What is a size 21 in toddler shoes?

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Description : What toddler size 22 shoes is it in the us size?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is the difference between toddler beds and standard twin size models?

Last Answer : There are a couple of differences between toddler beds and twin beds. First, a twin bed is longer than a toddler bed. Usually, a toddler bed is lower to the ground than a twin bed as well, since it ... type of enclosure, to insure the child does not roll off the bed. A standard twin bed does not.

Description : Is a toddler bed the same size as a crib mattress, and does the bedding for either one work for the other?

Last Answer : Yes. A toddler bed mattress is the same size as a standard crib mattress. Many cribs are convertible and can be transformed into a toddler bed using the same mattress.

Description : Are toddler bed comforters and sheets the same size as crib bedding ?

Last Answer : Toddler bedding is a bit bigger and thicker in weight

Description : Does a toddler sized bed take the same size bedding as a crib mattress does?

Last Answer : No, depending on the bed yo have bought, it may need up to a twin size mattress, many cribs do however convert into a toddler bed.

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Last Answer : I would not bring small child into a restaurant.

Description : How can I make a toddler tell the truth?

Last Answer : Toddlers don’t have any concept of reality. Full reality does happen with humans until they’re 7 or 8 years old. So him or her does know what is real or possibly how the milk got on the rug.

Description : Parents, or anyone, have you ever dropped a baby or toddler?

Last Answer : I haven’t.

Description : Have you ever been on a flight that had a baby or a toddler among the passengers?

Last Answer : I have been on lots of flights with small children on board, and also took both my kids places at young ages. I am not very tolerant of those who get annoyed at kids. I know that the parents are most likely doing their best, a screaming child is hard or harder on the parents than anyone else.

Description : What was the most trouble you ever had, or someone you know had, potty training a toddler?

Last Answer : answer:My son was slow to get potty trained. He was about 90% there when he was 3½, but then lost all control of his bowels when he got salmonella poisoning and ended up in the hospital for five ... blow up a balloon is almost identical to squeezing out a poop. Two times, and the problem was solved.

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Last Answer : I don’t know for sure, but I suspect a fallacy in the poster’s idea that butter isn’t healthy for a toddler who could use more fat.

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Last Answer : answer:We were so lucky that was not a problem with our kids From day 1 our rule was, When it is time to go, it is time to go. Period. We NEVER said OK 5 more minutes. When at Grandma's ... around me in the barn and never said a word about it and neither did I. . We never had to negotiate..

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Last Answer : answer:The smell of vomit is often gastric juices (bile, gall) so it makes sense for that to be in the smell of the liquid part of his diarrhea. Normally that all gets into the toilet water, but in a diaper it doesn’t get diluted.

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Last Answer : I first read this question as “What are your top two most fun things to do as a toddler? and I thought, “Wheeeeee!”!

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Last Answer : The article doesn’t say what was found on investigation that caused them to remove the kids, so how could anyone comment on whether it was right?

Description : Does this mean my toddler is lactose intolerant?

Last Answer : answer:You can try lactose free dairy milk and that would probably let you know pretty quickly if there would be a change without the lactose. There are usually several kinds right next to the ... a pretty simple check to rule that out though and then ask your pediatrician at your first visit.

Description : Why would a very minor hearing loss cause so much trouble for a toddler?

Last Answer : Edited to add. I just talked to the mom. They weren’t hearing aids, they were ear tubes to keep fluid out of his ear.

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Last Answer : answer:I had a quadriplegic friend in a wheelchair I used to push around. He would start conversations in bars with ladies and say really dirty things, because you can't stay mad at a quadriplegic ... pain meds. Saw way more strange boobs strolling him around than pushing my twins around the mall.

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Last Answer : Sure, if I knew/worked with the gorilla.

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Last Answer : Yes, this

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Last Answer : answer:He probably would have cried if he had actually seen RDJ in full IronMan getup, too. He's just a baby. Seeing something on TV and then seeing it in real life is a huge disconnect, and terribly confusing. ... Mom! Who is this guy? Why are you giving me to him! Are you going away forever?!?!

Description : What kind of a human being would scream at a small child, a toddler, telling the baby to "SHUT THE F**** UP!!!!"?

Last Answer : answer:Someone who was probably treated this way by his own parents or someone who has not been taught good parenting skills or possibly someone who has problems with controlling himself and who may have anger issues ... who doesn't have a lot (or any) empathy for others. All or some of the above.

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Last Answer : answer:I couldn’t figure it out either. Everybody seems to find this kid extremely cute. Is that indeed the case? I don’t…

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Last Answer : Elementary school age, I would think.

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Last Answer : answer:Tell your mom that it's not worth the risk, and the dog must be crated 100% of the time if the toddler is there. Otherwise, she'll have to come to your place to visit (sans dog). Resource ... would likely result in the euthanasia of the dog, so she's protecting her pet as well as the child).

Description : How to stop my toddler from head-banging in her crib?

Last Answer : I would pad the crib parts she’s banging on. I more worried about her hurting herself. I’ve never seen this before. Edit, Is she related to Angus Young?

Description : How did you transition from bed to crib with your toddler?

Last Answer : answer:Once my kids could climb, it became dangerous for them to be in a crib. (They can fall climbing over). So it is time now to start putting her to sleep in a bed. Does she have a lovie or ... bed so they could sleep on the floor, but once they are in your bed they will do it every night.

