Does Jim have any pets?

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Related questions

Description : Does Jim Carrey have pets?

Last Answer : Jim Carrey has a great dane

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Last Answer : Me. And I’m not even a Democrat. But no Democrats are likely to get senate seats in 2020.

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Last Answer : If the person was a profitable enough, or well known enough athlete, yes. Just look at all the crap some of the NFL players have gotten away with. That one fellow, whose name escapes me, the one who ... And then there's Kobe Bryant, who raped his wife, and he's pretty much a big superstar still.

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Last Answer : It’s hard for me to answer. My taste has changed over the years. I use to like slap stick comedy but I’ve grown tired of it, and now it seems like lazy comedy. No real effort. I slip and fall and trip and bend and its suppose to be funny. It’s just lazy.

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Last Answer : Oh no! I did not hear this. I loved Jim Nabors on Gomer Pyle, and when I was little it just amazed me how that booming singing voice could come from him. From what I have heard, he was was loved by everyone, and Carol Burnett had an especially soft spot in her heart for him. Such a sweet man.

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Last Answer : answer:There was a character in Disney’s Dumbo called Jim Crow. It is said it was a very racist depiction of black people. Maybe that’s it.

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Last Answer : Hahaha….both

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Last Answer : answer:Jesse Colin Young. Grey Day will get you started on him. Of course, Seals and Crofts Summer Breeze sounds like what you;re looking for.

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Last Answer : I’ve never seen the movie, so I couldn’t say.

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Last Answer : answer:I’ll tell you the ones I like and maybe some of those might sound interesting to you. Dane Cook, Chris Rock, Robert Kelly, Gary Gulman, Jay Davis, Donald Glover, Joe Rogan, Nick DiPaolo and Ron White.

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Last Answer : answer:I disagree @josie. I think it is time for the double standard to stop. The colleges and universities are making money off the backs of these young men, and they are getting nothing. That’s not right. I think it is the NCAA system that has to change.

Description : What kind of emotions does the song Leroy Brown by Jim Croce inspire in you?

Last Answer : Is this even a question? I’m high, I don’t care either way. This song. God. I love this song so much. I’ve known the words since I could talk. I’m not sure what emotions that it makes me feel outside of extremely happy. All of his work is amazing. Simply stunning at times.

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Last Answer : Uhm…it sucks. I’ll leave the name calling and venting up to other answers lol.

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Last Answer : Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, I believe.

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Last Answer : cuz its love u are talking about

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Last Answer : I don’t think it is real because I can’t find it anywhere, or at least any that look like it. Here is the smallest I could find.

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Last Answer : For some reason he fell right into the uncanny valley…

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Last Answer : Jim's average is higher.

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Last Answer : Jim Smiley taught his dog to wait for the bets to go down, and then clamp on the hind leg of the other dog.

Description : jim paddles from one shore -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Jim paddles from one shore of a lake three miles wide at 4 mph, and John paddles from the opposite shore at 5 mph. They will travel 20 minutes before they meet. Solution: Distance = Velocity * Time; (4 + 5) = 9 mph; 3/9 = 1/3 of an hour = 20 minutes.

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Last Answer : Jim Corbett National Park is the oldest national park in India and was established in 1936 as Hailey National Park to protect the endangered Bengal tiger. It is located in Nainital district and Pauri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand and was named after hunter and naturalist Jim Corbett.

Description : Where is Jim Corbett National Park located? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What is the Jim Crow Law?

Last Answer : Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.

Description : Did Jim Croce die?

Last Answer : Jim Croce died in a plane crash in Natchitoches, Louisiana, onSeptember 20, 1973.

Description : what is Jim Thorpe favorite Color?

Last Answer : ummmm

Last Answer : Yes You Jim By Thick To be You can Regular Jim To do Jim To do As well as Yours Regular Food To eat Will be. Next Than Of food Amount Light To raise Will be. Regular Jim Body, To the mind Cheerful By .

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Last Answer : Apex=All of the Above

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