I am 63 yrs old, I am on social security and was working part time, and was fired can I get unemployment. ?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you met the work requirements for filing unemployment, then yes you can file for unemployment while on Social Security.

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Last Answer : Governments should actively assist people in finding work.

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Last Answer : Governments should actively assist people in finding work.

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Last Answer : answer:If I was you, I would ask a friend to pose as a prospective employer and call them to see what they say. Also see this similar question for more information.

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Last Answer : Usually a terribly incompetent mess up (which we all have occasionally) would not be grounds to fire a person, but it really just depends on your boss.

Description : Hello, I was fired from the Labor Office for a breach of mediation work, and only thanks to the fact that my employer filled out a form . so they fired me the day I was in the selection process, I' ... even get a living wage I'll end up under the bridge even though I've been leading an orderly life

Last Answer : If I understand correctly ... UP employees have apparently acted in accordance with the directives on job placement for the unemployed. Appeal in writing to the UP decision as soon as possible and prove it with proof of incompetence for the offered job.