Halloween Spiders?

1 Answer

Answer :

Ingredients1 (12 Oz.) Pkg Chocolate Chips1 Med. Can chow mein noodles (may not need all ofthem) 1 Pkg. M&Ms. Plain Chocolate CandyMelt chocolate in microwave. Stir in noodles. Drop by spoonsful onto waxed paper. Add 2 M & M's for spider eyes.Add 2 to 4 tablespoons water, if needed, to thin chocolate.

Related questions

Description : When did spiders become so associated with Halloween?

Last Answer : Spiders are scary, on an almost societal level, just like ghosts, skeletons etc. Although wasn’t halloween another seasonal celebration? Or a celebration of the dead?

Description : How do I make jumping spiders as decorations for Halloween?

Last Answer : There are a few videos on how to make jumping Spiders for halloween on YouTube. They have a few different selections on which type of spiders that you would like to make.

Description : If spiders and other 6+ legged animals did not exist, would humans have been creative enough to make them up in fiction?

Last Answer : Very insightful question. As you probably know, some of the creations of H.P. Lovecraft are far more alien than most fantasy creatures-yet in an unsettling way, far more familiar and threatening. As to ... Vishnu. It would just look wrong but not threatening as a Spider, Crab, or Face Hugger.

Description : Fans of Lisbeth Salander, how would you rate the latest film "Girl in the Spider’s Web"?

Last Answer : I am a grouch about sequels and franchises. The surprise and discovery is gone. And The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was a HUGE surprise for me. I avoid violent movies, I avoid bloody movies. True story ... Buddhism or something like that. That movie was great. But still I'm weary of the follow-up.

Description : What percentage of people are absolutley not afraid of snakes spiders etc.

Last Answer : I reeely like spiders and snakes, and dangerous critters in general. But that doesn’t mean I’m happy to have a venomous spider (for example) in my yard or home (unless I’m absolutely sure it can’t get out of its cage. Does that make sense to you? I have no idea of the percentage.

Description : Can House centipedes kill poisonous spiders?

Last Answer : answer:Exactly, @azlotto. And_ all centipedes have poison glands and the means to inject their venom, bites are infrequent and normally do not cause more than temporary, localized pain. _ Zombie dust bunnies. I ... but I'd be tempted to leave a ceiling fan on, low, not directly above the fumigator.

Description : Why do spiders like chilling in my bathroom?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know, but I have some educated guesses: 1) Multiple ways in, due to multiple things with pipe-holes, which may be how they get in there. For example, I have seen crawly things ... in particular may be there for the other bugs that like the bathroom, since they trap and eat bugs.

Description : What unusual thing have you found out about spiders (or bugs in general)?

Last Answer : I live in australia and there’s some huge spiders here- I was driving down a narrow, winding road (like something you’d see in Peru ) and one ran across the windscreen. I managed to not lose it but barely. It was a huntsman in case you want to google how big and ugly they are.

Description : What do tiny spiders feed on?

Last Answer : Tiny insects.

Description : How dangerous (in general) are spiders to cats?

Last Answer : Spider bites hurt like hell. I would be off a bit if one got me.

Description : Do house spiders die soon after their eggs hatch?

Last Answer : You do realize it will ever be easier to get the little ones than it is right now. They will spread throughout your house in a day. If you don't mind them, that is fine. But, many people do ... your book cases, over the furniture 10 seconds with the vacuum cleaner will take care of it right now. .

Description : Would spiders (and mites) be harmful to a compost system?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know of any spiders that are vegetarian . That is, I don't know of any spiders that will harm your plants directly by eating any part of them. (If I'm wrong about that I'd ... insects (worms are to be expected, but not insects), then it may be more suitable for use with planting.

Description : How to repel/prevent spiders in your room?

Last Answer : answer:I think the best thing to do is call in a fumigator. If you cant afford that at present, try a room fogger. Where u let it off and go out for the day. If you are findng so many ... or call the fumigator. Perhaps strip the room and use a spray for direct contact. Keep the air well ventilated.

