Diets and arthritis?

1 Answer

Answer :

Someone with Arthritis should eat more foods with omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts, avocadoes and soybeans. They should avoid eating dairy, alcohol and coffee.

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Description : What are some good diets for Arthritis?

Last Answer : You can find more information on a rheumatoid Arthritis diet at They have information that will help with a daily diet to cope with rheumatoid arthritis.

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Last Answer : There are different foods that might affect someone living with psoriatic Arthritis. A good website to reference is

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Last Answer : None. its an advertising scam I have seen supposedly ordinary people who lost 20 Lbs in 13 weeks not much and I read the fine print..always read that! It states so and so lost 20 or 30 lbs by ... two days of only having the slim fast for only replacing Breakfast. I eat a normal ( light) supper.

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Last Answer : It's hard to be truly vegan and frankly, unnecessary. Even for ethical reasons, it comes unstuck as a lifestyle choice when modern life truly mucks up the morals. In the UK it's popular to adopt former battery ... . I haven't posted much for a while and it gave me a chance to blather on a bit!

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Last Answer : answer:This is probably going to come across as snarky, but I don't mean it to be. The most effective diets are the ones where you put less calories in your body than you burn. They are 100% effective. ... effective diet and haven't paid anyone for any of it. Congrats! Now you just have to do it.

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Last Answer : I think they continue to spiral down the toilet. There will always be someone desperate enough to believe in its benefits and think of it as a quick way to lose weight. i personally believe that the ... an extreme cleanse. Just drink water for one day and nothing else, your body will do the rest.

Description : Are Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Bad for You?

Last Answer : answer:They aren't any worse for you than a regular diet. The thing that most people tend to forget is that absolutely any diet can be good or bad for you - it all depends on how balanced your ... everything. That said, my sister has been vegan for years and years now, and she's doing just fine.

Description : What diets or weight loss plans have worked for you or someone you know?

Last Answer : Cutting down my calories to 1700–1900 per day, adding more water, fruits and veggies has always worked for me. That and becoming a vegan helped a lot!

Description : Do low-carb,high fat diets actually work ?

Last Answer : Think it depends on who you talk to. It all comes down to exercising and a change of lifestyle in the end of the day. Just recently the absolutely best treatment for obesity has been reported to be gastric bypass surgery for life-long health. And I am doing it March 10, wohooo! :)

Description : Raw food diets for dogs- how's it done?

Last Answer : There is a really good book out on the bones and raw food (BARF) diet that you are sort of describing. Dogs have some very real nutritional needs that you have to account for and the book explains all ... you need to follow the instructions in the book (written by a vet if I'm not mistaken). link

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Last Answer : Yes, it is too extreme. As fire came well after hunger in human evolution - I can't quite see the logic in his reasoning. I eat raw/near raw foods at all times and am (cancer aside - ... age. The Japanese with things like Sushi are among the top two or three healthy demographics. (I LOVE Sushi)

Description : Why are eggs (chicken to fish roe) such an accepted part of our diets when the male counterpart is almost taboo?

Last Answer : @asmonet i know, its hard to take seriously, but thats the whole point. why cant we take a question like this with a straight face?

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Last Answer : The beer and pizza diet. Pretty much you only live on pizza and beer. Once i quit this diet i gained 40 pounds.

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Last Answer : The law can’t protect u from everythng. I mean people can make choices to buy or not to buy. Plus for some they say it works. Maybe they do work for some maybe its just a placebo effect.

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Last Answer : Plastic surgery, it’s the only real solution. It’s funny cause it’s true.

Description : What are the best diets for type 2 diabetes?

Last Answer : You should focus on eating lean protein, high-fiber, less processed carbs, fruits, and vegetables, low-fat dairy, and healthy vegetable-based fats such as avocado, nuts, canola oil, or olive oil. Also check out this article detailed diet plans : bit. ly/3jJCnKH

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Last Answer : Can you show me any weight loss clinics or services?

Description : How can you quickly lose weight and lose weight What diets are there?

Last Answer : I came across a very useful weight loss and weight loss website. There are articles and diets. Try to stop by and read.Get healthy & Fit in 3 months!With 30 day meal plan to help loose ... 't providing you with a diet that requires being persistent, instead we areoffering you a healthy and brand

Description : I turn to you with a question about nutrition.

Last Answer : Five. Not very healthy if you just eat all day: D

Description : balancing low and high fat diets

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Which diets can aid up in achieving fitness?

Last Answer : Having a good healthy diet is a excellent decision. Eating healthy can help give you energy to move about with your fitness choice .

Description : What are the best diets for weight loss?

Last Answer : You must eat the fruits. If you hungry for 4 chapati so you eat ofnly 3 chapati only. You eat vegetables like carrot, radish. It will help you in weight loss.

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Last Answer : Vegetarianism. No offense to anyone whose diet is full vegetables. I was vegetarian 18 years ago for 3 years. I grew very weak. I was very thin and old-looking. My skin had no supple and pink color. ... . But thankfully, I wasn't sickly and had a very active life on our 4.5 hectares property.

Description : What are some cardio risks with fat burning diets?

Last Answer : There are no cardio risks when it comes to fat burning diets. With the proper workout and hydration you can have a successful cardio workout.

Description : What are some doctor-recommended diets for fast weight-loss?

Last Answer : Credible doctors do not recommend diets for fast weight loss. They would rather their patients lose it sensibly over time as they did not become overweight rapidly. This will also allow the patient to develop good eating habits to learn how to maintain their weight.

Description : What are the 3 most popular diets for losing weight?

