When is it appropriate to send a yellow rose?

1 Answer

Answer :

When you care about some one, but you don't love them.

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Last Answer : It depends on how well I know them and like them. If I barely know them, I’d send $35. If I know them and like them, anywhere from $50 to $100. That’s just me, and that’s based on what I can afford. If you can’t afford that, you have to work within your budget.

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Description : A climbing rose bush that was healthy this Spring suddenly has leaves turning yellow & wilting

Last Answer : Check the soil Ph level, rose requires at least a Ph of 5, also mix 2 tsp. of baking powder (not soda) into 1 qt. warm water, and pour the mixture around the base of your rose plants, it may ... the plant to respond. If there are no change after 4 days repeat and wait again. You should do fine.

Description : I brought in my mini rose Bush and the leaves have all turned yellow and are falling off. how can I save it

Last Answer : 1). how big is the pot where the mini-rose bush is growing in, you may need to change pots, 2). is it warm where you have it? if its too cold for the plant or too hot the plant will ... will yellow and fall off, too little water and the leaves will yellow, turn brown and then fall off. -Birdy

Description : my rose leaves are turning yellow need water or too much

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why are there yellow leaves with holes on my rose bushes?

Last Answer : I would take off the yellow leaves and trash them and spray on & under the rose bush with Bayer rose spray after the sun went down and the plant cools off. Could be beetles or ants.

Description : why are my rose leaves turning yellow?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Leaves on Knock Out Rose bush have turned yellow. 2 days later looks dead. What do I do?

Last Answer : Best time to transplant is fall after leaves dropped off. Sounds like they went into shock. Try sugar water and trim them back a little. Put the strength back to the root.

Description : what causes yellow leaves on rose bushes

Last Answer : It appears that your soil is short of iron Just place a rusty nail 3 feet away from the roots, 6 inches deep in the soil and keep the soil moist

Description : leaves on rose in pot turnign yellow

Last Answer : Two things here, First you need a bigger pot, and Second, the reason for the yellowing leaves is it's getting too much water. -Birdy

Description : why are the leaves on my mini rose turning yellow

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : yellow leaves on rose tree, what to do

Last Answer : Now that could be a number of things, please reask the question and add some more details to your question, so that I can more fully explain the answer. -Birdy

Description : why do the leaves on rose bushes turn yellow?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : rose leaves turning yellow fallin off bush

Last Answer : How much water have you given the rose bushes? If you over water the bushes the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, and the plant will drown. -Birdy

Description : What should you do if the leaves on a rose bush start turning yellow?

Last Answer : Try adding used coffee grounds or bananna peels to the soil arounf the trunks of the rose bushes, mix the used coffee grounds into the soil, then apply a slight misting to the rest of the bush. -Birdy

Description : rose leaves brown and yellow

Last Answer : try a soapy spray..............after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp liquid soap W 1 qt water and spray.....use a flat stick to get under and leaves..........spray again after a rain.

Description : why do rose bush leaves turn yellow

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : rose leaves turning yellow, dying and falling off. Why what can I do?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what makes my rose leaves yellow?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why are my rose leaves turning yellow?

Last Answer : my rose bush has yellow leaves and is not blooming. It is in a half wine barrel and is climbing on a treallis.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What causes rose leaves to yellow?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I would like to know what causes leaves to turn yellow on rose bushes ?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : do leaves turn yellow on rose of sharon if not enough water>

Last Answer : This may be late in coming, just saw it, but Rose of sharon are a vary low water use plant once established. It could be overwatering. How muck do you water and for how long? What type of soil do ... slightly down an inch, then water it deeply then, and let dry out again. May be an Iron problem.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why are the leaves on my rose bushes turning yellow

Last Answer : could be too much rain only fertilize once a year.

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Last Answer : There are a few possible causes for rose leaves turning yellow. This can happen to leaves on the bottom of the plant if the upper leaves are shading the lower leaves from the light. Stress to the plant is ... into the soil as you can. If it feels moist to the touch there is no need to water.

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Last Answer : The leaves on my Rose of Sharon bush are turning white on the back side, what is causing this?

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What is the meaning of a yellow rose?

Last Answer : A yellow rose essentially means happiness , brightness .. so if your happy a yellow rose will show off your mood!! http://www.proflowers.com/flowerguide/rosemeanings/yellowrose-meanings.aspx

Description : Yellow coloured rose species is

Last Answer : Ans. R. foitida

Description : In sunlight, a rose appears red. In green light, the same rose appears – (1) red (2) black (3) green (4) yellow

Last Answer : (2) black Explanation: Any object which allows light to pass through it is known as a transparent object. The colour of any transparent object is the colour of the light transmitted by it. A red rose ... green light, it looks black because the red colour of the rose is absorbed by the green light.

Description : In sunlight a rose appears red. In green light, the same rose appears (1) red (2) black (3) green (4) yellow

Last Answer : black