When a co-worker gives you a mental shock, then. What will you do?


A) You will develop enmity with him

B) You will wait for your turn to put him in the same state

C) You will fight in a decent manner D) You think do good and forget it

1 Answer

Answer :

B) You will wait for your turn to put him in the same state 

Related questions

Description : When a co-worker is blessed with a son and he desires some financial assistance from you, then how would you extend your co-operation to him? Options: A) You just formally ask for any sort of ... relationship C) You try to hide your face during this time D) You put forward some lame excuses

Last Answer : B) You extend all types of support as you have intimate relationship 

Description : Suppose your friend has just left the home on scooter along with his son, immediately you hear the news that they met a road accident. What will you do in this case? Options: A) You will mock ... D) You will visit them next day and give an impression that you knew it just now from neighbourhood

Last Answer : B) You will rush immediately and extend all possible help keeping in mind that this is not the time of personal enmity

Description : If your colleague entangles you in the act of negligence of duties with the help of principal how would you behave with him? Options: A) Revengeful and will give physical and mental shock to ... will insult him among the colleagues D) You will keep yourself alert and make his efforts unfruitful

Last Answer : D) You will keep yourself alert and make his efforts unfruitful

Description : You are being pressurized by your colleagues to take the membership of the teacher's union. How could you take decision in this situation? Options: A) You will give priority to social relations, ... enmity with the management D) You will try best to go against their will by hook or crook

Last Answer : B) You will have faith in unity so you accept the membership 

Description : One of the senior colleagues is trying to exercise his power through majority in the school. Sometimes you fell that the colleague has power mongering attitude and therefore, realising it in his ... another strong group against his party D) You put forth the principles of upright behaviour

Last Answer : D) You put forth the principles of upright behaviour 

Description : If you get an opportunity to serve a central school, but in turn you miss the opportunity to enjoy your home town. How would you accommodate in these conditions? Options: A) You will ... and obligations D) You will have great pride in thinking yourself a powerful link in national integration

Last Answer : A) You will think yourself lucky enough that you got an opportunity to mix-up with the people of different states

Description : If you live on rent in your friend's house, it will be perceived by you as Options: A) Sacrifice of mutual relations B) Development of more warmth in relations C) Exposure of personal weaknesses and end of relations D) Meeting with a good co-worker who cooperate from home to school

Last Answer : D) Meeting with a good co-worker who cooperate from home to school 

Description : When the Mohalla Samiti asks to donate some money for the repairing works of Hand pipe in the vicinity, then what will you do? Options: A) You will not contribute as it has no utility for you B) ... and its collections D) You will pay some money in order to warn them not to pay visit in future

Last Answer : B) You will contribute according to your will in a selfless manner 

Description : You become rash when some inadequate behaviour is shown by others. When you show such behaviour in relation to others, what do you think? Options: A) Those persons should be irritated because it is ... D) You always become rash in case of maltreatment given by others, so try to control yourself

Last Answer : D) You always become rash in case of maltreatment given by others, so try to control yourself 

Description : Generally the teachers do not take pains on students' postures in the classroom. What will you do for their improvement? Options: A) You will enforce proper posture training in the class-room B ... you take note of them otherwise you forget it D) You will inform the physical instructor

Last Answer : A) You will enforce proper posture training in the class-room 

Description : If some student's parent make a complaint that the child has developed the excessive habit of telling-a-lie and never give due importance to home work, you will do  Options: A) After due ... Insult the child along with his parent D) Speaking high about your skills to deal with the child

Last Answer : A) After due confirmation, be vigilant towards the child in future 

Description : In contemporary society with deteriorating values, the excellent education will be that which Options: A) Works for re-establishment of humanitarian and cultural values B) Enables to earn in an easy manner C) Exaggerates the competition in the society D) Accelerates the social-change in society

Last Answer : A) Works for re-establishment of humanitarian and cultural values 

Description : Describe a time when you put your needs aside to help a co-worker or classmate understand a task. How did you assist him or her? What was the result?

Last Answer : This is a question that deals with communicating ideas and how eectively you can train someone else. Describe what you do to train someone and how you break things down into a level they can understand.