Description : Isn't legislation against high calorie foods sort of like when parents '"toddler proof" the house?

Last Answer : Interesting analogy, but I don’t think it really applies. A toddler doesn’t really know what is and isn’t harmful. I don’t know why people can’t understand the relationship between fat and health problems.

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Last Answer : No.

Description : How often should I intervene when my toddler daughter is on the playground?

Last Answer : answer:17 months is a little young to just turn her loose. At that age I was taking my kids down the slide on my lap, and pushing them in the swings and helping them learn to grab ... their kids run, but suddenly they're feeling stressed and responsible for this baby out there on the playground.

Description : Do you have any creative but VERY SIMPLE toddler friendly recipes?

Last Answer : Mashed potatoes and meat gravy (with ground beef or ground turkey).

Description : Toddler crying at night?

Last Answer : I usually put my toddlers down with a drink before bed but if the child is potty training its not a good idea because it will mean either an accident in bed or up in the middle of the ... also has wonderful other tips for other things that may come up with toddlers http://www.hulu.com/supernanny

Description : Help - toddler in the house! Chocolate stain off a white cotton couch?

Last Answer : oxy clean laundry stain remover works great, but chocolate is usually greasy, so when my kids get chocolate milk on their clothes, I use a drop of dawn (dishwashing liquid) and water. Good luck, hope you get it out!

Description : How do I handle toddler tantrums?

Last Answer : Sounds like she needs more positive attention, like games and communication activities. If she cannot express her feelings through words, screaming and pitching fits is her way of communicating.

Description : Would it be easier learning a 2nd language when you're a baby/toddler or in highschool?

Last Answer : It is much easier to learn languages before you are about 12.

Description : What would you do if you saw a woman grab her kid/infant/toddler and shake them vigorously in public?

Last Answer : I feel sick about it but never butt into a situation between a parent and his/her child.

Description : Parents and caretakers: How do you tell the difference between a toddler that's exhibiting typical terrible twos' behavior vs. a toddler that's on the way to becoming a brat?

Last Answer : I think it's a matter of how often and when it occurs. I would think that the terrible twos would be more random and not as constant as a child that is developing self-centered behavior. That's just my ... was 5 for the acting out, so I said we had the frightful fives instead of the terrible twos).

Description : How to discipline a toddler?

Last Answer : Put him in the ‘naughty corner’. Make sure that what you say you really do mean. He has to understand you are not joking when you tell him to do something. Make him apologise for disrespecting you. When he apologises tell him you love him, but he must do as you tell him.

Description : Creative Ideas for getting my toddler to eat vegetables?

Last Answer : Here is the airplane and here is the hangar doesn’t work?

Description : Do you know of any instances where a toddler did not give up drinking from a baby bottle and as a result needed orthodontia?

Last Answer : I don't think you can prove it, unless it is something they need immediately. Most children don't get braces until their adult teeth come in. And that usually has most to do with genetics more ... let their kids eat tons of junk, but some kids are more susceptible to bacteria that gives cavities.

Description : What is the most embarrassing thing your child ever said as a toddler?

Last Answer : My son and I were at the grocery store. We walked by this guy and my son jabs his finger into the guy’s crotch and said “mommy, does he have a penis?” I just about died!

Description : Parents and Caretakers: What methods do you use to get your toddler to sit and eat?

Last Answer : High chair, or a booster seat with a strap that she can’t undo but will keep her in the seat.

Description : What kind of pillow & blanket, if any, should my toddler be sleeping with?

Last Answer : Generally speaking, from my research, I understand there should be nothing in the crib with an infant..so with both of my children I didn't put anything in the crib when my oldest turned 3, I ... a curled up blanket ball that he manages to make by rolling around a lot right before falling asleep

Description : At what age should a toddler answer questions like "what did you do today?" (i.e., non-canned questions)?

Last Answer : My 12-year-olds answer that question by saying “nothing”.

Description : Pacifier or NO Pacifier for infant/toddler?

Last Answer : My son used a pacifier and came off the pacifier easily, I think it was around 7 months the bottle is another story I personally see nothing wrong with pacifiers. It’s very soothing for infants, because of the instinct.

Description : Where can I buy baby/toddler clothing that isn't so gendered and stereotypical?

Last Answer : There’s a shop near where I live that sells a onesy that says “lil democrat” which is pretty gender neutral but obviously not politically neutral.

Description : When can you determine the gender of a clothed baby or toddler - What age specifically?

Last Answer : I can usually tell, but it's true that in some cases it's the clothes (and also the haircut) that helps. My daughter looked like a boy when I cut her hair (and she always wears trousers ... . But I think that I could probably guess pretty accurately, even with neutral clothes if they're around 6m.

Description : My 2 years old toddler is just off the bottle, and milk as well?

Last Answer : As far as I know, a dairy serving is a dairy serving. All counts. Just watch for sugar/fat contents.

Description : Do you have some ideas on how to calm a crying toddler on an air flight?

Last Answer : I think it depends on babies. Some babies just don’t cry that much, for the others, no way.

Description : My 2 year old toddler has been vomiting only at night?

Last Answer : Ummm. If you think we can diagnose your child better than a doctor that has seen your child in person you are mistaken. Keep pressure on your doctor. Maybe shilolo can help. But don’t trust what what people here say. Google doesn’t make someone a doctor.