How do pre-menopause symptoms differ from full menopause symptoms?

1 Answer

Answer :

Pre-menopause and menopause symptoms are very similar including mood changes, difficulty controling temperature, and other hormanal issues. With menopause they are more pronounced.

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Last Answer : If you wife is premenopausal there are several simples you will notice. She will have mood swings, that may occur for not apparent reason, as well as difficulty regulating her temperature.

Description : What are the symptoms associated with pre- menopause?

Last Answer : Hot flashes are the number one symptom when it comes to menopause. The second most common symptom is dizziness, followed closely by body aches.

Description : The Menopause Symptoms You Don't Know About?

Last Answer : At some point during their lives, women reach menopause; the time in which women are no longer able to conceive a child due to age and other factors of growing older. Of the women that ... questions about what is occurring within your body, contact your doctor to ask questions and find answers.

Description : Common Menopause Symptoms?

Last Answer : Menopause can be a sneaky issue, sometimes hitting women all of the sudden but most often a slow, unpredictable display of various symptoms. This often starts for most women in their 40s, but it ... and proactive about what is happening and take the time to design a lifestyle that helps you cope.

Description : What are the symptoms and treatment options of menopause?

Last Answer : Menopause can also cause mood swings, trouble sleeping, thinning hair, and irregular periods, of course finally leading to no periods. Treatment is not usually necessary, as menopause is a natural process, but if symptoms are severe hormone replacements can be administered.

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Last Answer : are changes felt by the patient.

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Last Answer : Why on earth do you have the levels so loud to cause you physical discomfort? Haven't we had a similar discussion before? There is a condition where the vestibular portion of the inner ear is aggravated ... of music in the future. Every day I work with people who wish they had their hearing back.

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Description : Is it safe to take hormone tablets at menopause?

Last Answer : All anyone here can do for you is google, so I did and this is what I found. I’d go with her doctor and ditch yours. There are side effects, of course. There are side effects of being alive.

Description : Menopause question: the women you know who have had hot flashes over two years, did any of them never take hormone replacements?

Last Answer : I took pregnenalone prescribed by a naturopath. It’s a natural hormone precursor found in the body. It stopped my hot flashes and they never came back even when I stopped taking it some years later.

Description : What is the most effective way to lose weight after menopause?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think the way to lose weight is any different after menopause than before. Find an eating plan you can stick with; don't consider it a temporary diet. Make small changes, eat more ... you. The aches and pains sound worrisome and not normal. Have you talked to your doctor about them?

Description : Is it possible to go through menopause and not even know it?

Last Answer : answer:If your periods have stopped, then it is and you have. Consider yourself lucky. There may be a few hot flashes in your future. But maybe not.

Description : Question about Peri Menopause or Menopause.

Last Answer : answer:If you are still having periods, it's Peri. Hot flashes range from a little warm tingling to the serious I-have- ... - the-snow-in-my-underwear-syndrome. Fybroids will shrink as your estrogen production also slows down.

Description : What information would you like to share with someone fast approaching menopause?

Last Answer : Everyone's experience is different so don't count on it being horrible. I had some hot flashes and some night sweats but nothing intolerable and no particular mood swings (that I couldn't account for.) ... did seem a bit fuzzier and I feel sharper again but that might just be due to life changes.

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Last Answer : If her ovaries were not also removed at the time of her surgery, she would still go through menopause, as I understand things. If she still has her ovaries, then she would still would have had her ... could still go through menopause, if she still has her ovaries. Do you know if she does or not?

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Last Answer : answer:I have found this varies greatly from woman to woman. The sweats are usually combatted pretty well by hormones from what my friends and family say, but also many people I know who use hormones for hot ... it helps, but the studies that have been done that I have read showed it doesn't help.

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Last Answer : answer:“You are such a good-hearted, good-spirited, sweet guy!” “Oops, sorry, I meant to say that you’re a jerk…., damn that menopause….” “Sorry honey, I messed diner up, again…, probably my menopause…”

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Last Answer : answer:Every woman is different, so no two will have the exact same combo plate of symptoms, good or bad. lol I am 3 years out of the last cycle as of this October and I have opted out on ... short term memory loss. haha So far, so good, and I have no regrets about letting things unfold naturally.

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Last Answer : Not to sure, going through the menopause myself periods stopped, hot flushes the lot, I've had the experience of things crawling under my skin and i've been told its got something to do with the temperture of ... im afraid i had to try out a good few herbal remedies b4 I found 1 that worked for me.

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Last Answer : answer:I think if a woman is suffering badly and hormones are the only thing that gives her relief, I understand why she might take them. But, generally, for myself, I am going to try ... more popular also, which I guess are natural and not synthetic? You get them at compounding pharmacies.

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Last Answer : adoption

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Last Answer : answer:Golf? :) There are some doctors who believe there is male menopause due to lower testosterone. Symptoms: weakness, depression, sexual dysfunction.

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Last Answer : It's different for every woman. Talk to your close women friends for a sampling. I ended late (just turned 57 when I had my last period). Then I had moderately uncomfortable hot flashes, usually at ... underwear. (I have 2O acres of woods so I amused or startled only the foxes or occasional coyote.)

Description : At what age does menopause start?

