Can I use this garmon gps while walking?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, you can use a Garmen GPS while walking if it is a portable device. Many people use GPS while hiking to keep them on track on the right path. They offer small portable versions just for this.

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Last Answer : Radius = 70m, So circumference = 2 (22/7) 70 =440m Relative speed = 10 +20 = 30m/s They will meet everytime at the starting point when the distance covered by both put together is a multiple of 440 ... =1800/44 =40.9 So they will meet 40 times (we need to ignore the decimal part). Answer : b

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Last Answer : Radius = 70m, So circumference = 2 (22/7) 70 =440m Relative speed = 10 +20 = 30m/s They will meet everytime at the starting point when the distance covered by both put together is a multiple of 440 ... =1800/44 =40.9 So they will meet 40 times (we need to ignore the decimal part). Answer : b

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Last Answer : the iris is unable to dilate the pupil immediately.

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