Is South Sudan a rich or poor country?

1 Answer

Answer :

One of the worlds poorest countries

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Last Answer : The currency of 'Sudan' is called Sudanese Pound

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Last Answer : Khartoum is the capital of Sudan

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Last Answer : answer:Short-term Because the people at the top know it's a pyramid scheme and already have their exit strategy in place once they are done looting everything. Long-term goods and services will ... access them it all comes toppling down. It's destined to fail eventually since resources are finite.

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Last Answer : answer:The difference is that stealing from poor people isn't newsworthy. Seriously. Take the last couple of weeks in my area: Big apartment fire puts 12 families out of house and home. Page whatever ... a servant's entrance - burns down his own kitchen with a BBQ grill, front fucking page news.

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Last Answer : answer:I think the idea is that the rich supposedly earn their money so we let them keep it, not giving it to them, to encourage them to make more. The poor are just getting an outright handout, making them lazy

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Last Answer : answer:It would impossible to NOT have rich and poor. We all have different abilities and talents, and for that matter, different mental abilities. You might be able to narrow the gap between rich and poor, but it could never close.

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Last Answer : answer:Everyone should read their Orwell. Whenever I hear right-wing claims of racism, it's usually an attempt to stop racism. The right is great at co-opting terms that have meaning in one ... warfare is justified by pulling out the class warfare card when people try to stop their actions.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not really following the story but from the article you link to, I don't see how one could interpret this as anyone saying anything about the rich or poor at all. The only thing in ... least, anything in it where anyone has said anything about the rich or the poor. Am I missing something?

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Last Answer : answer:One could make the argument that poor people have far MORE opportunities to succeed. They start so much further down the economic ladder that they can take advantage of all sorts of paths to ... so the number open to them is somewhat smaller. It seems counter-intuitive, but it is logical.

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Last Answer : I think going from very poor to very wealthy. Maybe I’m wrong, but it just seems far less likely, realistically. On the other hand, a fortune seems relatively easy to lose.

Description : What things do you think the rich wonder about the poor and vice versa?

Last Answer : How you would find humor in being poor is beyond me.

Description : With a gambling addiction, is it different for poor people than it is for the rich?

Last Answer : It comes down to disposable income doesn’t it? For the rich it’s an addiction where the money is secondary, wheras with the poor, the prospect of a big win in terms of cash fuels their chase.

Description : Why is it that people tend to respect the rich rather than the poor?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther :) To many people, the rich seem to be an elite group of people. They often get special treatment. Many times, it seems the laws of the land are more lax for the wealthy. ... people ..are other rich people (and young adults). My answer is brief as I need to leave shortly.

Description : Just where is the line between poor and rich?

Last Answer : It’s all in the mind. (IMHO)

Description : Should society really punish the rich or is it just sour grapes of the poor?

Last Answer : IMO Tax wise, I think the rich punished plenty, it is that 50% of the wage earners who pay little or no income tax and many of them actually get money back. That I think is a pretty unfair ... pay little or no taxes are the ones who bitch the loudest about how crummy our government is. Go figure!

Description : Do you believe the poor are that much better than the rich?

Last Answer : answer:I personally think that the feeling of accomplishment and sense of satisfaction I get from a job well done is an endorphin for me. Those who do not work never get to experience that feeling. ... souls who try are ridiculed and bullied for their efforts, not to mention robbed of their reward.

Description : Are your parents rich or poor?

Last Answer : answer:I grew up “poor.” But everyone in the neighborhood thought we were rich. It’s not what you have that proves your “wealth” but how you use what is available. I would of had it no other way. Both my parents, without education and getting a very late start in life are retired and comfortable.