can’t literally combine. Though that would make a badass movie if it involved a giant squid and/or Godzilla.

Description : If Hurricane Alex happened to have lightning, and if its in the Gulf Coast with all of the oil, is there a possibility that it would turn into a giant fireball?

Last Answer : That is a great question. Here’s my guess: No. Sea water is both a very good conductor and a large heat sink. The energy from any electrical hit would get dispersed and dissipated faster than your last paycheck. If the strike hit some oil soaked floating booms then I’d say there was a chance.

Description : Oil spill and hurricanes: The Atlantic hurricane season started June 1st. Which of the following scenarios do you think is most likely?

Last Answer : answer:I think both are very likely except the part where a hurricane would be oil would be pulled into the storm as an aerosol and dispersed. The hurricane center has a nice FAQ on this matter ... grossly under reported. IMO we should be preparing for a worst case scenario for many years to come.

Description : What happens if a hurricane hits the oil spill?

Last Answer : It will cause very wide dispersal of the surface oil, but we have no experience with those gigantic plumes they are discovering under the sea, so it’s anyone’s guess.

Description : When hurricane Katrina struck the southern coast of America, what countries came to our aid?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure Venezuela was one of them.