How do stereotypes of black people impact black people?

1 Answer

Answer :

They cause them to kill black people

Related questions

Description : How do stereotypes of black people impact black people?

Last Answer : They cause them to kill black people

Description : What do you think of black stereotypes?

Last Answer : answer:There certainly is a correlation between minorities and poverty, and also a correlation between poverty and crime. Your statement about blacks moving into a neighborhood (believe me, ... your trying to not be offensive, your writing demonstrates the insidiousness of structural racism.

Description : What stereotypes do you have for people with certain names?

Last Answer : Chads are dicks.

Description : Why do people believe in all these stupid stereotypes instead of thinking for themselves?

Last Answer : Of course it’s because it’s easier or if you prefer “more efficient”.

Description : Which people do you think get prejudice and stereotypes the most? And what are solutions to stop that?

Last Answer : Anyone that is different or stands out from the crowd seems to draw a lot of flak. And I don’t know what we can do to make people more accepting.

Description : Why aren't there many negative stereotypes about white people?

Last Answer : answer:How about snobby? Most of the upper class is white. I’ve never heard a steretype of Asians being bad drivers. Here in the Northeast, it’s the Rhode Islanders that are bad drivers. [addition]: This is from an American’s point of view

Description : Are there any negative stereotypes about people affected by?

Last Answer : There are many negative stereotypes about people affected byschizophrenia. One of the worst stereotypes is the belief that allpeople with schizophrenia are violent or dangerous.

Description : BART crime rise: Should crime information be released even if it may support "stereotypes"? (Please read)

Last Answer : Yes, report it honestly. Facts are facts, no matter how people want to spin them. Not telling the truth and not releasing the honest numbers = Fake News.

Description : Do all stereotypes carry some truth?

Last Answer : I believe all stereotypes do contain an element of truth, taken to extremes of course, but were it not so then the stereotype would not be successfully associated the persons, places or things.

Description : Do you think the stereotypes are largely part of your country/state/city's culture, or are they absolutely ridiculous?

Last Answer : I don’t see how being part of the culture is in any way contradictory to them being ridiculous. Are you trying to ask whether we think the stereotypes about our local cultures are accurate?

Description : Where did some of these associations/stereotypes come from?

Last Answer : answer:#1: I'll just take a stab at it, might be way off: it's an easy thing for a kid to give, and always was even in the days before processed foods like candies. Apples are ... my best guess is they are associated with crones (basically older women who are past childbearing age) in folklore.

Description : What are your stereotypes of other countries/regions?

Last Answer : Colonials are fat, lazy, stupid, violent, sexually obsessed with guns, uneducated, superstitious, fundamentalist, arrogant, militaristic, nationalistic, chauvinistic, sexist, homophobic, racist, uncultured and with no sense of good food or drinks. finally it is off my flat chest

Description : Why do some females perpetuate outdated stereotypes by acting as if they're helpless if a male is nearby?

Last Answer : (Some) bitches be crazy.

Description : What are your stereotypes of scene kids?

Last Answer : I feel like people stereotype them as people who are emo and depressed and listen to punk, rock, or screamo music.

Description : What are some stereotypes about Americans?

Last Answer : answer:Amurrikens is all rich. An dey wearz cowboy hatz. An dey tawk funny. Note to moderators and others who would flag this post: I spelled this way to indicate an accent, not because I don’t know how to spell.

Description : Let me preface this with I'm not fond of stereotypes, but are the "typical" male traits (see details) learned or genetic?

Last Answer : When discussing the origins of behavioral characteristics it is a simple question of nature versus nurture. I've read studies in support of nature, one will always find one in support of nurture too. ... on them. I know the question specifies males', but I wanted to write a generalized answer.

Description : How to fight job gap stereotypes?

Last Answer : answer:I’m usually up front with them about it during the interview. People understand that life gets in the way of your plans. Different life experiences can help you to be better at your job. The path isn’t always direct.

Description : Comics doing jokes about racism and stereotypes: do you think it's creating steps towards acceptance?

Last Answer : Some of them, I suppose, create a sense of acceptance by laughing at the user. Mostly, the utterance of some labels, makes me cringe.

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Last Answer : In both my niece and nephew’s case I would say that is true,but I don’t think it is the same for everybody by any means.

Description : What are acceptable colors for a man's umbrella if you go by stereotypes?

Last Answer : Well, I guess you can’t go wrong with a traditional black one, but I think it’s better to have one with a little more character. I don’t know how practical that type would be in heavy rain, though.

Description : What stereotypes do you associate with California?

Last Answer : Vegetarian peace activists that only wear birkenstocks, spending their entire evenings discussing politics while smoking up a shitload of weed.

Description : Who else has seen parents raising their children to fit stereotypes?

Last Answer : Designer labels on kids, period.

Description : What television show do you think has a subtle (yet profound) positive effect on undermining negative stereotypes?

