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Related questions

Description : Other than sign language how can you communicate nonverbally?

Last Answer : Can you explain why sign language is out? A simple case that they don’t know it? Then other facial and hand gestures could work. Could they write? Or use a computer programme like Stephen Hawking?

Description : Is it true the sign language interpreter at Mandela's funeral was a total fraud?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds like it is true. Bogus sign language interpreters are a problem in South Africa, because people who know a few signs try to pass themselves off as interpreters, said [Ingrid Parkin, principal of the ... cannot do the job, she said. I'm just waiting to hear how this is Obama's fault.

Description : Does sign language exist in other accents or languages?

Last Answer : Of course there is. That is how deaf people the world over speak . No there is no accent since it is performed by the hands.

Description : What are all the methods of Sign Language?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think any one person can know all of the methods. I do know my sister's husband helped develop a common sign language out of the many local sign languages in Ghana. Every ... . Then there is Native American sign language, which has several dialects based on regions of the country.

Description : Know of where I could find a free sign language course online?

Last Answer : YouTube has some videos on signing. If you Google free sign language lessons you’ll find some too.

Description : The best/quickest way to learn sign language?

Last Answer : Maybe with an app for your smartphone (if you own one)? > > Android > > > iPhone >

Description : What would you do if you couldn't talk/write/use sign language?

Last Answer : Interpretive dance, it’s the only way….fun too!

Description : Will technology make American Sign Language obsolete?

Last Answer : I think it will stick around for face to face communication. Text messages can be delayed in delivery from time to time. If the ability to write was going to make sign language obsolete, it would have done it already with pen and paper.

Description : Where online can I find a free American Sign Language translation program?

Last Answer : The only ASL programs I'm aware of are Word-to-Sign, not sentence to sentance. The syntax and grammar, including word/sign order & facial grammar, are different and too complex. The best way ... learn American Sign Language, is in person, with a native Deaf signer highly preferable as the teacher.

Description : If you speak a different language, can you learn Sign Language?

Last Answer : Sign-language is as different as spoken languages. Good luck :D

Description : Is the wide-spread use of the English language a sign of imperialism?

Last Answer : “an American imposition”?!! Excuse me, but where did English originate again?

Description : Does American Sign Language have "passive voice"?

Last Answer : in one of my classes, there was a deaf girl who could understand the aggressiveness of the voice by other features such as the eyes or shaking of the head, or even the movement of the hands while doing sign language. sign language isnt exclusively with the hands.

Description : How do you say "the maid" in sign language?

Last Answer : Don’t think it can be typed up (at least I don’t know of a good way of doing it), but I found this by searching google.

Description : If human beings are truly able to "talk" to primates via sign language, then will the day ever come when we can talk to our dogs, cats and horses?

Last Answer : answer:Dogs, for one, are extremely sensitive to body language and very responsive to hand signals. More research is needed. The problem right now is that most of the establishment does not accept the level of animal intelligence. Most people who discuss it believe that animals “think” in images.

Description : What is the best website to learn sign language?

Last Answer : There are several. Here is one................

Description : what sign language alphabet?

Last Answer : The American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet is extremely important when learning ASL.The British Sign Language (BSL) is another important part of the sign language family. The British Sign Language is the ... e' and the middle case'. The British Sign Language (BSL) and American Sign Language

Description : What language do you sign ?

Last Answer : signed Persian word.

Description : What type of sign language did Laurent Clerc use?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What goal do you achieve learning sign language?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How do you say how in sign language?

Last Answer : IMPROVED: Let me try to simplify this. Make an L with bothhands. Face them towards each other but not touching. Move them inlittle circles like pedaling a bicycle backwards, then shake themvery ... a little confusing. It's not the easiest toput some things like explanations of signs into words.

Description : Are there any toys that teach sign language?

Last Answer : Sign language is a complex form of communication so it would be hard to create a toy that could actually peform even the basic signs. There are books, CD Roms, and DVD's that are geared toward children to help them learn how to do this.

Description : Where's the best place to start teaching babies sign language?

Last Answer : Talk with your child's doctor and see what research they have seen on the topic. Also check with local private schools and/or colleges and see what kind of feedback you find.

Description : How to Learn Sign Language ?

Last Answer : How to Learn Sign Language If you have a friend or a loved-one who's mute or deaf, you might find it hard to communicate with them, because either they can't hear you, or they can't say ... sign language. Keep these tips in mind, so you'll cross the language barrier and reach out to these people.

Description : How to Teach a Baby Sign Language ?

Last Answer : How to Teach a Baby Sign Language Do you know that babies take to sign language pretty quickly? It's true. At the stage when babies aren't ready to talk yet, teaching them sign language helps ... ! You can keep up teaching the baby more words and perhaps even whole phrases as the baby grows.

Description : “Gorillas are known for their use of tools and their varied communication. Some gorillas have even been taught to use sign language.”

Last Answer : The most famous of all gorillas is probably Koko, who was taught sign language and considered able to communicate through this medium. Some scientists say Koko does not understand her movements and ... is responsive and able to sign to a standard that shows cognition beyond just learned behaviour. 

Description : The contents of Register (BL) and Register (AL) of 8085 microprocessor are 49H and 3AH respectively. The contents of AL, the status of carry flag (CF) and sign flag (SF) after executing 'SUB AL, BL' assembly language instruction, are ( ... ; CF=0; SF=0 (3) AL=F1H; CF=1; SF=1 (4) AL=1FH; CF=1; SF=1

Last Answer : Answer: 3