Are blood glucose tests painful?

1 Answer

Answer :

A blood glucose test will require that you have blood drawn for a blood sample so that your glucose levels can be determined to be normal or not. Getting a blood sample will require that a lab technician perform a phlebotomoy where a small needle is used to pierce the skin and draw a small blood sample from the body.

Related questions

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Last Answer : The Freestyle Flash is one of the latest, most painful, and most convenient monitors, but it still requires a blood sample. Advantages include testing that takes just 7 seconds, and you don't have to ... to have a less painful stick when used with their ultra soft lancets and it is compact also.

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Last Answer : Just go to the doctor.

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Last Answer : Is it almost time for your period?

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Last Answer : See your doctor?

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Last Answer : You are a mouse lover? Kinky! (And you ask about exterminating them. Did one cheat on you?) Not knowing what a Rat Zapper is makes it hard to answer with any authority, but I am unaware of any ... them using a humane trap and then release them in a remote area. (Often my Mother-in-Law's yard.)

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Last Answer : In fear and in pain.

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Last Answer : Painful. I hate it.

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Last Answer : If you’re used to getting less sleep you probably just tricked your body into thinking it was time to make up your sleep debt. So now, it’s in coma mode. Drink the Mountain Dew, take a power nap on your break and walk around once an hour. That will keep you up. :)

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Last Answer : If you do hormone replacement do bio identical hormones. Premarin made me crazy!