Last Answer : Teletubbies! I mean Tinky Winky carries a handbag/purse & he’s a dude tubby! I know, i’ve looked :¬)

Description : Anyone know of any gender stereotypes in fairy tales?

Last Answer : The hero is an alpha male that is extremely masculine.

Description : Are 'good' stereotypes still 'bad'?

Last Answer : I believe so - I can't tell you how many times in all my race, gender, diversity trainings, people have said Just because I'm Asian doesn't mean I'm good in Math - good stereotypes ... . So I stay away from all absolutes and see all cultures and behaviors through a historical, sociological lens.

Description : How can one write concisely without using stereotypes?

Last Answer : First of all, let go of the PC nonsense. PC talk is divisive.

Description : Why have prejudices & stereotypes got such a bad reputation?

Last Answer : We don't live in caves any more. Our social structures have become more complex, so judging someone on a skin colour and disability no longer lends itself to our survival or benefits our social ... , contacts, specialised skills . you can't tell that by looking at someone and quickly judging.

Description : Do you agree with cultural stereotypes of gender?

Last Answer : I don't care - I don't gender my children (in my home and in my parenting) and it therefore doesn't matter to me. To elaborate, I don't parent in any one particular way because my sons are ... or I should do this because they're boys'. My husband and I are adamant about raising people not men.

Description : As a kid, did your parents enforce gender stereotypes on you (to what degree)?

Last Answer : I catch myself saying big boys don't cry to my son, but I don't mean it as a gender stereotype..I'm pretty sure if I had a girl I'd say it to her with girls of course I do refrain ... for, and we encourage that as well. We will always be open minded, and hopefully that will rub off on our son.

Description : As far as first impressions go, do you read much into what someone is wearing and use the stereotypes for the style that they are going for as to what type of person they are?

Last Answer : I do not. Be who you are. Wear whatever you feel like wearing. Do you really want to associate with people who judge you for the way dress?

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Description : What are some gender stereotypes you have heard? Where do gender stereotypes come from?

Last Answer : I hear boys are made of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails…

Description : Why are stereotypes so darn accurate?

Last Answer : Because you start with the stereotype, and you notice the cases that reinforce it, and you discount the cases that contradict it.

Description : Are there any gender stereotypes that you experience that, despite your best efforts, you don't mind?

Last Answer : I suppose the stereotype that men don't pay much attention to how other people see them can work in the favour of shy and overly self-conscious people. If everyone expects you not to be aware of what others ... about what others think. It means it's okay if you can't figure it out or get it wrong.

Description : What are some of your least favorite stereotypes?

Last Answer : MIlo here: “All cats are grey in the dark.”

Description : In fictional accounts of so-called "Hillbillies" (mostly TV and movie stereotypes), they're depicted as eating/enjoying possums, raccoons and squirrels. Are there REALLY folks in the backwoods country of the USA, who eat those critters?

Last Answer : yes there are those kind of people. In the south they are called bumpkins.

Description : What are stereotypes of the country you live in?

Last Answer : fat gun wielding maniacs Not too far off though

Description : “Gender division is not based on biology but on social expectations and stereotypes.” Support the statement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Gender division is a form of hierarchical social division based on social expectation and stereotypes. (ii) Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main ... still a male dominated patriarchal society. Women face disadvantage, discrimination and oppression in various ways.

Description : teams generally have which of the following effects on stereotypes and biases in the workplace? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Teams will reduce tension between workers -is generally the effect of teams on stereotypes and biases in the workplace.

Description : the harm of stereotypes are likely to be aggravated in ________. -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The harm of stereotypes are likely to be aggravated in 'conflict situations'.

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Last Answer : That they would sacrifice anything for the pursuit ofknowledge

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What are the early signs of gender stereotypes for boys or girl?

Last Answer : The best way to find the early signs of gender stereotypes for boys or girls is to talk to your family doctor.

Description : _____ prevents you from seeing an individual as an individual rather than as a member of a group. a) Cultural mores b) Stereotypes c) Schematas d) Attributions

Last Answer : c) Schematas

Description : Gender stereotypes are simplistic generalizations about the gender a. Attributes. b. Differences. c. The roles of individuals and/or groups d. All of the above.

Last Answer : Gender stereotypes are simplistic generalizations about the gender a. Attributes.

Description : Feminist Movement works to [A] Deconstruct gender stereotypes [B] Reconstruct gender stereotypes [C] Re-structure gender stereotypes [D] None of the above

Last Answer : [A] Deconstruct gender stereotypes

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Last Answer : (b) An awareness of vulnerability

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Last Answer : (D) convictions

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Last Answer : It absolutely sucks for the employees. My sister just retired from a retail dept store job, and she could not say enough bad about it. But even without her comments, I know that retail employers mistreat their employees all the time. I expect no less of them.

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Last Answer : Need answer