Where can we get information about ireland vacation?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are dozens of blogs available over the internet about Ireland and how to plan a trip there. The official Irish website and discoverireland.com can also be critical resoruces for your trip plans.

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Last Answer : Yes! Who knows where those mouths have been.

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Last Answer : Why should Ireland have to leave because of some stupid politicians in the UK? Brexit was a dumb idea, based on lies, from the start. Why should Ireland suffer?

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Last Answer : Wait, what are you asking?

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Last Answer : Wow. I have no knowledge what the subaquatic geography is like there. That is a poser. I look forward to seeing what sort of educated answers you get here.

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Last Answer : I have a feeling it has something to do with Ireland not wanting to be dictated to by the EU.

Description : What is modern life like in Ireland?

Last Answer : answer:Well speaking as a born Irish citizen myself things are pretty good in Ireland for the most part. We are starting to really come out of recession in a big way, jobs are becoming more available. However ... do my best to answer. I could be wrong, but I may be the only Irish Jelly here hehe.

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Last Answer : Haha! Nice response.

Description : What is your opinion of Catholics still getting special treatment for primary education in Ireland?

Last Answer : What is the school system like in Ireland? Is it “public” (paid for by taxpayer funds) like in the U.S.? Do you have a link that would explain it? I honestly have no idea. And, has anything changed in the last 6 months since that article?

Description : Where are some nice places to visit in Ireland?

Last Answer : answer:You retty muchcan't go wrong in the countryside in Ireland. For a first visit, I would suggest the Cliffs of Moher, then bein based in Killarney from where you can tour the Ring of Kerry, the ... at any time of year in Ireland but I would say that May through September are your best bets.

Description : Is it rare for someone from Dublin, Ireland to speak Irish fluently?

Last Answer : I believe it will be rare since only 10% of the Irish population are still able to use Irish fluently.

Description : Does the Irish Football team have a name other than "Ireland?"?

Last Answer : They’re the Republic of Ireland & are usually known as the Republic or shortened further to ROI.

Description : Freedom for Ireland?

Last Answer : Wiki says that it’s largely self-governing. Perhaps the self-government could put it to a vote: keep things as they are, join the U.K. properly, join Ireland properly, or push for full independence.

Description : Are Scotland and Ireland technically England?

Last Answer : No. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are seperate countries with in the United Kingdom. UK and England are not interchangeble terms. Great Britain is the island made up of England, scotland and wales. Ireland is an entirely seperate country from the UK with different currency and everything.

Description : Does anyone have a good documentary or video on the history of Ireland in the 20th century?

Last Answer : answer:You might want to look at The Story of Ireland. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+story+of+ireland&aq=f It's a five part series produced by the BBC and is available on youtube but ... to see the whole thing on youtube, in the correct order. Maybe you can find it somewhere else.

Description : Anyone been to Scotland and/or Ireland?

Last Answer : answer:I had a wonderful visit to Scotland some years back. I went with a tour group on an itinerary that was based in Edinburgh, with day trips to Glasgow, Culross, Fife, Stirling Castle ... fashion, expecting to work from a basic itinerary and then improvise and follow my impulses along the way.

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Last Answer : You should ask on boards.ie maybe?

Description : Newlywed customs in Ireland?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther, and congratulations on the upcoming wedding! Here is one. You may not like the goal though: The Irish translation for honeymoon is mi na meala, which means the ... bride would become pregnant and her family would then desire her to remain with her new husband. Source

Description : Best way to visit Ireland with one's sweetheart?

Last Answer : Fly to Dublin and rent a car to travel the countryside.

Description : Is the Queen's visit to Ireland a good thing?

Last Answer : answer:I think that it is meant in a spirit of peace and reconcilliation and most Irish people will acknowledge that at least, so if it succeeds in building some bridges then it is a good thing. But there ... and liked the bumper stickers that simply said I'm for peace'. A motto for life, I thought

Description : What should I include in my travel itinerary for Ireland?

Last Answer : This is one of the options under consideration.

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Last Answer : You maybe listed as a fugitive. Therefore possibly not allowed in the USA. But I’m not lawyer or immigration specialist.

Description : What's it like living in Ireland?

Last Answer : answer:Life in Ireland is good. Don't expect to see the thatched cottages and wooly jumpers that often though. I live in Wicklow, the garden of Ireland . It has some fantastic views. I'm 20 ... contrast. Sorry about that, I hope that there is some kind of salvageable answer in what I have written.

