Properly Installing a Fence Gate?

1 Answer

Answer :

When it comes to installing a fence, an important final step would be to properly setup and secure the fence gate. This is a relatively simple project that can be done by most any homeowner.The PostsAn important step in setting the fence gate up would be to ensure that the gate posts are in the correct position and there is the right size opening for the gate. If the gate posts are built into the main structure of the fence, the measurement and specifics should be determined before the fence itself is built. Setting the posts in concrete is recommended and this should be allowed to set for several days before continuing work. The posts should be completely level and held in place until the concrete is completely dry and secure.The InstallationFor a standard wooden fence gate, the design is quite simple. The gate is basically a box with an 'X' in the middle for support. The dimensions will vary depending on the height of the fence itself. Generally, the gate is constructed with 2x4 boards. The outer box should be put together first. Then, the interior pieces can be assembled. In addition to wood screws, glue should also be used to strengthen the joints. Once the frame is constructed, it should be measured to ensure that it is completely square. Depending on the type of fence, the gates can be covered to match the fence itself. For an easy gate construction, there are kits that are available that include mounting hardware and brackets that can be used to properly and squarely construct the gate.Hanging It UpThe final step would be to hang the gate. It is essential that there is enough clearance under the gate to allow for any changes in the surface below such as concrete cracking or snow building up under the gate. The latch should be attached in a location that is most convenient. One that can easily be opened from both sides is ideal.Adding a gate to a fence is not a very time-consuming project, but is one that requires precise measurements and durable construction. This will ensure that the gate will last for many years to come.

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