How To Learn More About Bankruptcy Exemptions?

1 Answer

Answer :

Consumers who are contemplating bankruptcy may be worried thatone of the effects of the bankruptcy order would be to divest themof all of their assets. This is not the case, however, as state andfederal law has specified that certain assets are to be seen asexempt from the bankruptcy process.There are basically two different types of exemptions - and hereexemption means that the assets cannot be taken by the debtor’sbankruptcy trustee and sold to raise money to pay off creditors -and these are complete exemptions and partial exemptions. Completeexemption is where the asset would not form part of the bankruptcyat all - family portraits in Alabama, for instance, are completelyexempt from bankruptcy proceedings - and partial exemption is wherean asset is protected up to a certain value. An ex

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Last Answer : It's not supposed to. They are supposed to be wiped from your report ten years after being settled. So you should be just fine. They won't ask for info about bankruptcy - it's illegal to do so. And ... nothing else, you should get a copy of your report and go over it in detail just to be positive.

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Last Answer : At some point you will need to file a claim against the company (to the bankruptcy trustee, once they are appointed). You'll wait and wait and wait. There's a hierarchy of who gets paid first ( ... they are filing bankruptcy and when it is possible for you to file a claim. read this Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:You file with the local bankruptcy court. With a long list of items and documents. You understand that Chapter 7 means you may have to sell everything repeat EVERYTHING (there are exemptions) to be paid ... in Chapter 7. I'm not a lawyer; I just know someone that went through a bankruptcy.

Description : Without google, do you know one of the main reasons for Bankruptcy in the US?

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Last Answer : Better to pay off. Bankruptcy puts a big mark on you credit report, no one wants to get left holding the bag when you opt out of your debt. Bankruptcy takes the legal obligation away, but does not clear your record.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm sure that Chicago has its problems, aside from the gun violence in the strictest-gun-laws-in-the-nation idiocy (and other things that go along with that kind of blindness to facts), and ... laws who live in Michigan that it was not uncommon in the late 1960s when they lived near there.)

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Description : What will happen to San Bernardino upon filing for bankruptcy?

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Description : Have any of you tried to file bankruptcy on your own without a lawyer?

Last Answer : hello darkness my old friend….

Description : Have you gone through bankruptcy?

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Last Answer : From what I understand, SS checks cannot be touched unless you owe the government. So you may be in the clear.

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Last Answer : answer:The U.S doesn't need to reorganize it's debts. Besides, since it can create money, it can pay its debts. And it can raise revenue if it had the political will to do so. If the U. ... our economy. Without fiat money, people would try to barter with gold, but the value would not be consistent.

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Last Answer : Chances are that they are filing operating bankruptcy (Chapter 11) which means that they are reorganizing their debt structure while under the bankruptcy court’s protection, which is unlikely to mean any changes in staffing. Your dad’s job should be safe for now.

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Last Answer : answer:The whole point of bankruptcy is that your assets cannot repay the debts you have, so complete debt repayment is not required. The major point that many people miss is that bankruptcy offsets ... on their credit reference file will struggle to get any kind of credit in the foreseeable future.

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Last Answer : answer:If you mean to restructure your debt through a chapter 11, than it might be a way to go. However, I suggest you try working with the creditors yourself, perhaps with an advocate from the bank ... he was evicted from his apartment, all while he was on an aircraft carrier in the Middle East.

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Last Answer : answer:Hi @Collegestudent19, welcome to Fluther! Lying to the court is not merely “considered” illegal. And Federal courts handle bankruptcy, not state courts. If the ethics don’t deter enough, keep in mind that Federal prosecutors have a lot more resources than state and local authorities.

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Last Answer : BP will do as they please and there's nothing anyone can do about it, they are one of the biggest most important corporations to the industrial world, they aren't going bankrupt, feigning bankruptcy or ... in India, and set the proper tone for compensation, then you can expect BP to follow suit.

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Last Answer : Welcome to fluther friend, and sorry you are going through this. I would definitely go with referrals myself, so maybe check out non-profit agencies in your area that help people deal with debt ... to look into women's help organizations-they tend to offer good referrals for reputable law firms.

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Last Answer : removed by self-moderation

Description : Can people claim bankruptcy to get out of paying student loans back?

Last Answer : The short answer is maybe. It will depend on what kind of bankruptcy you claim. New bankruptcy laws make it harder to get rid of the principle loan but will forgive the interest, late payments, and so on. Chapter 7 or 13 or 11? It can get very confusing.

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Last Answer : GM is already out of bankruptcy.

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Last Answer : psst, it’s lose!

Description : Whats your opinion of bankruptcy?

Last Answer : She should work with a group like this:

Description : I'm a former GM employee. If GM files bankruptcy, will I lose my pension?

Last Answer : That’s what happened to the airlines. Pension’s were lost or went to pennies on the dollar. Sorry and good luck. It may get bad.

Description : I have always prided myself for having perfect credit, but the recent downturn in the economy and unexpected medical expenses have no changed that. I don't want to file bankruptcy, but am way behind on payments. What are my options?

Last Answer : For medical bills, you can make small payments to the hospital every month and as long as you’re paying off the loan, they can’t write it off as un upaid bill. So pay them $15 a month and use the extra $ to pay off your credit cards.

Description : Why did Chrysler file for bankruptcy in New York?

Last Answer : They own more politicians in New York

Description : Is it a problem to appoint someone who is filing for bankruptcy as a trustee to your investment account?

Last Answer : yea, I think so

Description : Why shouldnt I file for bankruptcy?

Last Answer : Although you say you can start rebuilding your credit, this really isn't the case. Although your credit score may increase, bankruptcy on a credit history is almost a sure fire way to ensure that ... really have no other way out, and be sure to have a long conversation with your financial advisor.

Description : Website that lists businesses and chains that have recently filed for bankruptcy or close to doing so?

Last Answer : No, because the filings are local not national.

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Last Answer : I strongly suggest you buy a bridge instead.

Description : What causes bank bankruptcy ?

Last Answer : Bank failure is due to lack of financial solvency.

Description : What is bankruptcy ?

Last Answer : If a person fails to meet the full claim of the creditor, i.e. if the amount of his debt exceeds the value of all his assets, then he can be declared bankrupt by law or court. The first bankruptcy law was enacted in 1920. At present the Bankruptcy Act of 1997 is in force.

Description : Can I declare personal bankruptcy if I don't have a job?

Last Answer : Hello. You don't have to. It is your duty in debt relief (repayment schedule) to have an income or to seek it. In practice, this most often means that after losing a source of income (typically a ... obligation to pay the remaining part of the debts. Have a nice day JUDr. David Vozák,

Description : Is it their duty?

Last Answer : Yes it is.

Description : How much does I have to have a minimum income to declare personal bankruptcy? Or does it matter how much I take?

Last Answer : It doesn't matter, it depends on the amount of debt, the seizable amount and so on, It is necessary to repay at least 30% of the debt in 5 years (but in practice it is at least 50% in 5 years)

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Description : how does bankruptcy affect child support?

Last Answer : Normally it doesn't. Usually child support is still owed, even the obligor is in bankruptcy. However, as always, check your state laws.