What foods should I avoid to prevent acid reflux?

1 Answer

Answer :

Foods that can likely to cause acid reflux are listed on the following website http://heartburn.about.com/cs/dietfood/a/heartburnfoods3.htm in a printer friendly table divided up into food groups.

Related questions

Description : Foods to avoid with acid reflux?

Last Answer : Understanding foods to avoid with acid reflux can help you to get better control over the condition. Managing acid reflux is something that you can do naturally ...

Description : What foods should a person suffering from acid reflux avoid?

Last Answer : Some tips to helping with acid reflux are avoiding foods that are spicy or contain caffeine. Do not eat within an hour of going to bed at night, and if that does not work Prevacid can be bought OTC.

Description : What foods should one avoid if having problems with acid reflux?

Last Answer : Anything with acid, or hot foods like Pizza, and cheesy foods. Try to go with more water based foods and don't eat anything after a certain time, say 8:00pm.

Description : Where do I need to go to find out more about foods to avoid with acid reflux?

Last Answer : Acid reflux will most of the time show symptoms of heartburn so stay away from spicy foods like hot peppers and hot wings. Also, acidy foods like tomatoes, onions, and citrus foods are important to ... . If you want any more information on acid reflux, symptomfinder.com is a great site to visit.

Description : What types of foods do I have to avoid if I have acid reflux?

Last Answer : I would suggest staying away from foods that are acidic, such as certain fruits. Such foods are liable to cause acid reflux. I would also suggest drinking a little bit of milk if you do get acid.

Description : What types of foods should someone with acid reflux avoid?

Last Answer : I would avoid eating foods that have a lot of acid in them such as sodas, foods that have tomatoes in them, as well as some acidic fruits. Also if you eat something that triggers your acid reflux I would ... drinking a little bit of milk. This helps me when I eat something with a lot of acid in it.

Description : Are there certain foods I need to avoid with my acid reflux?

Last Answer : Foods like chocolates and citrus foods can cause acid reflux. Tobacco can cause this so it is recommended that you avoid them. Apart from the 3 that I listed, other foods like fried and fatty food ... forces some materials to the sphincter to the tube above it then they will be an acid reflux cause

Description : what foods should my husband avoid due to his acid reflux?

Last Answer : HIgh fat foods, alcohol, spicy foods, and citrus foods are main foods to avoid if you have acid reflux. Sodas and caffeinated drinks are easily avoided by people who have symptoms

Description : Where can I find recipes for foods that would help prevent acid reflux from occurring?

Last Answer : Tips for preventing acid reflux can be found on acid reflux.com. Foods that should be avoided are foods high in fat, high in sugar and greasy foods. Recipes can also be found on acid reflux.com.

Description : The nurse teaches the patient with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which of the following measures to manage his disease? a) Avoid eating or drinking 2 hours before bedtime. The patient should not ... blocks. d) Eat a low carbohydrate diet The patient is instructed to eat a low-fat diet

Last Answer : a) Avoid eating or drinking 2 hours before bedtime. The patient should not recline with a full stomach.

Description : What kind of food that will cause acid reflux that one should avoid?

Last Answer : Acid Reflux is due to constant foods that cause heart burn such as fatty foods. Avoid fast food and foods that are deep fried or high on salt. In turn, try to drink lots of water.

Description : How do you prevent acid reflux?

Last Answer : Acid Reflux is based on the food you eat. Acid Reflux is the result of heart burn that is caused by eating fatty fried foods. Watch your diet as in the contents of fats and salts and your throat will be a happy camper!

Description : Keep Acid Reflux Under Control by Avoiding These Foods?

Last Answer : Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, is caused when excess stomach acid moves up into the esophagus and burns away the protective lining. The best way to avoid the burning pain associated ... Avoiding rich or acidic foods and eating in moderation can help keep acid reflux from returning regularly.

Description : Where can I find more information on foods that cause acid reflux ?

Last Answer : You can find out more information about foods that cause acid reflux by having a conversation with your doctor or a nutritionist. Health.msn.com and heartburn.about.com also have lists of ... from acid reflux. Those foods include chocolate and caffeine containing foods, along with several more.

Description : What are some acid reflux foods?

Last Answer : Someone who has acid reflux should avoid foods such as chocolate, mints, tomatoes, spicy food, coffee, high fat foods, dairy, and more. Find more information at http://acid-reflux-diets.net/.

Description : Where do I need to go to find out more about acid reflux foods?

Last Answer : A good website I have sourced for you is http://www.symptomfind.com/nutrition-supplements/what-food-to-avoid-if-you-acid-reflux/ Its always good to know what foods to avoid for acid reflux.

Description : Can you tell me which foods cause heartburn and acid reflux?

Last Answer : If you have heartburn or acid reflux disease eating foods can be challenging. You need to stay away from very spicy foods as they cause flare ups. www.webmd.com/���heartburn-gerd/guide/���heartburn-foods-to-avoid

Description : What foods trigger acid reflux?

Last Answer : Well beans obviously because of the gas that they cause. Acidic foods such as tomatoes, lemons, and limes and other foods acidic in nature are bad for acid reflux sufferers too.

Description : Do certain foods cause acid reflux heartburn?

Last Answer : Acid reflux can also be known as GERD. Having this problem does not have to do so much with what you eat but what you do with and/or after it. http://www.medicinenet.com/gastroesophageal_reflux_disease_gerd/page2.htm

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Last Answer : Being at high risk for Gout can be a very scary thing! The food you eat can definitely affect the severity of gout. www.Arthritis.com can help you find out which foods help, hurt, which foods to avoid, and which foods to get plenty of! Good luck!