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Last Answer : N.B.: This is purely for my intellectual betterment. That is, this isn’t an essay topic or an assignment of any kind. I’m just… half Irish and curious.

Description : In Ireland, what is a TD, as in Val Falvey TD?

Last Answer : A TD is a member of Dáil Éireann, the lower house of the Oireachtas (the Irish parliament). It is the equivalent of terms such as “Member of Parliament” (MP) or “deputy” used in other states.

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Last Answer : Your question will most certainly have subjective answers. Personally, I have driven in Japan where they have right-hand side steering wheels and driving on the left side of the road. The ... look for similar driving patterns, like staying within the lines, and being cognizant of the environment.

Description : Football playoffs in Ireland on TV?

Last Answer : I would doubt if they are being aired in Ireland. You might have to wait for tomorrow for the highlights on ESPN.com or on NFL.com. You can always follow play by play on the ESPN GameCast.

Description : What are some good places to travel to in Ireland?

Last Answer : The Aran Islands are quite beautiful. Really, if you want to get to nature it’s great to take a bus out to any small rural town, you get real Irish life, good pubs, and you can wander through the countryside.

Description : What do you associate with Ireland?

Last Answer : Parties, potatoes, rebel songs, fist fighting just for the hell of it, and Guinness. I say all this in good nature.

Description : What is your position about the recent soccer match between France and Ireland and the outcome?

Last Answer : I don’t really care for football and I don’t know the details of the football match, but if that play had any direct effect on the outcome then I think there should be a rematch.

Description : Have just been to the France vs Ireland Game? Does anybody else think that France clearly cheated ROI out of a place in the finals?

Last Answer : For anyone who doesn't quite know what the OP is talking about, here is a replay of the incident on YouTube at the very end of the France-Ireland football game today. Personally, I think both Henry and Gallas ( ... his hand out to stop the ball. Maybe it is as bad as Maradona's Hand of God goal.

Description : What to do when in Ireland?

Last Answer : Drink beer.

Description : What to wear in Ireland in the summer?

Last Answer : Oh! Check out this question.

Description : Ever been to Ireland - what Keywords did you use?

Last Answer : they don’t speak a different language you know. They just have an accent…

Description : What are the best tourist places in Ireland (UK)?

Last Answer : If you are talking about Ireland as in “Republic of Ireland” then that’s not part of the UK. Northern Ireland however is. I’ve never been but I hear the giants causeway is quite spectacular.

Description : What's your view on the racist attacks in Northern Ireland right now?

Last Answer : Well.. That’s more complicate than “are you tired of peace or something?” because I think the main reason is the culture clash. They are immigrants and immigrants has this kind of problems (racism) everywhere…

Description : Cheap Accomodations in UK/Ireland/Scotland?

Last Answer : It of course depends on when/where/how, but there are "house swaps", which basically permits you to stay in someone's flat in Scotland, while the Scot comes and stays in your apartment/house/etc. in the states.

Description : Any tips on working in Ireland/EU?

Last Answer : What kind of job are you looking for? How old are you? Where are you from?

Description : what are the trendy baby names in Ireland?

Last Answer : Here is a website about Irish baby names http://www.babynamesofireland.com/. At the bottom there is a link to a pdf of all the baby names registered in Ireland in 2006. Hope this helps. Have a great day :)

Description : Are there any trees in Ireland?

Last Answer : What? Why wouldn’t they?

Description : What do i wear in Ireland?

Last Answer : Mainly clothing, I would think…

Description : What should I see in Ireland?

Last Answer : answer:A Guinness factory! At least I’d make it a priority in Ireland. And some kind of old pub, like one you see in the movies.

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Last Answer : It's written in the stars names (using each star's last name, the initials spell 'its written

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Last Answer : Because it is every year doubling (Dublin).

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Last Answer : Northern Ireland: 1. Class and religion over lap. 2. Catholics are tend to be poor than the other groups. Netherlands 1. Caste and religion cut across each other. 2. Both the Catholics and Protestants can be rich or poor

Description : Highlight the case of Northern Ireland with reference to overlapping of social differences. -SST 10th

Last Answer : In Northern Ireland, people are predominantly Christian but divided between Catholic and Protestant& Class and religion overlap with each other. Thus creating a possibility of deep social ... of discrimination. The result is that Catholics and Protestants have conflicts in Northern Ireland.

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Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

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Last Answer : The population of Nothern Ireland is divided into two major sects of Christianity : 53 per cent are Protestants, while 44 per cent are Roman Catholics. For years, this region of United ... government and the Nationalists reached a peace treaty, after which the latter suspended their armed struggle.