Description : The maxim of maintaining good relations with others is Options: A) Sycophancy B) Kaleidoscopic per C) Attractive features and mental make p D) Control over emotions

Last Answer : C) Attractive features and mental make p 

Description : Your school building is just adjacent to a Cinema Hall. It generates delinquency and spoil the young mind badly. Therefore, there is utter chaos in the school in the name of discipline. What alternative ... ) Start a movement for shifting of school building D) Raise your voice for student's welfare

Last Answer : B) Make a discipline committee to watch out such students and give them rigorous punishment

Description : If a friends instigates you to participate actively in the strike but you disagree with them, then how will you react in this situation? Options: A) You indirectly co-operate them but not ... duties then something else D) You will launch a movement against your friends to resolve the conflict

Last Answer : C) You first do your duties then something else 

Description : When a normal student behaves in an erratic manner in the class, you would: (A) pull up the student then and there (B) talk to the student after the class (C) ask the student to leave the class (D) ignore the student

Last Answer : (B) talk to the student after the class

Description : If two standard form categorical propositions with the same subject and predicate are related in such a manner that if one is undetermined the other must be undetermined, what is their relation? (A) Contrary (B) Subcontrary (C) Contradictory (D) Subaltern 

Last Answer : (C) Contradictory

Description : Which one of the following principles is not applicable to sampling? (A) Sample units must be clearly defined (B) Sample units must be dependent on each other (C) Same units of sample should be used throughout the study (D) Sample units must be chosen in a systematic and objective manner

Last Answer : (B) Sample units must be dependent on each other

Description : If your neighbour knows about your blood group, all of a sudden his child fell down to a road accident, and he request you to donate blood to save his child's life, what decision would you ... will immediately agree to donate your blood D) You will suggest him to arrange blood from a Blood-bank

Last Answer : C) You will immediately agree to donate your blood 

Description : When you deal with others, you expect that Options: A) They deal according to your nature in order to get your appreciation B) You restore only superficial dealings otherwise it becomes a sad ... C) You estimate others with reference to your own behaviour D) You do not develop deep intimacy

Last Answer : C) You estimate others with reference to your own behaviour 

Description : Suppose luckily you get an opportunity to serve the minority institution. The castism and narrow views are the rules of the place. As you are little bit having scientific outlook and you become ... D) You victimisations is increasing you become more and more objective critic of these values

Last Answer : You will uplift the humanistic values beyond these narrow walls and develop them in your students

Description : Suppose you are checking student's answer books, all of a sudden you have finished red refill. You call an student and order him to bring a refill. What would you like to do in such a situation? ... is teachers own money D) You will feel ashamed when you will be paying for such a small amount

Last Answer : A) You will give him required money for the purpose 

Description : You are very busy in your personal work mean while your neighbouring retired person visits you in a relaxed and gossiping mood. In such a time how would you like to behave with that person? Options: A) ... but tell him about the time-limit D) You sit as an idle person and think of his departure

Last Answer : C) You give due honour but tell him about the time-limit 

Description : Suppose your junior colleague expects some financial support from you on the occasion of his marriage. What decision will you take in this situation? Options: A) If marriage is at your place, you ... ) You make lame excuses D) You will be weighing the support in relation to intimacy of relations

Last Answer : A) If marriage is at your place, you will give him full support

Description : When your parents visit your house, you give them more respect than your in-laws. Under these conditions what will be expected by your life? Options: A) She will ask for equal treatment to her parents ... in social status, so have a right of high respect D) She will remain in a neutral position

Last Answer : A) She will ask for equal treatment to her parents because she gives due respect to your parents

Description : When planning to do a social research, it is better to (A) Approach the topic with an open mind (B) Do a pilot study before getting stuck into it (C) Be familiar with literature on the topic (D) Forget about theory because this is a very practical

Last Answer : (A) Approach the topic with an open mind

Description : If the persons living in flats are not contributing for its maintenance charges, what will you decide and take action to solve the discord Options: A) You will convene an urgent meeting of the ... and debar them from co-operation D) You will withdraw your own active support to the committee

Last Answer : A) You will convene an urgent meeting of the members and request them collectively to extend their support

Description : Out of four cities given below three are alike in some manner while the fourth one is different. Identify the odd one (A) Lucknow (B) Rishikesh (C) Allahabad (D) Patna

Last Answer : Answer: A

Description : A teacher can be successful if he/she (A) helps students in becoming better citizens (B) imparts subject knowledge to students (C) prepares students to pass the examination (D) presents the subject matter in a well organized manner

Last Answer : (D) presents the subject matter in a well organized manner

Description : Generally an adolescent is full of anxiety, anger and tension. How would you sublimate his stress and strain? Options: A) Through friendly relations, sharing his private life and giving due emotional ... C) Through rejection and leave him in isolation D) By making a mockery as a philosopher

Last Answer : A) Through friendly relations, sharing his private life and giving due emotional comforts

Description : If somebody is mal-treating the aged persons, what action would you like to take against the individual? Options: A) Threat him face the consequences B) You will request him to stop the ... C) You will maltreat that individual to take revenge D) You will not involve yourself unnecessarily

