Causes of Bloody Stools?

1 Answer

Answer :

Bloody stools are a sign of complication in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Melena refers to black, tarry and smelly stools while Hematochezia refers to maroon colored stools. Bloody stools can be very uncomfortable because most of the time they are accompanied by constipation and a lot of pain. Hematochezia is an indication of a problem in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Bloody stools can be as a result of hemorrhoids; this occurs due to swelling of blood vessels found in the anus or pelvic area. When you have hemorrhoids, it is common to experience blood coating in the stool. Bloody stools can also signify anal fissure; this is a tear in the anus. Anal fissure causes a burning sensation and the need to scratch your anus during bowel movements. Hematochezia can also be as a result of Bowel ischemia, Diverticulosis or Peptic ulcers. When you experience bloody stools it is highly advisable to visit a doctor; never ignore any symptoms. Bloody stools can also be a symptom of fatal diseases such as colon cancer. The sooner you get a diagnosis on colon cancer, the safer you will be. Melena is an indication of bleeding in the digestive tract which is the upper part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The acids found in the stomach turn the blood in the stool black. Melena can be an indication of vascular inflammation, duodenal ulcer, overgrown veins in the stomach or inflammation of the stomach lining among many others diseases. Ensure that you look at the color of bloody stool so that you can have an idea as to what your problem might be even before you visit a doctor. A fecal occult blood test by a doctor will detect any small amount of blood found in your fecal matter. If you have constipation problems, you should visit a doctor to have this test carried out. A doctor can also use an endoscopy to examine you and find out what is causing bloody stool in your system. Treatment of bloody stools depends on what the cause of bleeding is. If you have bled too much, a blood transfusion might be necessary. You can also be admitted for medication or possible surgery if the bleeding is persistent.

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Last Answer : Bloody stool could be cause by many things including hemorrhoids or intestinal polyps. However, it maybe a more serious medical condition and should be referred to a medical professional. Bloody ... some serious medical conditions in some occasion, so please check with your primary care physician.

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Last Answer : Bloody stools can be caused by hemorrhoids, a digestive tract injury, and being constipated. If you don't know what the source is you should consult with your primary care physician.

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Last Answer : If you see bloody stools, it is absolutely necessary to go to see a doctor immediately. Although this is often not a serious problem, it may be a sign that you have colon cancer.

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Last Answer : Having blood in stool is never a good thing. It is a warning sign for Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcers, colitis, Chrones Disease, and many other digestive disease. If there is ... bleeding.

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