What are the zombies in Fortnite called?

1 Answer

Answer :

some random thing

Related questions

Description : What are the zombies called in Fortnite?

Last Answer : some random thing

Description : If I write a story about reviving zombies, and I asked for names from someone, and I use that someone's name should I credit them?

Last Answer : Yeah, would be nice to acknowledge them. Depends also what you both have agreed on her bringing in the name. Will she get royalties, or a one off amount, or ‘just’ the honor.

Description : In TV and movies, why do zombies always walk so slowly?

Last Answer : reduced motor control plus necrotic musculature. besides, they are not always slow

Description : There’s this movie on my tv set titled “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” Has anyone seen or heard of it?

Last Answer : It’s showing NOW on FXX and there are first line British actors in this thing!!! Apparently it’s to be broadcast later and the wife (an inveterate Austin fan) has set up the DVR to record it so we can avoid the commercials.

Description : Wouldn't the zombies on The Walking Dead be cleaned up by hurricanes?

Last Answer : Most would have been practically gone in a month or two just from decomposition.

Description : Could zombies be used as sustainable energy?

Last Answer : The problem is all the zombies are deteriorating so you have a finite supply. You could freeze and thaw them as you need them but something has to power that freezer. Entropy is a bitch if you are a zombie.

Description : Is there a parallel between the twin American obsessions of Zombies and Bacon?

Last Answer : Good Q, in it’s own odd way… I have no clue, not being a fan of either. I will enjoy the answers! :-)

Description : What is the collective noun for a group of Zombies?

Last Answer : answer:mobs, swarms, drags, appetites or plagues I’d like to call them target practice though. or XP boost

Description : Is the prevalence of zombies in popular culture related to the economic recession?

Last Answer : As far as horror movies go, zombies started getting a lot of attention again in the early 00's, when movies and remakes would come forth like mad. I saw this lasting pretty much until now, and I figured it ... 's beyond me. I just like zombies, and I liked them years before they ' were cool again''.

Description : Seriously, what is behind this fascination with zombies?

Last Answer : I honestly don't get the fascination for disgusting-looking dead people walking around. I've always avoided movies and TV shows about them, and now there's a new series of TV commercials running-I can't recall ... a fad, I guess, and will eventually fade away, but it can't happen fast enough for me.

Description : How would US politicians react when zombies invade Capitol Hill?

Last Answer : answer:If the zombies come bearing donations, the congress critters will surely put out! I dunno about the Supreme Court. Who knows what the hell goes on beneath their robes?

Description : Could zombies reduce our need for foreign oil?

Last Answer : answer:What a brilliant idea! Or better yet, why don’t we all let ourselves become zombies, and they we won’t need any energy at all. We’ll walk until our bodies decompose too much to hang together.

Description : Some questions about zombies. [Please note - I am not a zombie fan at all, but I want to understand some small piece of their lore]?

Last Answer : answer:1) This is a matter of some debate- see question here on fluther 2) See above. 3) Um, I guess so. I have never considered gender stereotypes in this context. 4) No. They will wrestle over entrails. 5) Yes. You don’t see them due to camera angles and slow top speed.

Description : Realistically, how many zombies would you have to kill to get rid of them all?

Last Answer : answer:Dead zombies rise again? Kill all of them. May be, invent a chemical or potion to turn zombies into men or dead corpse?

Description : Can zombies survive in any type of weather?

Last Answer : Zombies don’t care about the weather. All they care about is finding brains to eat.

Description : Zombies Vs. Aliens Vs Mankind who would win?

Last Answer : What kind’a chicken shit question is this? Everyone knows that Reptilian Ninja Pirates would kick all y’alls asses back to whatever black hole you hyperspaced out of.

Description : Boring question #33: Would not zombies that were 100% successful eat themselves into extinction?

Last Answer : answer:In the book I am Legend', which is different to the film with Will Smith, the zombies eat live animals to fulfill their blood/flesh hunger, which seems to work for them. Also would zombies ... each other? Or is zombie blood not the right stuff? Great question - I love a zombie discussion

Description : What is the purpose of other items in my Zen garden in Plants vs Zombies?

Last Answer : answer:Initially they are there to make you enough money to buy everything. Afterwards they begin to simply serve their Zen purpose. i find the night time fungal garden to be the most soothing

Description : Will you play the "The Zombies Are Here But They're Not Gonna Eat Me Alive!" game?

Last Answer : answer:3:35 am Saturday. Burlington Township NJ. It started for us when Uncle Mandy heard scratchings at the door and opened it. He was looking for Riker, his dog, the whole afternoon, so naturally ... him screaming into the dark was not the dog who won the Westminster Dog Show two weeks ago.

Description : If zombies, vampires and werewolves were to chew on each other, what possible outcomes are there?

Last Answer : Saw a comic once which was based on the idea that zombies are vampires who don’t feed for like 60 years and decay and go crazy. Or at least, the first one is, and then it can infect tons of minion zombies.

Description : Trapped in a city full of zombies, which single Hollywood celebrity ( not their movie character ) will you pick to be with you?

Last Answer : Charlie Sheen…at the first sign of an attack I would push him into the zombies’ arms and run like a bat out of hell. (And I would feel no guilt doing so…none whatsoever.)

Description : Do vampires and zombies have the right to vote?

Last Answer : No, but I have heard on the news that people use dead people’s names to cast extra votes.