Last Answer : B) You will request him to stop the mal-treatment 

Description : How would you solve the problem of your child, if he takes extra-interest in late night films on TV? Options: A) By persuading the child that he cannot reach to school early in the morning due ... and discouraging for it D) By going to sleep before schedule in order to force him to early sleep

Last Answer : B) By convincing him that late night films are not useful for young children 

Description : If a teacher requests you to do a favour in a girl student's evaluation, what would you like to do in this situation? Options: A) You will teach him a moral lesson against injustice ... and morality of being a teacher D) You will evaluate the answer-book honestly and give marks accordingly

Last Answer : D) You will evaluate the answer-book honestly and give marks accordingly 

Description : How would you maintain good association with such a colleague who is clear in heart but very aggressive in behaviour? Options: A) You restrict your personal relations B) You maintain relations ... tell him his mistakes politely C) You snap your relations D) You maintain personalized relations

Last Answer : B) You maintain relations but whenever he cools down, tell him his mistakes politely

Description : Suppose your colleague either commits theft or torn out your postage from school due to jealously. How would you overcome this problem? Options: A) You catch the culprit red-handed and abuse him B) You try ... him a lesson C) Once you catch him and warn him severely D) You insult him in public

Last Answer : C) Once you catch him and warn him severely 

Description : Suppose your principal is penalizing you deliberately. You do your best efforts to make him happy. But he deals with you as his enemy. What would you do under this situation? Options: A) You will always abuse ... him C) You will always find faults in him D) You will never bow to his wrong will

Last Answer : D) You will never bow to his wrong will

Description : If a patient gives history of urticaria, itching and swelling of lips following injection of penicillin G, then (a) He will develop similar reaction whenever penicillin is injected ( ... oral phenoxymethyl penicillin safely (d) All natural and semisynthetic penicillins are contraindicated for him

Last Answer : Ans: D

Description : If a patient gives history of urticaria, itching and swelling of lips following injection of penicillin G, then: A. He will develop similar reaction whenever penicillin is injected ... oral phenoxymethyl penicillin safely D. All natural and semisynthetic penicillins are contraindicated for him

Last Answer : D. All natural and semisynthetic penicillins are contraindicated for him

Description : The members of Gram Sabha are (A) Sarpanch, Upsarpanch and all elected Panchas (B) Sarpanch, Upsarpanch and Village level worker (C) Sarpanch, Gram Sevak and elected Panchas (D) Registered voters of Village Panchayat

Last Answer : (D) Registered voters of Village Panchayat 

Description : Research can be conducted by a person who : (A) has studied research methodology (B) holds a postgraduate degree (C) possesses thinking and reasoning ability (D) is a hard worker

Last Answer : (A) has studied research methodology

Description : Co-Worker is leaving soon and how do I ask him about some things regarding the company? Is it a good idea and how should I ask?

Last Answer : Just politely ask

Description : I'm competing against a co-worker in "pizza battles". Can you give me a tomato sauce recipe that will beat him?

Last Answer : answer:I have made something like 50 pizzas in the past few months after discovering the world's best pizza crust recipe (I keep getting requests). In my humble opinion, the best pizza sauce is a simple one ... I like the Pomi better, but this method works really well if you don't have any on hand.

Description : A mentally retarded student attends your lecture and sit in a deaf and dumb manner. What will you do? Options: A) Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him. B) You do not like ... individual. C) You pressurized the student to leave the class. D) You do not support him at all.

Last Answer : A) Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him. 

Description : A student who is mentally retarded, cannot follow your lecture and sit in a deaf and dumb manner, when you recognise him, what will you do? Options: A) Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra ... ) You attempt in such a manner that he leaves your class D) You do not support him at all

Last Answer : A) Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him 

Description : Suppose a teacher has short height. It creates an obstacle in utilizing the black-board in a justifiable manner. Therefore, the students cannot follow the lessons inspite of utmost care taken by ... a complaint with the principal D) Collect donations from his student to reconstruct the black-board

Last Answer : You suggest him to make a temporary platform of bricks with the help of students

Description : Describe a time when you put your needs aside to help a co-worker understand a task. How did you assist them? What was the result?

Last Answer : The key is to show that the mentoring of a co-worker was first a higher priority than the task you had at hand (remember, you want to show that you focus on highest priority tasks first). Then, describe in ... do it on their own. You want to teach them HOW to fish and not to simply fish for them.

Description : What does Enmity mean ?

Last Answer : Enmity means enmity.

Description : What does the phrasal verb ̳keeping up well‘ mean? (a) Getting along well (b) Having a tussle with (c) Showing enmity to others (d) None of these

Last Answer : (a) Getting along well