Description : Why do so many people hate or fear (or both) spiders?

Last Answer : answer:I really do not fully understand this one. I guess they are kind of spooky because they have so many eyes and limbs. But me, I've had a fondness for spiders ever since I read Charlotte's Web ... it makes me sad to hear that people are so frightened of spiders that they kill them on sight :(

Description : What are all the effective ways I can use to prevent/kill spiders in my home?

Last Answer : Yes, call an exterminator. They will probably use a an aerosol bomb and tell you to vacuum afterwards. You’ll have to cover all food utensils and foodstuffs. ALL animals will have to be out of the house for at least part of a day.

Description : Would you be less inclined to kill spiders if they had a face?

Last Answer : No, I let spiders live. On the other hand, I don’t let praying mantises or grasshoppers live. I like spiders because they kill the other bugs that I don’t want around my house. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Description : Is it an urban myth about spiders/insects crawling into someone's ears?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it can. Certain tropical insects will lay their larvae in body orifices and I think, while rare, that Earwigs have been known to go into peoples ear canals. Flies will lay their ... animals genital area and the maggots burrowing into the flesh around the genitals. Not a pretty sight.

Description : Ideas on how to dissuade spiders from hanging out?

Last Answer : I would spray it with a Disinfectant spray before every use. That solves two issues at the same time.

Description : Why are some spiders not affected by insecticide?

Last Answer : What are the active ingredients in the insecticide?

Description : How many spiders does a person typically swallow during the night in their sleep?

Last Answer : Me, less than when I am awake.

Description : Why are people so afraid of flies, spiders, and bugs?

Last Answer : answer:For me I think it's the (perceived) sensation of spiders on my skin . Despite being so much larger than a spider, if there is one in my room I am convinced it is going to end up crawling on me, ... as fact online Course, that doesn't mean we don't eat 8, or even 28 spiders a year . yeaurgh!

Description : Spiders webs built low. Does this mean a mild winter?

Last Answer : I do know about the webs. I go by where the squirrels hide their nuts. (to predict the snowfall) It was minus 4 degrees F at my house this morning.

Description : Do you kill spiders?

Last Answer : answer:Never. I scoop them up with a paper or a cup and outside they go. I don’t even kill earwigs. Same thing, scoop them up and release.

Description : Why are there always spiders in the litter box?

Last Answer : Perhaps, because flies eat poo, spiders hang out there to prey on the flies. Or they may just like the atmosphere.

Description : What remedies can I use to kill and have spiders away out of my room?

Last Answer : I have found that they don’t seem to like a lot of activity. I wipe my walls daily with a cobweb duster every day. This keep them out of the corners and it even cleans the vents.

Description : Two stripes on a spider's abdomen - what is this?

Last Answer : It’s probably a wolf spider. Regardless, it’s nothing to panic over. Very few spiders are a threat to humans, and even those are shy and more likely to avoid you.

Description : Do spiders fight over territory?

Last Answer : Apparently they do, though I can’t find all that much about it. This link, if you scroll down to the item about the huge, communal web found in Texas states that it very unusual because spiders normally fight over territory and for prey.

Description : What determines where spiders spin their webs?

Last Answer : No way to know. But think about this. Once upon a time there were no incandescent lights, but spiders were successfully surviving. Then, humans invented incandescent lights, and spiders started building webs ... have no apparenct way of teaching each other, how did they learn that trick ? Amazing.

Description : Why are there always spiders in my shower?

Last Answer : answer:They like basements. And you might be surprised at the other little buggers that would be running around if the spider wasn’t their to protect you from them. To get rid of the spider, you must get rid of his food supply… the other bugs he eats.

Description : Do spiders feel emotions? Do they feel pain? and other questions...

