What is Jennifer Lopez's favorite hobby?

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Description : Questions about some parts of this talk show clip featuring Jennifer Lawrence?

Last Answer : answer:1. “Get the swear jar again, man” – presumably a call back to something said earlier in the episode. 2. “And things like that, in that world of songs” – I think he meant “songs in that style”.

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Last Answer : She’s very pretty. She’s got great bone structure and that “classic” type of beauty.

Description : Thoughts on calling an adult woman Jenny (instead of Jennifer or Jen)

Last Answer : That was my grand aunt’s name, “Aunt Jenny”. It wasn’t Jennifer.

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Last Answer : answer:This question got me thinking. I mostly have worked with Jennifers. But recently I started working with a “Jenny” and something didn’t feel right. It did feel a bit informal, although I know it shouldn’t matter. It felt a bit like someone calling me “Tommy”. It really doesn’t matter though.

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Last Answer : What a random question….

Description : Explain the stark difference in the death of Aunt Jennifer and the tigers prancing. -Other

Last Answer : The tigers remain constant through the poem and only seem to become stronger as the poem ‘ progresses.However, it is Aunt Jennifer who in her death gradually fades away. She in her death gets ... the ring, whether dead or alive, because she has already given up her freedom by getting married

Description : What kind of ordeals is Aunt Jennifer surrounded by ? -Other

Last Answer : Aunt Jennifer is a timid woman who could never stand up boldly against her tyrant huband. She carries rings or marks of torfure on her frightened hands. She bore her sufferings meekly for the sake of her family.

Description : What, in your opinion, is the motivation of Aunt Jennifer behind creating tigers ? -Other

Last Answer : Aunt Jennifer’s pain is mute but insufferable. This is because of insensitive uncle. She could never feel free and happy. Her engagement ring kept her chained all through. She expresses her heartfelt resentment through the tigers. The tiger stands for all that she longs for.

Description : Describe the tigers created by Aunt Jennifer. -Other

Last Answer : Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are topaz-coloured. They are fearless and confident residents of dense green forests. The tigers represent strength, bravery and fearlessness. Aunt Jennifer yearns to be bold and confident like them.

Description : What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by? Why is it significant that the poet used the word’ringed? What are the meanings of the word ‘ringed’ in the poem? -Other

Last Answer : ‘Ordeals’ refers to the oppression or painful experiences Aunt Jennifer has to face in a male dominated society. The poet uses the word ‘ringed’ in the context of the ... rules. ‘Ringed’ is also used here to mean ‘chained’ or ‘bonded’.

Description : Do you sympathise with Aunt Jennifer? What is the attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer? -Other

Last Answer : Yes, we do sympathise with Aunt Jennifer. Aunt Jennifer here represents those women who are victimised by the male dominated society. She feels oppressed and rules of society do not allow her to ... However, she wants women to fight for their rights, rather than being silent victims of oppression.

Description : Of what or of whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified with in the third stanza? -Other

Last Answer : Aunt Jennifer is terrified of her husband, who dominates her in her married life. She is the victim of exploitations at the hands of the male dominated society, particularly her own husband.

Description : Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel? -Other

Last Answer : Tigers represent strength and fearlessness. Aunt Jennifer is very oppressed. The burden of her marital life has traumatised her. She has an inner desire to be free from oppression and expresses this in her art.

Description : How does Aunt Jennifer express her bitterness and anger against male dominance? -Other

Last Answer : Aunt Jennifer is too terrified to openly resist the oppression that she is a victim of. She expresses her bitterness and anger against male dominance silently through her art. She creates tigers on ... , fearlessness and strength. The tigers she creates are wild and free from any kind of bondage.

Description : What are the difficulties that Aunt Jennifer faced in her life? -Other

Last Answer : Aunt Jennifer was a victim of oppression at the hands of the patriarchal society. She was subjugated by her husband and the wedding band lay heavy on her hand. She was so terrified that her hands fluttered even when she carried something so light as knitting needles and wool.

Description : How is Aunt Jennifer different from her tigers?] -Other

Last Answer : Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are created by her on the tapestry. However, they present a sharp contrast to their creator. While Aunt is weak, meek and submissive and is scared of expressing her feelings ... , fearless and confident. They are bold creatures and are scared of none, not even of men.