Description : Can zombies swim?

Last Answer : Nah—they’re just dead weight.

Description : Why are zombies fixated on brains?

Last Answer : Just a psychological addition to the horror of being eaten alive, I would guess. Plus, it helps the pain. “What pain?”, you may ask. The pain of being dead!

Description : Why is there this sudden interest in zombies and vampires?

Last Answer : HOLLYWOOD

Description : How come when i play Call of Duty WaW zombies, I lag?

Last Answer : check your router settings if you have one or it might just be your isp throttling you, like mine does.

Description : What kind of farming tool would you use to wage war against a horde of zombies?

Last Answer : Can’t get more classic than a pitchfork.

Description : Plants vs. Zombies - what kind of tips do you have?

Last Answer : answer:I love this game. I still play it everyday. Cactus will take care of the balloon guys. Once you beat it you still find yourself playing it. The best 15 bucks I ever spent. Make sure you buy the roof cleaner things.

Description : How do you feel about the latest trend that re-creates literary classics with zombies and sea monsters?

Last Answer : I think these are a vehicle for writers who cannot come up with a decent story line on their own, so they have to borrow (steal) from real writers.

Description : Zombies. Fact Or Fiction?

Last Answer : That's pretty cool. Like you, I'm sure something along those lines was tried during the cold war. You'll probably find there are a few lunatic cadavers in cold storage somewhere in ... to Zombies are those Haitian, chemically lobotomised victims of Voodoo or Santeria that you sometimes hear about.

Description : Why are zombies so popular these days?

Last Answer : no clue, they’re not popular with me

Description : If the world were being invaded, would you rather it be by Zombies, or Robots?

Last Answer : Depends on what sort of zombie. If it were fast zombies, then robots. If they were slow, then zombies.

Description : Why are Jellies more interested in zombies than in werewolves?

Last Answer : Because they’re flippin’ Zombies. Though I am equally in love with both fandoms.

Description : I am looking for the comic strip where Mr. T sits under a tree reading a book and then explaining why zombies can not exist. Can you help me?

Last Answer : i found it. http://4chanarchive.org/images/37259353/1187972435982.jpg

Description : What would you rather have the world taken over by Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, or shades?

Last Answer : Some previous answers.

Description : If an average guy was put in the middle of an endless crowd of Zombies and given a samurai sword, how long do you think he would last before getting too tired to cut their limbs and heads off?

Last Answer : I would kill myself only LOL

Description : Where do zombies go on vacation? -Riddles

Last Answer : The Dead Sea.

Description : You walk into your house you see three doors you've never seen before. One vampire bats that will suck your blood. Two zombies that will eat your brain. Three a lion that hasn't eaten for over six months. Which one do you go through? -Riddles

Last Answer : Three a lion that hasn't eaten for over 6 months because he would be dead.

Description : Taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea. Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn't so smart either. But now is ... to get you and your friends over the bridge before the zombies arrive? Alex Gendler shows how. -Riddles

Last Answer : At first it might seem like no matter what you do, you're just a minute or two short of time, but there is a way. The key is to minimize the time wasted by the two slowest people by having ... far side of the gorge, you cut the ropes and collapse the bridge behind you, just in the nick of time.

Description : There was a fat man. He was being chased by zombies. The only way to get away was to cross a rope bridge. The rope bridge could only carry 80kg and the man was 79kg. The fat man had 2 things he needed to carry. Each weighed 1kg. How was he going to get across? -Riddles

Last Answer : Juggle the 2 things while getting across.

Description : 1. Where do fish go on vacation? 2. Where do songbirds go on vacation? 3. Where do zombies go on vacation? 4. Where do Thanksgiving Birds go on vacation? 5. Where do geometry teachers go on vacation? 6. Where do locksmiths go on vacation? -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. Finland 2. The Canary Islands 3. The Dead Sea 4. Turkey 5. Cuba 6. The Florida Keys

Description : Where do zombies go for a night out? -Riddles

Last Answer : Club Dead.

Description : What kind of streets do zombies like? -Riddles

Last Answer : Dead ends!

Description : Why don't zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? -Riddles

Last Answer : Because they prefer to eat their fingers separately.

Description : What do zombies drop in Minecraft?

Last Answer : parrot

Description : Does Call of Duty black ops on wii have zombies?

Last Answer : Yep, but it only has kino der toten, no DOA or five. You can't buy map packs either.

Description : Does Call of Duty world at war 2 have zombies?

Last Answer : Call of Duty World at War 2 does not exist the sequel to Call of Duty World at War is Call of Duty Black Ops I think u mean Call of Duty modern warfare 2, if so... No it doesn't. One reason ... in MW2 there are NO nazis. But there is spec ops mode where u can be a spec op n neutralize terrorists.

Description : Does Call of Duty 4 modern warfare have zombies?

Last Answer : Call of Duty Modern Warfare does not have any sort of Zombie game mode. Only Call of Duty World At War has Nazi Zombies. But, it does have an extra level after you beat the campaign. If you have a 360, ... gonna wait to get that... btw there is spacial ops for mw2 which is fun to play with a friend

Description : Why is Fortnite called Fortnite?

Last Answer : True and because you have port of fort at the night

Description : Who do you think is ranked the best among the Fortnite players in the world?

Last Answer : Probably some anonymous 12 year old playing somewhere in a suburban basement.