Last Answer : answer:It varies from woman to woman, just as the start of menses do. And it doesn't exactly start but creep up on you. Periods become less regular, either further apart or closer together, sometimes ... at least. And NO more worries about pregnancy. Here's what the Mayo clinic has to say. Menopause

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Last Answer : I know dogs do. Ironically the dog was a bitch before menopause too.

Description : What is menopause ? -Science

Last Answer : Menopause is the stoppage of menstruation in woman.

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Last Answer : The first occurrence of menstruation at the age of 12 in females is called menarche. Menarche is the beginning of the reproductive life of a girl. Menstruation stops when a woman reaches the age ... called the menopause. Thus, reproductive life of a woman starts at menarche and ends at menopause.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : When does menopause start? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What is Menopause ?

Last Answer : From puberty onwards, girls experience periodic bleeding which is known as menstruation. The menstrual cycle of women usually continues till the age of 40-50 years. Then menstruation stops forever. ... menopause or nocturnal period. Basically, it deprives the female body of the ability to conceive.

Description : Do boys get menopause ?

Last Answer : Hmm , menopause also occurs in boys , in men it is also called Andropause or Male Menopause Male Aging Syndrome (MAS) . In boys, the male hormone testosterone decreases with age. It changes over time . Age ... into energy, then you will not get fat , you will not gain weight. You will be healthy.

Description : Is it recognizable?

Last Answer : Yes, give

Description : What are the dangers of forced menopause?

Last Answer : I think that calling the situation of your friend a forced menopause made it sounded so scary and bad but in actual essence it's not something that bad because it's what the medical field calls ... do the family planning, they would keep getting fat while some women don't feel anything at all.

Description : At menopause there is rise in urinary excretion of

Last Answer : At menopause there is rise in urinary excretion of A. FSH B. STH C. MSH D. LH.

Description : Which of the following is an indicator of normal reproductive phase and extends between menarch and menopause.

Last Answer : Which of the following is an indicator of normal reproductive phase and extends between menarch and ... B. Estrous cycle C. Ovulation D. Implantation

Description : Is it true that during menopause women face pigmentation?

Last Answer : Yes, skin pigmentation does occur due to hormonal changes andduring menopause there is a lot of hormonal changes in the bodythat could lead to patchy skin and other issues. So its best to getit treated immediately.

Description : Will being in menopause make you sweat more than usual?

Last Answer : Yes. One of the symptoms of menopause would be heat flashes andirregular sweating.

Description : Menopause?

Last Answer : DefinitionMenopause is the transition period in a woman's life when her ovaries stop producing eggs, her body produces less estrogen and progesterone, and menstruation becomes less frequent, eventually stopping ... or severe) they are varies from woman to woman.A gradual decrease of estrogen genera

Description : What treatments are best for a woman with menopause?

Last Answer : There are a variety of treatments for menopause. The most common are hormone replacement therapy, involving prescription medications. Others prefer herbal supplements and dietary changes. When a woman is having ... order to develop a treatment plan and to ensure there are not other issues going on.

Description : What are treatment options for menopause treatment?

Last Answer : I again speak of WebMD as a place to go to for that kind of information. In this case, somewhere to go to for the treatment of menopause. You could also confirm that vitamins exists in order to help with that problem.

Description : What vitamins should be taken during menopause?

Last Answer : Your doctor can talk to you about vitamins you should take to help out with your menopause. When women are going through menopause their body can be out of wack. Vitamins such as C and D might be a good start.

Description : What are some vitamins for menopause?

Last Answer : Well you can get a lot of B vitamins and that will increase your immune system and your energy levels. You can also use the C vitamins which do the same things.

Description : Three Vitamins to Take for Menopause?

Last Answer : Many women with menopause suffer from unpleasant symptoms like low libido, lack of energy, fragile skin and sour mood. Fortunately, these things can be treated without dangerous synthetic hormones. ... energy and support nervous health. Low levels can cause fatigue, weakness and cognitive problems.

Description : What is a major sign of menopause?

Last Answer : The most common sign of menopause is usually around the age of 40, when your period starts to reregulate. One month it could be normal, and the next may be very faint. Hope this helps.

Description : What are Some Common Signs of Menopause?

Last Answer : Menopause is the time in a woman's life, marked by the cessation of a woman's menses and her ability to bear children. The onset of this time varies for each individual woman, ... and breast tenderness represent just a couple of the physiological signals that a woman is approaching menopause.

Description : Menopause and Mood Swings?

Last Answer : Once a women starts going through menopause, mood swings can often occur. Understanding why these mood swings happen and what you can do about them, will make your transition into menopause much easier. ... the symptoms that can occur, it is easier to talk about feelings and the changes that occur.

Description : When do woman usually start menopause?

Last Answer : The age women start menopause varies. You can get it as early as in your 30s or as last as in your 60s. A large number of women get it in the late 40s/early 50s.

Description : What are some early signs of menopause?

Last Answer : Some early signs of menopause include mood swings, headaches, depression, hot flashes, night sweats and water retnetion. Menopause usually occurs in women in their lates 40s or early 50s.

Description : Will I lose weight when i go through menopause?

Last Answer : For the majority of women menopause unfortunately causes weight gain rather than weigh loss. During this time period of a woman's life, her hormones are a bit out of whack and can cause a ... and cravings. This can however be controlled to an extent by hormone therapy while going through menopause.