What's the life span of a fish?

1 Answer

Answer :

5-7 years

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Description : What's the life span of a fish?

Last Answer : 5-7 years

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Last Answer : Cows, which are mature female bovines, can live for as long as 2 to 30 years. The average is 15 years for all cows, regardless of breed.

Description : What's the average life span of a cow?

Last Answer : Cows, which are mature female bovines, can live for as long as 2 to 30 years. The average is 15 years for all cows, regardless of breed.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. It's called obsolescence. Products are designed to become out-of-date or to have a limited lifespan. I remember as a kid we owned a Hoover vacuum cleaner. That thing went for ... Now, washing machines break down within a few years. Keeps manufacturers in business though doesn't it?

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Last Answer : Actually, domestication does the opposite. Wolves may live longer because they are an entirely different species now than dogs. Yes, the two can interbreed but they are still different species. This talks ... old, there are fewer accidents, diseases can be treated and babies are more likely to live.

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Last Answer : Scientists do not know the exact lifespan of dinosaurs, but they estimate that they lived about 75 to 300 years. Animal lifespans relate in part to their body size and in part to their type of ... more similar to modern birds and mammals. Source:http://www.abc.net.au/dinosaurs/dig_deeper/faq.htm#six

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Last Answer : 20 years *******

Last Answer : Red Blood cells Lifespan is 120 days.

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Last Answer : According to online reviews: Depending on what you are using the Shop Vac for, it can last you several years. Normally, the brand is what you should consider, rather than the company selling them. Several reviews can be found online for specific brands.

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Description : The life span of human erythrocytes is approximately (a) 90 days (b) 100 days (c) 120 days (d) 150 days

Last Answer : Ans:(d)

Description : The duration 19-21 days refers to: (1) incubation period of hen's egg (2) average life-span of a red blood cell in humans (3) the period of menstrual cycle soon after menstruation, during ... to occur (4) period of completion of one schizogony cycle of malarial parasite inside a red blood cell

Last Answer : (3) the period of menstrual cy-cle soon after menstruation, during which fertilisation is most likely to occur Explanation: The menstrual cycle is the scientific term for the physiological changes ... 21 days or more between a woman's shortest and longest cycle lengths is considered very irregular

Description : Which among the following has the maximum life span - (1) Eagle (2) Tortoise (3) Tiger (4) Elephant

Last Answer : (2) Tortoise Explanation: Tortoises generally have one of the longest lifespan of any animal. Some individuals are known to have lived longer than 150 years. Galapagos giant tortoise has life span of 190 years. Because of this, they symbolize longevity in some cultures, such as China.

Description : The life span of RBC of man is - (1) 120 days (2) 150 days (3) 180 days (4) 190 days

Last Answer : (2) 150 days Explanation: The average life span of RBC is about 100-120 days. The old, worn out and dead RBC are destroyed mainly in an organ called spleen.

Description : Approximate life span of parrot is – (1) 20 years (2) 40 years (3) 70 years (4) 140 years

Last Answer : (1) 20 years Explanation: The lifespan of a parrot depends on the species. Smaller types of parrots generally have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, while some larger varieties can live as long as 80 years.

Description : Which of the following animals has the longest life span? (1) Elephant (2) Crocodile (3) Dog (4) Tortoise

Last Answer : (4) Tortoise Explanation: Tortoises generally have lifespans comparable with those of human beings, and some individuals are known to have lived longer thaw. 150 years. Because of this, they symbolize ... the Tongan royal family by the British explorer Captain Cook shortly after its birth in 1777.

Description : Which living animal has the longest life  span?

Last Answer : Tortoise