Last Answer : They simply process environmental stimuli. A sea sponge reacts when you mess with it. Does it feel “pain” too? Their brains lack the complex structures needed to process emotion. They are VERY basic animals

Description : Does anyone else check their bedding for spiders before climbing in?

Last Answer : Nope, you’re not the only one. I also check shoes, socks and pants before putting them on. Checking for spiders and scorpions (had one fall from the ceiling into my bed when a kid). Always.

Description : How do spiders spin webs horizontally?

Last Answer : spiders spin webs in almost any direction you can imagine. If you have ever spent any time watching orb spiders make a web, you will realize how they do it. The best one I've ever seen was an orb ... strands, and they usually walk on the non-sticky ones so as not to get trapped in their own web.

Description : Why do spiders jerk when disturbed?

Last Answer : relieve tension.

Description : How dangerous are black widow spiders?

Last Answer : They can definitely kill you with a single bite if you’re a child, but if you’re an adult it rarely kills as long as you seek medical attention.

Description : Is it really possible to get over an irrational fear of spiders?

Last Answer : Oui. I used to be afraid of spiders. (Well, it was a mild fear. Not as extreme as some, I suppose.) My extremely undramatic method to solve this was to just kill them. First with a retractable ... think about it too much, though (or look at closeup pictures of spiders) I freak out all over again.

Description : Do you rescue insects or feed spiders?

Last Answer : i squish them if they’re in my house. I leave them alone in their house.

Description : Why do so many people fear spiders despite the fact that most of them are totally harmless?

Last Answer : Because they are ugly.

Description : Why don't spiders get caught in their own web ?

Last Answer : I believe it’s because spiders feet secrete an oil that prevents them from sticking to the natural adhesive on the silk, but don’t quote me…

Description : Is it true that bug sprays have no effect on spiders?

Last Answer : No. It pisses them off.

Description : Explain what you would expect if all the spiders died.

Last Answer : There would be so many more bugs that even the Orkin man couldn’t control them.

Description : How would you keep banana spiders out of your house?

Last Answer : NaturalMineralWater, found this on Google: The nephila clavipes banana spider of North America possesses venom similar in nature to the venom of the black widow, but far less potent, making it quite harmless to humans ... . It too is known as the writing spider' due to zig-zag patterns in its web.

Description : How well do plug-in supersonic devices work to repel spiders?

Last Answer : Source: http://www.pestproducts.com/spider.htm Spider Elimination Kit Treat the perimeter of the building with a professional residual pesticide such as Cynoff WP WSB, Demon WP or Suspend SC at maximum strength. ... power dusting with Delta Dust would be best. I've never used these - just google'd.

Description : Are the spiders in my backyard dangerous?

Last Answer : Do you have a photo? You should take a photo of one and then email it to an arachnologist. Professors love to get emails like that. I recommend Rosemary Gillespie of UC Berkeley ([email protected]). She knows her stuff.

Description : If spiders died out would you miss them?

Last Answer : answer:Often we don't see how much one species depends on another until its extinct. If spiders where to go im sure it would cause a domino effect causing other species populations to thin out. Aside ... all those bugs, what about all the animals that eat spiders? What happens to their food source?

Description : Do spiders attack each other?

Last Answer : Yes. Extra- and intra-species.

Description : How do spiders build webs that span several feet?

Last Answer : answer:The most typical scenario is that they release a free floating, lightweight strand that floats through the air until it connects with something. They then anchor both ends and proceed with ... a very nice description here: http://www.xs4all.nl/~ednieuw/Spiders/Info/Construction_of_a_web.html

Description : my hydrengas seem to be dying. Plenty water and exposure fine. Spiders?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What are the small orange spiders on my flowering plants?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do I get tiny spiders and other bugs out of the kale?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do I get rid of spiders in the greenhouse

Last Answer : This is not to spray on the food but around the floor and corners............they don't like vingar.............cut it with water..........or vac them up and trash the bag.