How many christians in Mali?

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Last Answer : I think the French are insane and fail to learn from their own history and ours. Groups like this thrive in the presence of a foreign power to unite the populace behind them. Every drone strike creates orphans ready to take up arms. This will end badly for them.

Description : What is the currency of 'Mali' ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The currency of 'Mali' is called CFA Franc BCEAO †

Description : What is the capital of Mali -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Bamako is the capital of MALI.

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Last Answer : Bamako, the capital of Mali

Last Answer : The name of the capital of Mali is "Bamako".

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Last Answer : They controlled the trade of salt, gold, and ivory across theSahara.

Description : How did Mansa Musa's journey change people's perception of Mali?

Last Answer : He promoted education and gave mali a good reputation;when on his pilgrimage, sold 300 camels with gold given to egypt, promote advances of Mali.

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Last Answer : Sumanguru

Description : What actions did Mansa musa take to make Mali more powerful and wealthy?

Last Answer : As a devout Muslim, he took a particular interest in Timbuktu, already a center of religion and learning prior to its annexation. Upon returning from his pilgrimage, he had the great Djinguereber Mosque ... , libraries and mosques that stand as a testament to this golden age of Mali's history.

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Last Answer : I would rather live in a highly centralized and powerfulstate.

Description : Would you rather live in a highly centralized and powerful state such as Great Zimbabwe or the Kingdom of Mali or would you rather live in a more locally governed region such as the Congo Forest or th?

Last Answer : I would rather live in a highly centralized and powerfulstate.

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Last Answer : What religion did the traders bring to the people of Ghana andMali

Description : Who ruled mali and was known as the lion prince?

Last Answer : Sundiata Keita (circa 1217-1215)

Description : Is tourism important in Mali if so why?

Last Answer : Mali has an underdeveloped tourism industry. Since the problemsin northern Mali in 2011, tourism has dropped from 200,000 to10,000 in 2012. The British government has banned all but essentialtravel to Mali. The US State Department lists it as a Level 4 Donot travel do to crime and terrorism.

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Last Answer : western and northern

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Last Answer : (2) Bamako Explanation: Bamako is the capital and largest city of Mali. In 2006, it was estimated to be the fastest growing city in Africa and sixth-fastest in the world. It is the seventh-largest ... center after Lagos, Abidjan, Kano, Ibadan, Dakar, and Accra. It is located on the Niger River.

Description : Which cities is the capital of desert country Mali

Last Answer : Bamako

Description : Which one of the following African countries is not land-locked? a. Benin b. Chad c. Lesotho d. Mali

Last Answer : a. Benin

Description : Which of the following cities is the capital of the desert country Mali ? (1) Damascus (2) Bamako (3) Adra (4) Ankara

Last Answer : Bamako

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Last Answer : If you saw it on Fox, it’s probably not true.

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Last Answer : Because it’s commemorative and it is a celebration of the birth of Christ. Who cares if it’s not the actual date? No one knows the date, so does that mean we just shouldn’t celebrate it at all?

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Last Answer : The link did not work on my iPhone. What is the passage? I will look it up. While the Christmas tree is a long time custom which on it's surface is harmless as practiced by most ... healthy, beautiful trees. Not good for the environment either. Never met anyone who worshiped their tree though.

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Last Answer : Christians believe that Christ fulfilled the law of Moses. So, while Christ himself never ate ham people celebrating Christmas and Easter often do… I’m sure there are still non-Jewish people who follow the guideline, hell when I eat hot dogs I do too, but it isn’t for religious reasons.

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Last Answer : answer:S of S 7:6-9 How beautiful you are and how pleasing, O love, with your delights! Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clusters of fruit. I said, I ... in the intervening centuries, we decided that breasts are a sexual organ and not to be mentioned in polite company.