Last Answer : The three most popular diets are the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, and the Weight Watchers diet. The first two are based on high protein, and Weight Watchers is based on a point system.

Description : What are some low cholesterol diets?

Last Answer : A low cholesterol diet would include eating foods low in fat and salt. Foods that are high in fiber are good to eat. They also have supplements to help lower cholesterol.

Description : Selecting Juice Diets that Work?

Last Answer : To start off, juice diets are not for everyone. Some people have a very hard time sticking to them, and when they are not stuck-to they can lead to people binging on fatty food to compensate. However, ... great way to lose weight in a healthy way, but you have to be careful to monitor your health.

Description : Where can I find a list of easy diets that offer food you can buy at the grocery store?

Last Answer : Fortunately there are a number of easy diets that can be fulfilled by purchasing your foods at a grocery store. I have found that the Livestrong site has a good list of diets available.

Description : What are some healthy diets that work?

Last Answer : Healthy diets are a good thing to attempt if you want to become healthy if your obese and too skinny to survive. Healthy diets that work are eating low calorie foods that are very useful.

Description : Are there any articles that compare health diets?

Last Answer : There are no specific articles that compare health diets, however there are many articles online which discuss benefits, pros and cons between various fad diets and such.

Description : What are the best healthy diets that are easy to stick to?

Last Answer : The most popular but also most healthy diets to stick to are Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, The Mediterranean Diet, The Flexitarian Diet and The Dash Diet.

Description : What diets help ease the diabetic neuropathy symptoms?

Last Answer : The method used to stage melanoma is based mainly on the thickness of the tumor and whether cancer has spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body.

Description : Do low carb high protein diets work?

Last Answer : While low carb high protein diets work in the short term, there is no evidence to suggest that they work in the longer term. Furthermore, there are many health risks associated with it. ...,-high-protein-diet-increases-risk-of-heart-attack--Study).

Description : What are benefits of high fiber diets?

Last Answer : Well, the benefits of high fiber diet consists of excreting all of the waste in the body. It also very good for lowering any cholesterol a person may have.

Description : Do quick weight loss diets really work?

Last Answer : While you will lose the weight, you will not be able to keep it off for a long period of time. So yes, they work but not for good. The only way you can keep weight off is if you make a change!

Description : What is the best rapid weight loss diets?

Last Answer : The best rapid weight loss diet is to just cut out sugar in your diet. Sugar ads more weight to people then they realize and it is in more food then people realize. If you cut out sugar permanently ... no longer tastes bad. Just find good tasting healthy food and cut out sugar and you will be fine.

Description : What are the best diets for weight loss?

Last Answer : The best diets for weight loss combine eating healthy and exercising. If you go on a diet that only involves eating specific food, such as the Nutrisystem, then you will probably gain back the weight when returning to normal foods.

Description : Quick Weight Loss Diets?

Last Answer : For the most part, quick weight loss diets should be avoided. These diets often promote unhealthy ideas that will result in temporary weight loss. Unfortunately, most of this weight comes back and ... effort, but it should be no surprise to anyone that has educated themselves about weight loss.

Description : Vegetarian Diets?

Last Answer : Vegetarian Diets - HealthyKidTips.comAbout 7 percent of Americans follow a vegetarian diet, with 1 in 1,000 being vegan. A vegan avoids all animal products in the diet. While ... milk.Ensure adequate nutrition for vegetarian children by following these guidelines and consulting with your physician.

Description : Do high fiber diets work to lose weight?

Last Answer : A high fiber diet will help curb your appetite to help loose weight. Foods high in fiber help give you that full feeling so you don't eat more. But a variety of healthy foods is also needed to help lose weight and keep the weight off.

Description : Where online can find the best diets for high cholesterol?

Last Answer : Lifestyle plays an important role in treating your high blood pressure. If you successfully control your blood pressure with a healthy lifestyle, you may avoid, delay or reduce the need for medication.

Description : What are some diets for people who suffer from having high triglycerides?

Last Answer : High triglyceride levels can result from eating an excess of fatty and sugary foods, being severely overweight, or drinking too much alcohol. Thus, cutting back on alcohol and fatty-sugary foods, as well as exercising, can help decrease triglyceride levels.

Description : Which diets work the best and are the most popular for losing weight and keeping it off?

Last Answer : There are many different diets out there that guarantee losing a ton of weight, but the best diets are ones that include exercise as well. Another important thing to keep in mind is what nutrients ... are eating. Dieting should not just be about losing weight, but about eating healthier in general.

Description : What are all the high protein diets?

Last Answer : You can make your own high protein diet, include lots of fish, chicken, and eggs, red meat isn't as healthy for you. Some effective high protein diets are the South Beach diet and the Kashi diets.

Description : Are there any good diets to help with dry skin?

Last Answer : What you eat does affect your skin, generally oily foods can cause your skin to dry up. Fruit is one of the best things to eat for skin, especially some that are naturally juicy.

Description : What effective diets are there for diabetics?

Last Answer : There are effective diets for diabetics! Nutrisystem D is a diet plan that is specifically designed for people with Diabetes, so it is most likely a better option for people on a diet.

Description : Where online can I find protein enriched vegetarian diets?

Last Answer : The Vegetarian Research Group has an extensive live with diet plans that list foods rich in certain features such as protein. They suggest broccoli, spinach, almonds, and other high protein foods to supplement the lack of protein you may have because you do not consume meat.

Description : What are some fast and effective diets?

Last Answer : The best fast and effective diet is one of the many available low carb diets called the Dukan diet. This diet works very well, one of my friends is using it and she lost over 5 pounds in the first week.