Description : ndicate the drug which does not improve lower esophageal sphincter tone or prevent gastroesophageal reflux, but is used as first line treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: A. Sodium alginate + aluminium hydroxide gel B. Omeprazole C. Mosapride D. Famotidine

Last Answer : B. Omeprazole

Description : What types of foods cause reflux in your diet?

Last Answer : Yes there are plenty. Beans for one are especially bad because they cause gas. Any foods that are very acidic in nature such as tomatoes, lemons, limes, and other foods of this nature are also bad for you.

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Last Answer : (A) Avoid its decomposition

Description : What can bring on sudden acid reflux in someone who's never had it before?

Last Answer : My husband gets this sometimes for weeks, a really bad case of it. It can wake him in the middle of the night at times, and then it goes away for weeks, months, or years. Each time we try to narrow ... is. It can happen days in a row and then disappear for a very long time like my husband's thing.

Description : Can a person die from choking on acid reflux while asleep?

Last Answer : Put 2” spacers under the head of your bed. Eat foods that don’t trigger acidic episodes. Get some Zantac. Cut back on your coffee intake. See your doctor about GERD. (Gastroesophageal reflux disorder.) Some call it a disease, but it is a disorder.

Description : Have you had acid reflux for longer than 10 years?

Last Answer : answer:I am not a doctor. I had gallbladder disease that presented as pain between my shoulder blades. Sometimes it was a dull ache, like i needed a massage or a chiropractor. Other times it felt like ... least the stabby feeling is gone. I say that to say, have you ever had an abdominal ultrasound?

Description : Are there different kinds of acid reflux/heartburn?

Last Answer : I don’t understand the question, actually. What do you mean?

Description : Does anyone have Acid Reflux? Have you had surgery?

Last Answer : Your link doesn’t work. Here is the proper link for everyone.

Description : Can a cat have acid reflux?

Last Answer : answer:At 16, I don't think acid reflux is the problem. You need to ask your vet about kidney disease, hyperthyroid disease, diabetes, as well as other issues that geriatrics deal with. While some cats ... with an acid stomach (i.e. empty stomach), that's easily managed with more small meals.

Description : Acid reflux. Got it? What helps?

Last Answer : Google GERD for diet suggestions and position while you are in bed. Often, not eating for a few hours before bedtime will help. You probably know all this.

Description : Has anyone taken apple cider vinegar for acid reflux?

Last Answer : I’ve never tried it, but I use ACV on my hair and face. I believe it is a wonderful thing, and if I had acid reflux, I’d give it a shot.

Description : What kind of things help you when you have Acid Reflux ??

Last Answer : Sitting upright

Description : What kind of things help you when you have Acid Reflux ??

Last Answer : Sitting upright

Description : What kind of things help you when you have Acid Reflux ??

Last Answer : Sitting upright

Description : What kind of things help you when you have Acid Reflux ??

Last Answer : Sitting upright

Description : What kind of things help you when you have Acid Reflux ??

Last Answer : Sitting upright

Description : What kind of things help you when you have Acid Reflux ??

Last Answer : Sitting upright

Description : Living With Acid Reflux?

Last Answer : Acid reflux is a condition that is caused when acid from thestomach is pushed up into the windpipe. The acid burns the delicatetissue of the esophagus, which causes a very uncomfortable pain ... thereis an established pathway for the acid to rise up into youresophagus and cause you pain.Watc

Description : What are the available types of acid reflux medication?

Last Answer : There are many over the counter oral treatments to help acid reflux. Some top name brands are Zantac, Nexium, and Prevacid.

Description : Where can I find online resources for help with acid reflux problems?

Last Answer : healthremedies.com has a tremendous amount of information about natural remedies for acid reflux. also diet-blog.com discusses the health benefits of chia seeds as a digestive aid.

Description : How can I treat my acid reflux?

Last Answer : There are many over the counter medicines that will treat acid reflux such as Pepcid AC, but if the problem continues it may be helpful to see a doctor.

Description : Are there any natural remedies for acid reflux that are safe and effective?

Last Answer : There is an article at http://www.christinas-home-remedies.com/acid-reflux-home-remedies.html that lists many safe and effective methods for acid reflux. This article also gives you a lot of other information about acid reflux.

Description : What are some home remedies for acid reflux symptoms?

Last Answer : Apple Cider Vinegar has the "good" acids in it ,1 tablespoon to a half glass of water and sip it with your meal.

Description : Will Acid reflux cause permanent damage?

Last Answer : If left untreated for a long period of time, the acid produced in severe cases of acid reflux (also known as GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease) can damage the soft tissue inside the throat and ... For more information, here is a great resource: http://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/default.htm

Description : i have acid reflux really bad can surgery help?

Last Answer : Laparoscopic Anti-Reflux Surgery is really a last-resort after all other options are tried. There is a great deal of helpful information that can be found out on the subject at this website: http://heartburn.about.com/od/laparoscopicsurg/

Description : What is the disease associated with acid reflux?

Last Answer : Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD for short (and easier pronunciation) Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) Gastric reflux disease or simply Acid reflux disease.

Description : What are some common acid reflux symptoms?

Last Answer : The main thing is to eat healthy to prevent gastric reflux. The main symptoms are burning behind the breastbone, feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium and nausea after eating.

Description : Are heartburn, regurgitation and chronic sore throat classic symptoms of acid reflux?

Last Answer : Yes, heartburn, regurgitation and chronic sore throat are all indeed classic symptoms of acid reflux disease.

Description : Will a doctor be able to give information on acid reflux treatment?

Last Answer : Acid reflux is a condition with symptoms ranging from heartburn, coughing, and trouble swallowing. A doctor could give information on acid reflux treatments.

Description : What happens in an acid reflux treatment?

Last Answer : In this typical treatment you are given either prescribed medication, advised to purchase an over the counter medication, or a natural substance. Any forms of these treatments are to help reduce the stomach acid and heart burn.